Breed Dog facts
While investigating facts about Breed Dog Names and Breed Dog Quiz, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Greyhounds are universal blood donors, and with few exceptions, blood from any greyhound can be given to any other breed of dog.
dog breeds?
There was once a type of dog called the Turnspit dog which would run in a wheel to turn meat so it would cook evenly. The breed went extinct when machines were invented to turn the meat instead.
What breed dog is best for me?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what breed dog should i get quiz. Here are 50 of the best facts about Breed Dog Small and Breed Dog Test I managed to collect.
what breed dog should i get?
Basenji dogs are contenders for the title of oldest dog breed. From Africa, Basenjis are depicted in ancient Egyptian artifacts. Basenjis are “barkless,” fastidious and will groom themselves like cats.
Queen Elizabeth stopped breeding corgis in 2015. She doesn’t want to leave any young dogs behind when she dies.
The "Awww but he's so cute" has led to a breed of dogs (pugs/bulldogs) suffering from "... breathing problems, eye prolapses, overheating, dental crowding and skin-fold dermatitis", vets say.
In 19th century Germany there was a man who was both the local tax collector and caretaker of the dog pound. Since tax collecting was a dangerous job, he used the pound to make a new breed a dog that would protect him while collecting. His name, Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann.
Deep in the Amazon rainforest there exists a rare breed of dog that has two noses. When Col. Percy Fawcett described it after returning from a 1913 expedition to the area, he was teased and ridiculed by his peers.
Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton invented the dog whistle, meteorology, forensic fingerprinting and mathematical correlation. He also suggested that principles of animal breeding could be applied to humans, coined the word 'eugenics', and came up with the 'nature vs nurture' idea.
A study published in the journal of Applied Animal Behavior Science, found that the most aggressive dog breeds are Dachshunds (wiener dogs), Chihuahuas, and Jack Russell Terriers; not the Pitbull, Rottweiler or Doberman.
The Shiba Inu dog breed nearly went extinct during World War 2 due to food shortages and disease.
The dog breed Komondors use Dreadlocks to protect against Wolf bites
The dog breed, Leonberger were used a lot in both World Wars in and around Germany. So many of the dogs were abandoned or killed in action due to invasions that every currently living Leonberger can be traced back to only 8 that remained from WWII.
Breed Dog data charts
For your convenience take a look at Breed Dog figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't dogs and cats breed?
You can easily fact check why are mixed breed dogs healthier by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the 90's when Microsoft was unimpressed with a programmer's performance, they would threaten to reassign them to work on "Microsoft Dogs" an interactive CD-ROM to inform dog owners of the proper care and feeding for 500 different breeds of dogs.
A breed of dog called the Komondor was bred to guard sheep because its dreadlocks are too thick for wolves' to bite through, and because it looks like a sheep. - source
The Cordoba Fighting dog, a breed so aggressive it preferred to fight rather than mate, leading to its extinction - source
The Shiba Inu breed of dogs almost went extinct during World War II
There's a domestic cat breed called the Pixie-bob that looks like a miniature Bobcat, and has a personality/behavior that's often described as being dog-like. - source
What breed dog should i get?
Many dog breeds are expected to go extinct within 50 years due to inbreeding.
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A Soviet scientist named Dmitriy Belyayev has successfully domesticated foxes by selective breeding, and the foxed became more and more dog-like with each following generation.
The Carolina Dog is a breed that was discovered living wild in the Southeast in the 1970's, and after extensive DNA testing they are believed to be the descendant of the first animals to accompany humans across the Bering land bridge to North America thousands of years ago.
Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, savoy, kohlrabi and kai-lan are all the same species of plant. They can all mix with each much like dog breeds with radically different traits and appearances.
Some cat breeds (called "puppy cats") are bred specifically to exhibit dog-like behavior.
Puppy mills breed over 2 million puppies each year, and an estimated 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters every year.
Breed dog infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Breed Dog numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.