Breaking Bad facts
While investigating facts about Breaking Bad Cast and Breaking Bad Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After marathoning Breaking Bad, Anthony Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a fan letter, saying (among other things) "Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever."
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In the Breaking Bad episode “Ozymandias”, the show's producers secured special permission from the Hollywood guilds to delay the credits (which would normally appear after the main title sequence) until 19 minutes into the episode, in order to preserve the impact of the beginning scene.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what breaking bad season is the best. Here are 50 of the best facts about Breaking Bad Season 5 and Breaking Bad Season 6 I managed to collect.
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After marathoning Breaking Bad, Anthony Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a fan letter, saying (among other things) "Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever."
Anthony Hopkins wrote a fan letter to Bryan Cranston after finishing Breaking Bad, praising his performance as the best acting he’s ever seen.
AMC gave the writers of 'Breaking Bad' permission to use only one 'fuck' each season, which led to giant discussions when to use the one 'fuck'. Because the pilot episode was independent, they used a bunch of 'fucks' there.
Shavarsh Karapetyan, a 17x world champion, 10x world record breaking finswimmer who heard a bus crash into a river, saved 20 drowning people, unconscious for 45 days, got sepsis, retired from sport, and later badly burnt himself saving people from a burning building.
George R. R. Martin, writer of ASOIAF (Game of Thrones) refered to Breaking Bad as ''Amazing'' and noted that "Walter White is a bigger monster than anyone in Westeros", then said it has influenced him to make an even worse character in future books to "fix this".
HBO, Showtime and FX all turned down Breaking Bad.
Jesse Pinkman was originally meant to die during season 1 of Breaking Bad, but after seeing the chemistry between Paul and lead actor Bryan Cranston, series creator Vince Gilligan changed his mind and made him a main character in the series.
When filming Breaking Bad, Cranston got the pizza on the roof in the first take.
The GPS coordinates that lead to Walt's buried money in BREAKING BAD *actually, in real life* lead to ABQ studios in Albuquerque NM where BREAKING BAD was filmed. They wanted to be sure the coordinates didn't lead to somewhere people might go think there could be buried treasure.
The ABC TV show Turn-On, which debuted February 1969. The first episode was so bad, one affiliate refused to return to it after the commercial break. Several west coast affiliates refused to air the show at all. Before the first episode had finished playing, the show was cancelled.
Breaking Bad data charts
For your convenience take a look at Breaking Bad figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why breaking bad is overrated by examining the linked well-known sources.
When Breaking Bad used "trip to Belize" as a euphemism for murder, the Belize Tourism Board wrote a letter offering the whole cast an actual trip to Belize
When attending Comic Con 2013, Bryan Cranston disguised himself by wearing a mask of Walter White over his own face. People told him he sounded like Bryan Cranston, but didn’t realise it was him. The charade only ended when he removed the mask at the Breaking Bad panel. - source
There is a Breaking Bad alternate ending of the series finale on the last season DVD. It involves Bryan Cranston playing the role of his Malcolm in the Middle character Hal waking up from a nightmare which happens to be the events of Breaking Bad. - source
Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston was actually taught how to cook crystal meth in preparation for his role on the show
Walt Jr. never encountered Jessie in all 62 episodes of Breaking Bad. - source
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Bob Odenkirk (Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul) was originally cast to play Michael Scott in The Office because Steve Carell was unavailable at the time. Carell later became available and was cast over Odenkirk.
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The GPS cordinates that lead to Walts burried money in BREAKING BAD *actually, in real life* lead to ABQ studios in Albuquerque NM where BREAKING BAD was filmed. They wanted to be sure the cordinates didn't lead to somewhere people might go think there could be burried treasure.
Peter Berg & "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan wrote a script titled "Tonight he Comes" about a superhero who could not make love because his ejaculate would kill a woman. Vince Gilligan left to create "Breaking Bad", and Berg took over the original script, which eventually became "Hancock."
Fans of "Breaking Bad" have been attempting to re-enact a scene where Walter White flings a pizza onto the roof of his house. The real-life owner of the house does not appreciate their efforts.
When "Breaking Bad" was proposed to TV networks, 2 TNT executives loved the story pitch about a middle-aged teacher diagnosed with cancer and turning to a life of crime, but feared getting fired from their jobs over the meth storyline and wanted to change Walter White into a counterfeiter.
Breaking bad infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Breaking Bad numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.