Beauty Pageants facts
While investigating facts about Beauty Pageants Near Me and Beauty Pageants Near Me 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Child beauty pageants are illegal in France to prevent the hyper-sexualization of young children. Punishment can be up to two years in prison.
how beauty pageants are harmful?
Before the Miss USA beauty pageant, there existed a "Mrs America" which chose an annual best wife, based on cooking, sewing, ironing skills, as well as personality and looks
Questions asked in beauty pageant?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what beauty pageants are about. Here are 30 of the best facts about Beauty Pageants 2019 and Beauty Pageants Near Me 2020 I managed to collect.
what questions do they ask at beauty pageants?
Beauty pageants for children under 16 are banned in France. It is punishable with up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to $30,000 euros
At the annual Vagina Beauty Pageant in Oregon, contestants are judged on three categoies: Stage Talent (20%), Attractiveness (20%), and Vagina Beauty (60%)
Angola holds a Miss Landmine beauty pageant to raise awareness of live landmines still in the country, by only allowing landmine survivors to enter the pageant
Senator Strom Thurmond got married at the ages of 44 and 66. Both times were to a 22 year old winner of the Miss South Carolina beauty pageant.
The Miss Navajo Beauty Pageant requires contestants to butcher a sheep and speak navajo
NASA had Miss NASA beauty pageants from 1968 to 1973.
The Miss Teenage America Pageant was a United States beauty pageant started in 1961 as a pageant for high school girls. Dr. Pepper sold the pageant rights to Teen Magazine in 1981, who completely transformed the event into a mail-in contest which evaluated grades and volunteer work
São Paulo Brazil's largest women's prison holds a beauty pageant.
The First Lady of Brazil is a former beauty pageant contestant who's 43 years younger than her husband.
The only beauty pageant in Saudi Arabia 'Miss Beautiful Morals'. Female judges follow contestants for 10 weeks, observing their 'devotion to their parents, personalities and inner strengths' before crowning a winner.
Beauty Pageants data charts
For your convenience take a look at Beauty Pageants figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why beauty pageants should be banned?
You can easily fact check why beauty pageants are good by examining the linked well-known sources.
The inmates in Brazil's Talavera Bruce prison have an annual beauty pageant for the Miss Talavera Bruce crown, inmates are judged on beauty and ability to express sympathy
Walt Disney Held And Personally Judged A Beauty Pageant Of His Female Artists - source
There was a beauty pageant in the 1950s called "Miss Atomic Bomb" - source
Omar Bongo, late dictator of Gabon, invented a beauty pageant to lure Miss Peru to his palace.
Before acting, Halle Berry used to be a beauty pageant model. She came in 2nd place in Miss USA and finished 6th in Miss World in 1986. - source
When did beauty pageants start?
When Nikki Haley was 5 yrs old, she entered a local kid's beauty pageant. She was disqualified because they only had Miss Black and Miss White categories
How beauty pageants affect self esteem?
Chickens are surgically enhanced to look 'better' for beauty pageant competitions hosted in Malaysia. Contest winners fetch up to $10,000.
Anderson Cooper, while reporting on the Rwanda genocide, stopped to take a picture of 5 bodies rotting in the sun for his personal album. That's when he realized he needed to report on beauty pageants or something just to get some perspective.
Women's prisons in Venezuela have beauty pageants where the inmates are the participants. The winner of these pageants also gets a chance to be released early.
There is a monthlong festival in Saudi Arabia involving up to 30,000 camels which attracts at least 300,000 visitors. Camels also compete in races, with total prize money for the festival of $57 million; of that, $31.8 million is set aside for a beauty pageant.
Despite economic crisis, Venezuela's beauty pageants remain popular. The country has won a record seven Miss Universe and six Miss World titles