Tour De facts
While investigating facts about Tour De France and Tour De France 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Daniele Nardello is technically the winner of both the 1999 and 2000 Tour de France's, as everyone who placed above him (including Lance Armstrong who got 1st in both years) has tested positive for using drugs. He originally placed 7th in 1999 and 10th in 2000.
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Gino Bartali, a cyclist who used his fame as a winner of the Tour de France to smuggle counterfeit documents hidden inside his bicycle through Nazi checkpoints in WWII Italy under the guise of training. These documents allowed as many as 800 Jews to escape persecution by the Nazis.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the route for tour de yorkshire. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tour De France Standings and Tour De Yorkshire I managed to collect.
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If officials awarded Lance Armstrong's 2005 Tour De France title to the next fastest cyclist who has never been caught doping, they'd have to give it to the 23rd place finisher.
The 1913 Tour de France rules forbade outside assistance when riders’ bicycles broke.At one point,the race leader’s front fork broke and he trekked 10km to a forge where he repaired it himself,as he happened to also be a skilled mechanic.He was penalized 10 min because a child worked the bellows
The winner of Tour de France has been positive for doping 40 times in the past 53 years.
In the 1913 Tour de France, Eugène Christophe's front fork on his bike broke. He carried it 10 km to the nearest blacksmith, where he used the forge to weld it back together. He was penalized 3 minutes because he had a local kid pump the bellows for him.
Doping Cyclists in the early 90s at the Tour De France used so much EPOs that they had to exercise throughout the night to Prevent Heart Attacks in their sleep
If the 2005 Tour De France championship had to be given to the fastest finisher not accused of doping, it would have to go to the guy who came in 23rd, Swiss Leonardo Piepoli.
5-time Tour de France winner, Miguel Indurain, had a resting heart rate of just 28 BPM. The average person rests at about 60 BPM.
If Lance Armstrong's 2005 Tour De France title was given to the next fastest finisher who hasn't been found to dope, they'd have to give it to the 23rd place finisher
Tour de Donut, a 30 mile bike race in Illinois where riders take 5 minutes off their time for each donut they eat along the way.
Every top 3 finisher in the Tour de France from 1998-2006 has been accused, admitted to, or tested positive for PED's in their career
Tour De data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tour De figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Roger Walkowiak, a cyclist who was an unknown outsider one of the worst team, won the Tour De France in 1956. However, this was incredibly unpopular and the french media slated his victory.
Over the course of the Tour de France a rider will generate enough sweat to flush a toilet 39 times. - source
De Lafayette "hero of two world's" was invited by Pres. Monroe to go on a 3 month tour visiting every state in the US in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the US, he was met by cheering crowds everywhere, and brought Thomas Jefferson to tears at their reunion. - source
A red lantern is hung from the caboose of a train, so dispatchers can see in the dark if the last car of the train is still there as it goes by. In honor of this, last place finishers in the Tour de France are given a red lantern, in honor of their failure
In an interview with Lance Armstrong, a celebrated Tour de France winner, he admitted to Oprah about using drugs to enhance his performance. He had been stripped of his titles because of doping charges and owned up to it on her show.
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Gino Bartalli, WW2 era Tour de France winner, saved Jews from concentration camps by smuggling forged identity documents hidden in the frame and handlebars of his bicycle.
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Guinea's first president, Sekou Toure, became legendary in Africa by rejecting President Charles de Gaulle's 1958 offer of continued ties with France. Standing next to de Gaulle, Toure proclaimed 'We prefer poverty in liberty to riches in slavery" and never spoke to him again
In 1988 Tina Turner broke a world record. She has the largest audience ever at a live paid solo concert. There were 184,000 in the audience for her Break Every Rule tour in Rio de Janeiro at the Maracana.
Josephine Baker toured during the war to entertain troops. After the war she was given the Rosette de la Resistance and the Croix de Guerre. General Charles de Gaulle also made her a Chevalier of the Legion.
Tour De France competitors need to consume 5,000 calories or more per stage of the race in order to maintain performance and health. Basically eating from sunrise to sunset.
The Tour De France, the world's most famous bicycle race, is held in France.
Tour de infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Tour De numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Tour de France Winner's Average Speed