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Anchorage Alaska facts

While investigating facts about Anchorage Alaska Weather and Anchorage Alaska Population, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The highest-grossing single-unit independent pizzeria in the nation, Moose's Tooth Pub and Pizzeria, is in Anchorage, Alaska. Its annual sales are approximately $6 million.

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In 1989 a naked man climbed a flagpole at a McDonald's in Anchorage, Alaska. He stretched his arms out and nosedived onto the pavement. There were no drugs in his system, and he has never been identified.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the temperature in anchorage alaska. Here are 30 of the best facts about Anchorage Alaska Hotels and Anchorage Alaska News I managed to collect.

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  1. Anchorage, Alaska is roughly equidistant from New York, Tokyo, and Berlin and can reach 90% of the industrialized world by air in 9.5 hours or less. As such, its airport is the third busiest cargo hub in the world.

  2. A giant snowman named Snowzilla is created every year in Anchorage, Alaska. In 2008, the city attempted to stop the creation of Snowzilla, and on Christmas morning there were sign-carrying snowmen "protesting" that attempt in front of city hall.

  3. The highest-grossing single-unit independent pizzeria in the nation, Moose's Tooth Pub and Pizzeria, is in Anchorage , Alaska. Its annual sales are approximately $6 million.

  4. In Anchorage, Alaska, many large animals, such as moose, are hit by vehicles. While Motorists get first rights to roadkill; Charity groups sign up to collect large roadkill and the meat is donated to the needy.

  5. A man ran naked through Anchorage, Alaska, naked, climbed up a 30-foot flagpole, jumped off and died. 29-years later, he has still not been identified.

  6. Anchorage, Alaska was so snow starved this year they actually had to import 7 train cars full of snow for the starting section of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race

  7. BuzzWinkle, a moose from Anchorage Alaska who frequently roamed the city drunk from eating fermented crab apples and more than once was found ripping down Christmas lights with his antlers or passed out in the street downtown

  8. Anchorage, Alaska covers nearly 2,000 square miles, making it about the size of the state of Delaware.

  9. Coastal Alaska (where most people live) is warmer than during the winter than Chicago or other parts of the US Midwest. The average winter temperature in Anchorage is 26°F, compared to 10°F in Minneapolis. Some areas are so warm that bears don't hibernate; they instead eat all winter.

  10. An Anchorage man won an elephant in a contest in 1966. A ranch with the only heated stalls in Alaska became the animal's home. The elephant was a popular attraction for visitors, and in 1968 she and other donated animals became the basis of the new Alaska Zoo.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There are 500 police officers in Anchorage, Alaska - and only 800 officers to patrol the other 661,000 square miles of Alaska - source

The city of Anchorage, Alaska is larger (in area) than the entire state of Rhode Island - source

In 1971, Emperor Hirohito became the first reigning monarch of Japan to step on foreign soil. President Nixon welcomed the Emperor at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska where he was given a formal welcome with full military honors

Alaska's largest city is Anchorage, where nearly half of Alaska's population lives.

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Moose's Tooth Pub & Pizzeria in Anchorage, Alaska is currently the highest-grossing single-unit independent pizzeria in the United States generating up to $6 million in gross revenue annually

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There is a library in Anchorage, Alaska, where you can sign out animal mounts and artifacts just like you would sign out books

Alaska is so big the Anchorage School District encompasses almost 2,000 square miles, an area larger than the state of Rhode Island (1,212 square miles).

The city of Anchorage, Alaska (largest US city by land area) is 67% larger than the State of Rhode Island.

Alaska has the four largest cities by land area in the US. The fifth largest city (Jacksonville) is less than half the area of the fourth (Anchorage).

There's an actual native concert held by the Alaska Federation of Natives for 3 days in Anchorage, Ak.

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The most diverse community in America is in Anchorage, Alaska.

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport in Anchorage, Alaska's state capital, has the 5th highest cargo tonnage in the world at 2,421,145 tonnes; despite the fact that only around 300,000 people live in the area.

Anchorage, Alaska, is closer to Helsinki, Finland, than New York City.

Anchorage Alaska's average yearly temperature is between 43°F and 30°F degrees

Anchorage, Alaska is the rape capital of the US.

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Anchorage, Alaska has a bear tracking map.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Anchorage Alaska. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Anchorage Alaska so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor