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Sydney Australia facts

While investigating facts about Sydney Australia Weather and Sydney Australia Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After describing female journalists as "buck-and-a-half hookers", Frank Sinatra was under siege for 3 days in a Sydney hotel and stranded because airport union staff refused him service, declaring "If you don't apologise, you won't be allowed to leave Australia unless you can walk on water."

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DJ Carl Cox played the Millennium (1999 to 2000) on New Year's Eve twice, by performing in Sydney, Australia and again in Hawaii after flying back over the International Date Line.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to see in sydney australia. Here are 50 of the best facts about Sydney Australia Time and Sydney Australia News I managed to collect.

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  1. 30 square kilometres of marijuana were found growing in New South Wales, Australia 25 years after it was made illegal. It took 9 years to remove it fully, during which people regularly harvested it and distributed it in Sydney.

  2. Shanghai's population is 24 million, more than the entire population of Australia, packed into a city half the size of Sydney.

  3. A man living near The Gap cliffs in Sydney, Australia helped save over 160 people trying to commit suicide by just talking with them and inviting them into his home for tea over a 45 year time period.

  4. Half of the entire population of Australia lives in three cities Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. There are only 46 cities and towns in Australia with over 30,000 people.

  5. In 1992 Australia removed their one and two cent coins from circulation due to inflation reducing their value and the high cost of bronze. After removal, the coins were melted down and used to make the bronze medals for the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.

  6. A suburb of Sydney, Australia installed loudspeakers at a "trouble spot" in a car park to drive away the hooligans by playing Barry Manilow songs.

  7. The least populated timezone in the world is GMT +10.5, which is only occupied by the Lord Howe Islands, a small chain of islands about 400 miles NE of Sydney, Australia with only about 350 people who live on it.

  8. Dolph Lungdren has a degree in chemistry from Washington State University, a degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, then a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney in Australia

  9. The Summer Olympics have been hosted in Australia twice; Melbourne in 1956; Sydney in 2000.

  10. When valleys sink below sea level they become sunken valleys. Their shape makes a good harbour. An example of a well-known sunken valley is Sydney Harbour in Australia.

sydney australia facts
What time is it in sydney australia right now pst?

Sydney Australia data charts

For your convenience take a look at Sydney Australia figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

sydney australia fact data chart about What my gross income of about $160k/year is actually used on
What my gross income of about $160k/year is actually used on in Sydney, Australia

sydney australia fact data chart about Map showing the fastest roads to Sydney, Australia from vari
Map showing the fastest roads to Sydney, Australia from various towns in the country

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You can easily fact check why visit sydney australia by examining the linked well-known sources.

The largest city in Australia is Sydney, followed by Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.

In Sydney, Australia, a safe injecting room for heroin users has supervised just under 1 million injections, and managed more than 6,000 overdoses without a single fatality - source

During the 1956 Olympic torch relay, a man ran into Sydney, Australia, and presented the mayor with a fake torch made of a chair leg and flaming underpants. The mayor did not notice and launched into his prepared speech. - source

The 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia had an unofficial mascot named "Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat".

The Sydney Opera House, while one of the most beautiful buildings in Australia, is known to have Terrible Acoustics. - source

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In 1935 a Tiger shark regurgitated a human arm that started a murder investigation in Sydney, Australia

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In December 2014, during a show in Sydney, Australia, Ice Cube gave concertgoers a sneak peek at the first Straight Outta Compton trailer. When asked about the trailer leak, executive producer of the film Will Packer stated "Cube does what he does."

Marla Runyan, who is legally blind, is a 3 time national champion in the women's 5000 meters. She won 4 gold medals in the 1992 summer Paralympics, 2 silvers in 1996 and in 2000 became the first legally blind Paralympian to compete in the Olympic games in Sydney, Australia.

An ethnographer in Sydney, Australia followed children around on their after school commutes 25 times by traveling incognito, while taking notes and eavesdropping on conversations. He concluded that students form their own "micro-communities" on their journeys where they are free from adults

Sydney was named after Lord Sydney, who mever even visited Australia, but was responsible for prisons and colonies, and had devised the plan to settle convicts at Botany Bay.

In 2010-2011, the city of Sydney, Australia was operating totally under female governance: the Lord Mayor (also State Member of Parliament for Sydney), State Premier, State Governor, Sydney Federal Member of Parliament, Prime Minister and Governor-General of Australia were all women.

Sydney australia infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Sydney Australia numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

sydney australia fact infographic about Call that a fire? This is a fire. [Graphic by Reuters depict

Call that a fire? This is a fire. [Graphic by Reuters depicts the scale of the bushfires currently immolating the area around Sydney, Australia.]

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"Australia's Charles Manson" Mad Dog McCafferty who, aided his gang, murdered three men in Sydney in 1973 believing that after he killed seven people his dead son would be reincarnated. Despite killing a fellow prisoner in 1981 he was released in 1997 and deported to Scotland

When Australia removed 1 cent coins in 1992 the coins were melted down and the bronze was used to make the Bronze Medals for the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

A 61 year old potato farmer from Australia managed to win an ultramarathon from Sydney to Melbourne(875 kilometers) because he made the decision to continue running while the others went to sleep.

January 26, Australia day, is not only the date the 1st Fleet Landed at Sydney in 1788, but is also of the date of the Rum Rebellion in 1808, the only successful armed takeover of government in Australian history

He longest non-stop commercial flight is from Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, to Sydney, Australia with Qantas. It takes just under 17 hours.

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About Donald Ritchie, who, over a 45 year period, saved over 160 people from committing suicide. Talking them back from the cliff known as "The Gap" in Sydney, Australia, earned him the nickname of "The Angel of The Gap"

The largest Allied warship defeat in WW2 involved a naval battle between HMAS Sydney and the German Kormoran 120 miles off Western Australia and only lasted 30 minutes. No ally soldier survived and the location of the wrecks weren't known until 2008.

More people use the Shanghai Metro on a weekday, than nearly twice the entire population of Sydney, Australia.

Jørn Utzon, the architect of the Sydney Opera House, resigned before the project was completed due to disagreements with Government officials. He left Australia soon after and never saw the completed Opera House in person.

The only train station in Australia not to be connected by road is just north of Sydney

In 1813, William Wentworth, along with Gregory Blaxland and William Lawson crossed the Blue Mountains near Sydney, Australia. They barely made the journey, out of water and food, and made it possible for Australia’s first inland settlement at Bathurst.

You can have a better internet connection on a remote glacier in Iceland than I can have in Sydney Australia.

The first ever publication printed in Australia, the Sydney Gazette 1803, was subject to heavy censorship.

The Clipper Route from Plymouth, England to Sydney, Australia is 13,750 miles and that 100 days was considered a fast sailing voyage

The Bra Boys, a notorious gang of surfers from Sydney, Australia

Eric the Opalized Pliosaur – Sydney, Australia

Nielsen Park in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs is the only place where Allocasuarina portuensis survived, and is where the last Eastern Quoll on Mainland Australia was found

In 1836 it snowed in Sydney, Australia; but due to a shower of light hail in 2008, some now believe that because people in 1836 Sydney did not know what snow looked like, so they mistook hail for snow.

In 1990, sports reporter Lisa Olson sued the New England Patriots after being sexually harassed in their locker room, she won the suit but had to take a transfer to Sydney, Australia after getting her tires slashed, numerous death threats, and her apartment burglarized

There is a suburb of Sydney Australia called Blacktown. There are plans to change its name.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Sydney Australia. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Sydney Australia so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor