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Alternate Ending facts

While investigating facts about Alternate Ending I Am Legend and Alternate Ending Game Of Thrones, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Superman: Red Son, an alternate universe where Superman landed in the Soviet Union instead of America. He is described as a "Champion of the common worker who fights a never-ending battle for Stalin"

how i met your mother alternate ending?

In the alternate ending of The Lion King, Scar defeats Simba by throwing him off Pride Rock to his apparent death. A fire then consumes Scar who stands there, laughing manically, while he burns to death. It was deemed "too dark" for a Disney film.

What is the alternate ending to i am legend?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the alternate ending to the notebook. Here are 50 of the best facts about Alternate Ending How I Met Your Mother and Alternate Ending Get Out I managed to collect.

what is an alternate ending?

  1. There is a Breaking Bad alternate ending of the series finale on the last season DVD. It involves Bryan Cranston playing the role of his Malcolm in the Middle character Hal waking up from a nightmare which happens to be the events of Breaking Bad.

  2. The first ever 3D movie was The Power Of Love, a silent film released in 1922. It was also the first film to have an alternative ending, and the viewer could choose between the happy and sad endings (both shot in 2D) by closing one eye or the other.

  3. Terry Gilliam's movie version of Watchmen was going to end with Doctor Manhattan going back in time to save himself from becoming Doctor Manhattan. Causing Rorschach, Nite Owl, and Silk Spectre to be transported to an alternate universe where The Watchmen only exist in comic form

  4. The movie "Dodgeball"(2004) has an alternate ending where Average Joe's gym loses, and the movie ends abruptly. It was changed because of negative test audience reactions.

  5. An App developer who quit his job by sneaking an X-rated Alternate Ending and resignation letter into his company's game before someone online found it

  6. In an official alternate ending to Breaking Bad, Walter White wakes up as Hal from Malcolm in the Middle.

  7. The Butterfly Effect (2004) - Had an alternate ending showing Evan ( Ashton Kutcher ) going back to his birth and committing suicide with his umbilical cord

  8. George Lucas considered an alternative ending to Return of the Jedi. Luke turns to the dark side. He puts on Vader's mask and claims "Now I am Vader. Now I will go and kill the [Rebel] fleet and I will rule the universe"

  9. Some alternate endings considered for the video game Portal 2 included the player-character shooting a Portal onto the moon's surface, and having the player die of asphyxiation over a closing song. Another featured Chell finally saying her first word.

  10. There is an alternate ending to Terminator 2: Judgement Day that takes place in the year 2029 where an elderly Sarah Connor is watching her son, Senator John Connor, play with her granddaughter.

alternate ending facts
What remains of edith finch alternate ending?

Why alternate endings?

You can easily fact check 13 reasons why alternate ending by examining the linked well-known sources.

Donald Trump married Ivana (Zelnickova Winklmayr) Trump, a 1968 Czech Ski Team Olympic alternate in 1977. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1991. They had three children including Donald, Ivanka, and Eric.

Boustrophedon or "Ox-Turning", a method where ancient writers would write left-to-right on one line and right-to-left (mirrored) on the next line, alternating each line until the end of the writing; a method that is easier to read than what we read today. - source

The Spongebob episode “Shanghaied” had 3 alternative endings that viewers got to vote on - source

Neil deGrasse Tyson's professors encouraged him to consider alternate careers and the committee for his doctoral dissertation was dissolved, ending his pursuit of a doctorate from the University of Texas.

The International Worker's Olympiads, a radical alternative to the Olympics that took place between 1925 and 1937. During the opening to the games in 1931 "4000 workers enacted the history of the working class; the performance ended with an oversized capitalist's head breaking into pieces." - source

When i met your mother alternate ending?

There is an alternative ending to "I am Legend“ which was reshot/changed

How i met your mother alternate ending full episode?

Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" originally had a much darker alternate ending.

There was an alternate ending to the orginal Independence Day. It featured Casse flying a red biplane with a missile strapped to it. The ending was scrapped because it was "not belivable"

The word "vegan" was invented in the 1940s to mark "the beginning and end of vegetarian". Rejected alternatives included "dairyban" and "benevore".

Boustrophedon or "Ox-Turning", a method where ancient writers would write left-to-right on one line and right-to-left (mirrored with letters facing backward) on the next line, alternating each line until the end of the writing.

Die Hard With A Vengeance has an alternate ending where Simon and McClane have a Russian Roulette round with a rocket launcher.

Interesting facts about alternate ending

There’s an alternate ending to “The Lion King”, where Scar and Simba fight it out until Scar lets his nephew fall to his apparent death. Thinking he’s won, Scar begins his evil laugh, but Pride Rock’s scorched earth turns to flames engulfing him and burning him to death.

Die Hard with a Vengeance had an alternate ending, but was dropped because the studio thought it showed a more cruel and menacing side to McClane, a man who killed for revenge rather than in self-defense.

"How I Met Your Mother" had an alternate ending that didn't suck.

An Islamic militant group in Somalia banned school bells in 2010 because they sounded too much like church bells. Hand claps were then used as an alternative way of signaling when class was beginning or ending.

How to write an alternate ending to a story?

An alternate ending to Titanic, where Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) actually gets to hold the Heart of the Ocean before old Rose drops it in the ocean.

there’s an alternative ending to the karate kid movie.

An alternate, more faithful, ending to 1999's "Election", was found at a flea market. It tested so poorly the movie was shelved for a year and the end re-written and filmed. If you've not seen the movie, these crucial six minutes will not make sense and spoil the movie.

The movie "Titanic" had an (much worse) alternative ending

There is an alternate (demo) version of Linkin Park – In The End

There is an alternate ending to T2 that takes place in 2029 with an elderly Sarah Connor watching her son, Senator John Connor, play with his daughter.

There was an alternate ending to the Amazing Spiderman 2, in which Peter meets his father.

An alternate ending in the PS2 version of Return of the Sith where Anakin wins his duel against Obi-Wan.

The 1969 Movie Sweet Charity had an alternative ending where she does get married...

Follow up to u/bennetthazelton's TIL about I Am Legend's alternate ending, here it is.

There was an alternative ending to "How I Met Your Mother"

The movie "I Am Legend" had an alternate ending where Will Smith lives! Personally i think it's better.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Alternate Ending. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Alternate Ending so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor