Released Theaters facts
While investigating facts about New Movies Released Theaters and Movies Just Released Theaters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a group of about 400 ultra powerful and wealthy individuals that see movies on release day in their own home theaters. It costs $100k to join and $4k/month membership. It is called the Bel Air Circuit.
how many times was avatar released in theaters?
A live album from the band Dream Theater was released on 9/11/2001, which had the skyline of NYC (with the World Trade Center) in flames on its album art. The album was recalled and re-released a short time later, but the incident remains one of the most bizarre coincidences in music.
What movie released today in theaters?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the first star wars movie released in theaters. Here are 50 of the best facts about Movies Recently Released Theaters and Movies Released Theaters I managed to collect.
what is the longest movie released in theaters?
Harvey Weinstein insisted on cuts to a film and when the director refused, reduced the release to only 8 theaters nationwide. The film went on to 95% Fresh rating and dozens of critics' annual top 10 lists. The film: "Snowpiercer"
The box office flop "Idiocracy" (2006) was released in as few theaters as possible by 20th Century Fox so as to not offend the negatively portrayed advertisers in the movie. Fox then planned, and succeeded, in recuperating its budget by purposefully making the movie garner a cult following
Despite 'The Boondock Saints' being considered one of the hottest scripts in Hollywood, it was only released in 5 theaters and for a duration of just one week. The main reason for the limited distribution was because of the recent massacre at Columbine High School.
When Disney released “Fantasia 2000” it was the first feature length animated film to be shown in IMAX. IMAX had to agree to Disney’s screening terms, and since the California Science Center in LA did not, Disney built their own IMAX theater for the film’s 4mo run. Then demolished it afterward.
Universal Pictures failed to include a (c) in the credits of the 1963 Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn movie 'Charade'. As a result the film entered the public domain upon release in theaters.
When the film The Waterboy, and Meet Joe Black were released in November of 1998, it was preceded by the trailer for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Many Star Wars fans paid the full admission price and sat through the trailer, then left the theater.
The 1977 film 'Sorcerer' destroyed the director's career. Unfortunately for him and the studio, it was released one month after 'Star Wars'. 'Sorcerer' was such a box office bomb that it was quickly withdrawn from theaters so 'Star Wars' could return.
Silence of the Lambs was released in theaters on Valentines Day, 1991.
In 1990, the movie My Blue Heaven, with Steve Martin and Rick Moranis, was released in theaters 1 month before Goodfellas. Both movies are true accounts of the life of gangster Henry Hill
Stalin was a cinephile and all of his homes had a private theater. He took a direct role in helping produce, direct, and write nearly every film released by the Soviet Union under his reign, favoring stories of strong Russians. His favorite films to screen starred Charlie Chaplin and John Wayne.
Released Theaters data charts
For your convenience take a look at Released Theaters figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was lady and the tramp not released in theaters?
You can easily fact check why are some movies only released in select theaters by examining the linked well-known sources.
During the original development of Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl, Disney was unsure whether to release the film in theaters or direct-to-video.
The band Dream Theater released an album titled Live Scenes from New York on 9/11/2001. The cover art had the city landmarks on fire including the Twin Towers. The album was quickly recalled and had it's art changed. - source
When the Clue movie was released, they gave movie theaters 3 different endings - source
During WWII the Allies created a manual given to citizens of occupied countries to sabotage and annoy the Nazis. Tactics included anything from talking during rallies, releasing moths in theaters showing propaganda films, to working slow and clogging toilets
The film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2 will be simultaneously released in theaters and Netflix on Aug. 28th. In protest, several large cinema chains have stated they will boycott the film, banning it from their theaters. - source
When will extremely wicked be released in theaters?
The film Hocus Pocus, despite its plot/setting revolving heavily on Halloween, was released to theaters in July.
How long after a movie is in theaters is it released on dvd?
When The Thing was released in theaters in 1982, the critics hated it. Some asking "Is this the most hated movie of all time?" and others calling it the "quintessential moron movie of the 80's", "instant junk", and a "wretched excess"
The spec-script for the 1994 movie Milk Money, about three horny boys determined to see a prostitute naked, was the most expensive screenplay ever sold in Hollywood at that time, but bombed in the theaters when it was released.
The 1960 film "Scent of Mystery" was the only movie ever to feature Smell-O-Vision, a system that released odor into the theater so the viewer could smell what was happening in the movie.
Gremlins & Ghostbusters were both released in theaters on the same day!
The opening scene of 'Saving Private Ryan' was so realistic that combat veterans of D-Day left theaters rather than finish watching it.Their visits to posttraumatic stress disorder counselors rose in number after the film's release