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Cat Litter facts

While investigating facts about Cat Litter Box and Cat Litter Tray, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1996 a stray cat who'd given birth to a litter in an abandoned Brooklyn garage returned to the structure five times after a fire broke out to save her kittens, despite her eyes blistered shut and her paw pads burned from the flames. (Mama and babies all survived.)

how cat litter is made?

George Clooney pranked his friend by cleaning his friends cats litter box so his friend thinks his cat does not poop and then George takes a dump in to the box making it look like the cat took a huge dump after several days

What cat litter is flushable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cat litter is best for kittens. Here are 47 of the best facts about Cat Litter Box Furniture and Cat Litter Mat I managed to collect.

what cat litter is best?

  1. A lioness adopted and nursed leopard cub in Tanzania. No wild cat has ever been observed nursing a cub from another species – the event may be the result of the Tanzanian lioness having lost her own litter

  2. Scientists at Brown University are developing a robot cat that may one day help cure loneliness among senior citizens. It doesn't need food, exercise, or a litter box, but it can purr on demand and remind them when it's time to take their meds

  3. Oil-Dri was, a product invented for cleaning up oil spills on the garage floor it was not until a cat pissed in a bucket of Oil-Dri that they realized another use for it, cat litter. That is how Cat’s Pride became the first cat litter.

  4. Mother cats will eat their sick or dead kittens to stop predators from discovering the location of the litter.

  5. In a female cat, the teats are essential for nursing her litter of kittens. Each teat has a unique smell so a kitten can return again and again to same nipple to feed.

  6. A single litter of cats is often fertilized by more than one father

  7. Pumice is also used as a traction material on snow-covered roads, traction enhancer in tire rubber, absorbent in cat litter, and many other minor uses.

  8. Sphynx has an average litter size of 4 to 6 kittens.

  9. George Clooney once cleaned his roommate's cat's litter box for four days, then shit in it himself, causing the roommate to think it was from his constipated cat.

  10. Cats and dogs in the same litter often have different fathers. It's called superfecundation.

cat litter facts
What cat litter is best for odor control?

Why cat litter shortage?

You can easily fact check why cat litter boxes by examining the linked well-known sources.

Clumping clay cat litter (the common variety) is strip mined, not biodegradable, contains carcinogenic silica dust, and causes potentially lethal intestinal blockages if ingested

The term "crazy cat lady" stems from a parasite found in cat litter that can infect humans and is associated with a greater likelihood of disorders such as schizophrenia, aggression, OCD, and bi-polar disorder. - source

Besides cats and dogs, the JFK also had a pair of Syrian hamsters, Debbie and Billie. After Debbie gave birth to a litter of pups, one of the pups drowned in a bathtub and Billie ate the rest. Debbie then ate Billie, and died of (probably) indigestion. - source

Some mother cats will shorten her kittens' whiskers. "Possible behavioural explanations include the inhibition of the kittens' tactile perception, which may cause the litter to remain close to the nest."

Manx gives birth to 2 to 4 kittens on average. Kittens with tail of various length can be often seen in the same litter (no matter the size of a tail of their parents).

Breathing in cat litter when pregnant?

Not only that there is DRM for cat litter boxes but also a vital hacking scene to it

How to litter train a cat?

Pregnant women should not clean a cats litter box due to the danger of infecting the unborn child with toxoplasmosis

A cat's litter can have multiple fathers. While in heat, a cat can have multiple eggs released over several days. Regardless of pregnancy, a cat continues having sex as long as the ovulatory cycle continues.

Ships often had token pet cats for pest control, including one who went down along with her litter of kittens on the Titanic

You should change your cat's litter box every day and they're actually very picky about the conditions of the litter box.

Rice is ineffective for drying out wet electronics. Silica or cat litter (carefully) are the way to go.

Cat litter when pregnant?

Cat litter is frequently used in nuclear laboratories because it is highly absorbent and soaks up liquid nuclear waste. But an explosion last year at a plant in New Mexico is suspected to be caused by a reaction between nuclear waste and a new organic brand of cat litter.

Cleaning a cat's litter box can get you Toxoplasmosis if the cat is infected. While pregnant, it can cause your baby to be born with cerebral palsy, seizures, and mental retardation.

Cat litter as we know it today was invented in the 1940's. Prior to that cats boxes were filled with dirt, sand, sawdust, paper, and even ashes and cinders.

Dogs and cats release multiple ova while in heat and can be impregnated by multiple partners resulting in litters with more than one sire

The oldest cat ever recorded, Creme Puff was 38 years old. Her litter mate, Grandpa lived to be 34.

How often should you change cat litter?

Up to half of the worlds population is infected by toxoplasmosis (a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii) but have no symptoms. In the United States about 23% are affected,in other countries this is up to 95%. It is spread by cat feces. Pregnant women should not change cat litter.

The first commercially available cat litters in the United States was Kitty Litter, available in 1947 and marketed by Ed Lowe.

Bagged clay cat litter was introduced in 1947 in Cassopolis Michigan. Before that cat owners provided sand or ashes for their cat's use.

Because each sperm (even from different cat fathers) fertilizes a separate egg, there can be a different father for each kitten in a litter. But that mother cat can have other litters of kittens all fathered by the same male.

A British woman, Mary Toft, once convinced doctors that she had given birth to a litter of rabbits and various other parts of animals, including the legs of cats.

A nuclear accident was caused by the use of the wrong cat litter

Organic Cat Litter caused an explosion in a Nuclear Radiation Waste Processing Plant exposing 21 workers and the surrounding area to levels of Radiation in New Mexico

Clorox owns two different cat litter brands and two different charcoal brands, as well as Hidden Valley Ranch and Burt's Bees.

You can use cat litter to keep your car windows from fogging up by putting it in a sock

Cats were not viable house-only pets until 1947, when kiln-dried granulated clay was first packaged & sold as "Kitty Litter"

George Clooney once pranked Richard Kind by cleaning out cat turds from Kind’s cat’s litter box for days. Kind though the cat was constipated and gave it a laxative. Clooney completed the prank by taking a gigantic shit in the litter box leading Kind to exclaim 'Oh, my God! Kitty!’.

The trick of resurrecting your phone by putting it in a bowl of rice is a myth. "Of the seven household desiccants they tested, uncooked rice was the least absorbent, behind cat litter, couscous, oatmeal, and instant rice."

When you repeatedly dip a baby mouse into cat urine, it affects litter size, makes the mice more macho and puts them at higher risk of being eaten later in life.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cat Litter. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cat Litter so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor