Age Consent facts
While investigating facts about Age Consent Uk and Age Consent In Japan, I found out little known, but curios details like:
That an English journalist threw England into a moral panic about child prostitution and singularly got Parliament to raise the age of consent to 16
how does age of consent work?
In 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.
What age consent mexico?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what age consent israel. Here are 50 of the best facts about Age Of Consent Us and Age Consent In Nigeria I managed to collect.
what age consent russia?
In 1880 the Age of Consent in the USA ranged from 10-12, expect for Delaware where it was 7
The age of consent in Chile is 14, but only for heterosexual sex. Homosexual activity is declared illegal with anyone under 18 years old.
The age of consent in Nevada is 16...unless you're gay. Then it's 18.
Vatican City has the lowest age of consent (12) in Europe.
Between 1974 and 1984 a pro-paedophile activist group called the Paedophile Information Exchange campaigned openly in the UK to abolish the age of consent and even spoke on national television about their views on sexual contact with underage children
In New Hampshire, a girl can marry at age 13 (and a boy at age 14) in cases of "special cause" with parental consent and court permission.
Saudi Arabia has no minimum age of consent and that Clerics have fought efforts to create one. A judge refused to annul a marriage between an 8 year old girl and a 47 year old man.
In Queensland the age of consent for anal sex is 18, while it's 16 for all other sexual activities.
Hong Kong has two ages of consent. 16 for sexual activity and 21 for a female receiving anal.
In 1895, the age of consent in Delaware was 7.
Age Consent data charts
For your convenience take a look at Age Consent figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is the age of consent 12 in the philippines?
You can easily fact check why is the age of consent 18 by examining the linked well-known sources.
The age of sexual consent in the U.S once ranged between the ages of 7, 10 or 12 years old.
In the united states it is still legal for an adult to marry a minor, with most states having no legally required minimum age for the minor to be able to consent before they can be married to an adult. This can happen simply if the parents of the child also consent to the marriage. - source
John Walsh admitted having a relationship with a 16-year-old girl while being in his early 20s and aware of the age of consent being 17 in New York, meaning that, had he been convicted, John Walsh himself could be required to register as a sex offender under the laws he helped create - source
Hesiod (a Greek poet circa 700 BC) suggested an age of consent for women of puberty plus 5 years. Which is pretty consistent with modern day norms around the world. (Paragraph 698)
Most pediatricians care for their patients until they no longer need parental consent, however some will continue until a child reaches the age of 21.
When did age of consent laws start?
The age of consent in the US isn't 18 everywhere, in some states it is 17, or 16.
Which of these might affect how an age-of-consent law?
29 states allow drinking on private property under the age of 21 with consent, and 10 states allow drinking under 21 at alcohol selling properties such as bars with parental consent.
During the 19th century the age of consent in the USA was just 10 years old
A group called the Pedophile Information Exchange campaigned for "children's sexuality" and lowering the age of consent in the 1970's
The age of consent is 13 in Japan and Spain, and 14 in Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy and China.
The Age of Consent in Vatican City is 12...