Worst Rated facts
While investigating facts about Worst Rated Movies and Worst Rated Movie Ever, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Guy Fieri's restaurant Guy's American Kitchen in Times Square is the only restaurant since 2012 to receive the worst rating in a New York Times restaurant review.
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A nudity war began on Brazilian TV in 1990. A network won top ratings with a prime-time soap opera with full frontal nudity; another fought back with uncut nudity in films. A third television network instead aired high-quality literary adaptations, and had the worst ratings in its history.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the worst rated movie of all time. Here are 47 of the best facts about Worst Rated Nail Salon and Worst Rated Restaurants Near Me I managed to collect.
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PCWorld rated the ZIP drive as the 15th worst technology product of all time in 2006, but then rated it as the 23rd best technology product in 2007
Botto Bistro, an Italian restaurant in San Francisco, started a campaign " Hate us on Yelp " to become the worst rated restaurant in Yelp. It also offered a 25 percent discount to customers who gave it a 1 star review on Yelp.
The Vietnamese dong has the dubious distinction of the second worst rate of exchange. $1 USD = $21,475 Dong
Plastic fibers have been found in tap water around the world, with the US at the worst rate (94%), and both the exact sources and the health consequences are yet unknown.
In 2004 and 2007, the American Customer Satisfaction Index survey found that Comcast had the worst customer satisfaction rating of any company or government agency in the country, including the IRS.
Despite is reputation as one of the worst films ever made, Plan 9 from Outer Space has a 66% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with many critics agreeing that the film is too amusing and unintentionally funny to be considered a bad film.
The 2014 movie United Passions, about FIFA and its origins, was considered one of the worst movies of all time by both critics and audiences. It received a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an average score of 1 out of 100, and only made $918 in the US--on a $29 million dollar budget.
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" and "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" are the 2 worst-rated shows with 5000+ ratings according to IMDB.
Michigan was once had the Nation’s highest recycling rate with the deposit program, and is now one of the Nation’s worst because it’s now cheaper to throw it away
In 2004 and 2007, the American Customer Satisfaction Index survey found that Comcast had the worst customer satisfaction rating of any company or government agency in the country, including the Internal Revenue Service.
Worst Rated data charts
For your convenience take a look at Worst Rated figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about worst rated?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The worst-rated movie on IMDb with a weighted rating of 1.4 out of 10 is Bollywood movie called “Gunday”.
The US has a worst child poverty rate than Greece or Slovakia - source
PCWorld rated the Zip disk/Zip drive the 15th worst technology product of all time AND the 23rd best technology product of all time - source
James Buchanan is rated the worst US President according to a C-SPAN survey of historians
The only James Bond film whose theme song reached #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100 is also the worst rated film in the franchise. - source
Your worst nightmare when the lights go out?
When 'The Office' originally aired in 2001, it had the second worst viewer ratings after the women's lawn bowls
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Zimbabwe suffered a hyperinflation that, at its worst in 2008, had an inflation rate estimated to be 79,600,000,000% per month. 1 US dollar became equivalent to 2,621,984,228 Zimbabwean dollar and they even printed a One Hundred Trillion Dollar note (14 zeroes).
Sony created the PlayStation, after Nintendo broke their contract to work with them for their new CD add-on to the Super Nintendo for the worst rated Zelda games in the franchise.
Hungary suffered the worst hyperinflation in recorded history. When the pengő was replaced in August 1946 by the forint, the total value of all Hungarian banknotes in circulation amounted to 1/1,000 of one US dollar. The exchange rate from pengo to florint was 4×10^29 pengő for 1 florint.
"Plan 9 from Outer Space", considered to be one of the worst films of all time, actually has a Fresh Rating of 66% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Wrestling magnate Vince McMahon attempted to buy the Canadian Football League in 1999. Instead, NBC gave Vince $100m to help create NBC's "XFL" to compete against ABC's airing of the NFL. It was the lowest rated sport program ever, voted worst thing ever on ESPN, and each of them lost $35m
Worst rated infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Worst Rated numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

NBA Defensive Ratings: Spurs worst defense since 96/97, Bucks best so far, Lakers & Clippers very close