Wind Turbines facts
While investigating facts about Wind Turbines Fortnite and Wind Turbines Cancer, I found out little known, but curios details like:
For every bird killed by a wind turbine, coal kills over 2,000
how wind turbines work?
NASA is developing a clockwork rover that uses no electricity to survive the harsh climate of Venus. It's powered by a wind turbine, springs, and gears, and transmits data via a Morse code shutter.
What wind turbines are made of?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what wind turbines for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Wind Turbines For Homes and Wind Turbines Kill Birds I managed to collect.
what wind turbines do?
For every one bird killed by wind turbines in the U.S. there are 4,000 to 17,000 killed by cats.
Wind turbines are painted white to help them both blend in and to stand out. White or light grey helps them ‘blend’ into the background, when the sky is cloudy. From the air the white color helps them stand out to planes. The same colour has two strikingly opposed purposes.
No wind turbine can capture more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy in wind, regardless of its design. The "Betz limit" was first derived over 100 years ago.
Hydroelectric power generating methods include using dams, wind turbines, and generators, pumped storage, run-of-the-river systems, and tide power stations.
A wind turbine converts wind into electricity and the largest one is 20 stories tall.
The island of El Hierro uses a potential energy 'battery': when there is excess power being generated by wind turbines, water is moved to an elevated basin and when the system needs power, water is released to a lower basin, thus generating electricity.
The blades of a wind turbine can reach speeds of more than 200 miles per hour at their tips.
Some people complain about the noise or say that wind turbines make them sick but this is debatable. When compared with the dangers and health concerns of fossil fuels it doesn"t make sense. It is also healthier for the earth.
Some of the world's largest wind turbine farms in the world are located in Northern Iowa.
A wind turbine is so powerful that just one can provide electricity for up to 300 homes at the same time.
Wind Turbines data charts
For your convenience take a look at Wind Turbines figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why wind turbines have 3 blades?
You can easily fact check why wind turbines are good by examining the linked well-known sources.
One wind turbine can harvest enough energy to power 600 homes in the United States.
Wind farms are large groups of wind turbines.
There are approximately 8,000 different components required to make a wind turbine.
Wind turbines can be as tall as 200 meters and have blades that can move at a speed of up to 200 mph.
The Bahrain World Trade Center is the 1st skyscraper in the world to integrate wind turbines into its design. Each turbine is 29m in diameter and their capacity is 675kw of wind power. That's enough to provide lighting for about 300 homes, 258 hospitals, 17 industrial plants, and 33 car engines. - source
When wind turbines were invented?
A turbine, such as a wind turbine, converts the kinetic energy of gas or steam into mechanical energy.
How wind turbines generate electricity?
There are approximately 20,000 wind turbines in Germany, making it one of the world's largest producers of wind energy.
There are floating wind turbines, with recent installations using huge 3500 tonne weights
In order to use wind to create electricity it must be harnessed. The growing method around the world to harvest wind for energy is through wind turbines. These wind turbines are as high as 20 stories and have three, 60-meter-long blades. As the wind blows the giant blades they transfer motion which is converted by a generator into power.
Kids playground built from discarded wind turbine parts. The Rotterdam based playground is a maze-like structure made from five discarded wind turbine blades. The recycled blades make up a slide tower, a watch tower, tunnels, bridges, ramps, and slides.
In 1940 the first modern wind turbine was constructed in Vermont, U.S.