Solar Panel facts
While investigating facts about Solar Panels and Solar Panel Cost, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1979, President Jimmy Carter had 32 solar panels installed on the White House roof and made a public commitment to 20% renewable energy by 2000.
how solar panels work?
Inventor of Keurig K-Cup, regretting environmental waste from K-Cups, left and started a solar panel company
What solar panels do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what solar panels do i need. Here are 50 of the best facts about Solar Panels For Sale and Solar Panel Price I managed to collect.
what solar panels are best?
"LES1", a satellite that had been abandoned in 1967, recently started transmitting again, after its batteries decayed, shorting the solar panels straight to the electronics
A Michigan State University professor has created a transparent solar panel that can be used in building to potentially power the entire building. It can also be retrofitted to older glass buildings to still harness power.
Starting in 2017 San Francisco will require new buildings to have solar panels
France wants to ensure all new rooftops must be topped with either solar panels or plants
In 1979 Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House, saying, "In the year 2000 this solar water heater... can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, or can be a part of one of the greatest adventures ever undertaken by the American people." They are now in a museum in China.
There is a solar power method that doesn't involve solar panels, but rather a giant curved mirror focusing all of the light that hits it onto a single point of intersection. A water reservoir is placed where the beams of light intersect, and the resulting steam runs a generator.
If you live in California and your neighbor installs solar panels (like the new Tesla roof), state law can require you to cut down the trees on your property that are blocking the sun.
Tesla runs an entire island on solar power. The island of Ta'u in American Samoa used to consume 300 gallons of diesel fuel daily to run generators, fuel that had to be bought and shipped, but Tesla's solar panels and power packs provide 6 megawatt-hours of energy storage
The White House had solar heating panels back in 1979
Transparent glass solar panels are already a reality
Solar Panel data charts
For your convenience take a look at Solar Panel figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why solar panels are good?
You can easily fact check why solar panels by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Japanese are working on developing technology to transmit electricity wirelessly. Their goal is to transmit energy from orbiting solar panels to Earth by 2030. They have successfully transmitted 10 kW of energy 500 meters away.
Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the White House, and then Ronald Reagan had them removed. - source
The Solar Panels Jimmy Carter set up on the White House in the 1970's, that were taken immediately down by Ronald Reagan, can now be found in a Chinese science museum. - source
There were 32 solar panels on the White House, and that Ronald Reagan had them removed.
The price of solar panels halves every 10 years - source
When solar panel invented?
Gramin Shakti, a non-profit organization in Bangladesh provided solar panels for 1.5 million homes. 5 years later, the World Bank invested in less than a fraction of that, and received credit for Bangladesh's solar revolution.
How solar panels are made?
Solar panels are actually extremely resistant to environmental damage, holding 113 lbs/SQ ft and withstanding 1 inch hail at terminal velocity
You could power the entire United States with just a 150 to 200 km^2 solar panel
There are plans to build a giant South African flag from indigenous plants & solar panels in the Karoo desert that will be visible from space.
We would only need to cover a very small fraction of the earths surface with solar panels to power the world
To find interstellar life, one of the things astronomers look out for is a Dyson Sphere, a power plant which harnesses the power of its solar system's sun by surrounding it with solar panels. It is theorized to be a logical necessity for a spacefaring civilization to sustain intergalactic travel
Solar panel infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Solar Panel numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The impact of the partial solar eclipse on electricity production of the solar panels on my roof.