Wikipedia Article facts
While investigating facts about Wikipedia Article Count and Wikipedia Article Of The Day, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mobile users in poor countries can access Wikipedia articles without data charges thanks to 'Wikipedia Zero'. It's currently operating in 34 countries.
Wikipedia Zero - which allows users in poor countries access to Wikipedia articles without data charges - operates in 61 countries, and helps over 400 million people
What wikipedia articles are fully protected?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the most-viewed article on wikipedia. Here are 50 of the best facts about Wikipedia Article Wizard and Wikipedia Article 13 I managed to collect.
what wikipedia article is the longest?
A student designed a tool that caught the government and various corporations / organizations editing Wikipedia articles to reflect better upon themselves.
Author Phillip Roth attempted to edit a Wikipedia entry for his novel 'The Human Stain' because the article misattributed the inspiration for one of his characters. The 'Eniglish Wikipedia Administrator' told Roth he was not a credible source and that he needed a secondary source.
By clicking on the first link of any given Wikipedia article, and continuing that process on every other subsequent article, you will almost always arrive on the "Philosophy" page
Due to a long controversy beginning around 2005, the Church of Scientology has been banned from editing any Wikipedia article relating to the group.
There are more Wikipedia articles on Antarctica than all but one of the African countries
The 5.04 million articles on the site, Wikipedia's own staff only consider 0.4% as meeting the basic standards to qualify as a "good" article
It would only take ~12 GB to download all ~5,000,000 articles from Wikipedia.
Mobile users in developing countries can access Wikipedia articles without data charges thanks to 'Wikipedia Zero'. It's currently operating in 34 countries.
94.52% of all Wikipedia articles lead to the philosophy article.
Wikipedia Article data charts
For your convenience take a look at Wikipedia Article figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about wikipedia article?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mobile users in 3rd world countries can access Wikipedia articles without data charges. The service is called Wikipedia Zero and is available in ~30 countries. - source
A guy jokingly edited a Wikipedia article on a Pro-Wrestler, claiming his wife had died. By sheer coincidence, 14 hrs later it was discovered that the wrestler had murdered his wife. Police later referred to the posting as "an unbelievable hindrance to the investigation" - source
If you take most wikipedia articles, click on the first link in the article text not in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at Philosophy.
On October 5, 2007, an employee in Japan's Ministry of Agriculture was reprimanded for contributing 260 times to the Gundam Wikipedia article. Ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura noted, “The agriculture ministry is not in charge of Gundam.” - source
It's only 12GB to download every Wikipedia article.
There is a 12-volume set of printed books consisting solely of edits to the Iraq War Wikipedia article from 2004 to 2009.
Wikipedia's first featured article was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The Wikipedia user Giraffedata has made more than 50,000 edits, all of which are him tracking down articles using the words "comprised of" and changing them to "consists of".
The longest running fake entry on Wikipedia was for fake serial rapist from the 1800s named Jack Robichaux. The article was on Wikipedia for over 10 years.
A 4,500 word Wikipedia article was created for a fictitious war between the Maratha and Portuguese Empire and remained for 5 years achieving "good article" status.
Wikipedia article infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Wikipedia Article numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

From any random Wikipedia article, if you continually click on the first link in the first paragraph, you have a 99.5% chance of ending up at the 'Philosophy' article.