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Whites Whites facts

While investigating facts about Whitest Crest Whitestrips and , I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Polish environmental charity put a SIM card in a GPS tracker to follow the migratory pattern of a white stork. They lost track of the stork and later received a phone bill for $2,700; someone in Sudan had taken the SIM from the tracker and made over 20 hours of calls.

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After Chamillionaire won a Grammy for “Ridin’”, he approached ‘Weird Al’ Yancovic on the red carpet, thanked him for the “White and Nerdy” parody and told him “I think your parody is a big reason why I won this Grammy, because you made it undeniable that my song was the rap song of the year."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can i use to whiten my teeth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Whites Whites I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1959 a white man from Texas disguised himself as a black man and traveled for six weeks on greyhound buses. After publishing his experiences with racism he was forced to move to Mexico for several years due to death threats.

  2. After marathoning Breaking Bad, Anthony Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a fan letter, saying (among other things) "Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever."

  3. "on January 13, 1958, Klansmen burned a cross on the lawn of a Lumbee American Indian woman in the town of St. Pauls, North Carolina as "a warning" because she was dating a white man." At their next rally, a group of 500 armed Lumbee encircled the klansmen and opened fire.

  4. Pat Sajak and Vanna White work only 36 days per year. They work 4 days per month for 9 months, filming six episodes of Wheel of Fortune from 12 noon to 6pm. It amounts to a full year’s worth of programming for ABC.

  5. In 1958 a white girl kissed two African American boys aged 9 and 7 on the cheeks. The two boys were arrested, detained for 6 days without access to their parents or legal counsel, & were severely beaten by the police. The boys were detained for a total of 3 months.

  6. President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

  7. When 13-year-old Ryan White got AIDS from a blood donor in 1984, he was banned from returning to school by a petition signed by 117 parents. An auction was held to keep him out, a newspaper supporting him got death threats, and his family left town when a gun was fired through their window.

  8. In the 1980s Alyssa Milano befriended Ryan White(A Boy Ostracized For Having Aids) who was a fan of her works.She went on to appear on The Phil Donahue Show alongside Milano to kiss him on the cheek to show that she could not contract the disease.

  9. American wine had a terrible reputation until an event in 1976, called the Judgment of Paris. Wine industry luminaries blind tasted California and renowned French wines, side by side, and scored them. Surprisingly, the winning red and white wines were both from California.

  10. There is a “white man” café in Tokyo, where Japanese ladies ring a bell to summon tuxedo-wearing caucasians who respond with “yes, princess?” and serve them cake.

whites whites facts
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Whites Whites data charts

For your convenience take a look at Whites Whites figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

whites whites fact data chart about Nearly half of gun-related deaths are white men killing them
Nearly half of gun-related deaths are white men killing themselves

whites whites fact data chart about How I used data science to figure out who wrote the NYTimes
How I used data science to figure out who wrote the NYTimes 'Resistance Inside the White House' op-ed

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You can easily fact check why does baking soda whiten teeth by examining the linked well-known sources.

Michael Jackson was a big fan of Weird Al, but requested that he not record a parody of 'Black or White' because the message was too important.

A fan once approached Bob Ross and said 'Bob, I could never paint, because I'm colour-blind. All I can see is gray tones'. This prompted Ross to paint an entire painting using only grays and whites - source

"White monkey" jobs in China, Caucasian foreigners are hired to stand around and pretend to be a employee of the chinese company or representative of a international company to increase the value of the Chinese company - source

Jamaica is the only country in the world whose flag does not contain the colors red, white or blue.

In 1926, Poland sent the US a birthday card with over 5 million signatures. Polish citizen Leopold Kotnowski visited the White House to present the card for America’s 150th birthday. It has 30,000 pages full of art, photos, poems and pressed flowers. - source

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If you own a Rolls Royce, you can send your chauffeur to the Rolls Royce headquarters in Goodwood, England to be trained to drive a Rolls Royce under the "White Glove" driver training program

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Taylor Swift once released (mistakenly) an 8-second song which was just white noise called "Track - 3" which instantly became No. 1 on iTunes in Canada

Lil Wayne was saved at 12 years old by a white police officer named Uncle Bob. "He was white as life was saved by a white man. I don't know what racism is. I know a good mother fucker named Uncle Bob though"

In 1958, a white girl kissed two African American boys, aged 9 and 7, on the cheeks. The two boys were arrested, detained for 6 days without access to their parents or legal counsel, and were severely beaten by the police. The boys were detained for a total of 3 months.

Honey bees aren't native to North America. When they arrived from Europe they spread out faster than the colonists, and Native Americans considered the appearance of the "white man's fly" to indicate the approach of European settlers

After marathoning Breaking Bad, Anthony Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a fan letter, saying (among other things) "Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever."

Whites whites infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Whites Whites numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

whites whites fact infographic about Results of 6.5 weeks of mostly online dating for a single wh

Results of 6.5 weeks of mostly online dating for a single white 37 year old woman

whites whites fact infographic about My kids helped me record data on the color of each semi-truc

My kids helped me record data on the color of each semi-truck we saw (the cab only) while driving on vacation. Then we made this chart. Note that Red, White and Blue dominate.

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White House Police officer Leslie Coffelt was fatally shot while protecting President Truman in an assassination attempt, but managed to kill his attacker with a headshot from 30 feet away before dying.

Kano Jigoro, the father of Judo, asked to be buried in his white belt to be remembered as a learner and not the black belt master that he was.

That, after becoming the first white man to run 100 meters in under 10 seconds, French sprinter Christophe Lemaitre received a formal letter of invitation from the Ku Klux Klan. He did not respond.

DC Comics' original candidate for its first headlining black superhero was the Black Bomber, a white racist who would turn into a black superhero under stress. Comics historian Don Markstein called it "an insult to practically everybody with any point of view at all."

A Florida man was awarded $37,500 after cops mistook glazed donut crumbs for meth. Daniel Rushing was pulled over when the cops searched his car. They tested white crystals they found and it tested positive for meth. Rushing told them they were donut crumbs but they wouldn't listen.

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When they tried to book a phone call from the President to inform Sgt Dakota Meyer that he had been approved for the Medal of Honor, White House staff were told he was working a construction job and to call back during his lunch hour.

When the British burned the White House in 1812, they did not burn the Marine Barricks or the Commandant's House out of respect for the honorable conduct of the Marines at the Battle of Bladensburg

The Dalai Lama is almost a vegetarian. He alternates. While he advocates vegetarianism, if he is in the company of meat-eaters, he is happy to eat meat. The White House once offered him a vegetarian menu and he declined.

Laser removal doesn't remove the tattoo. It just helps break it down so white blood cells can carry it away. You poop out your tattoo.

An 8 months Pregnant Mary Turner protested the lynching of her innocent husband Hayes Turner by a White mob in 1918 and threatened to have them arrested. In order to “teach her a lesson”, she and her unborn child were brutally murdered. No one was charged.

About Seretse Khama, a Botswana monarch who was exiled after marrying a white woman. After his return as a private citizen, he started an independence movement, became a president and led Botswana to prosperity.

In 2010, the Forest Service made Betty White an honorary forest ranger. White said in previous interviews that she wanted to be a forest ranger as a little girl but that women were not allowed to do that then. When White received the honor, more than 1/3 of Forest Service employees were women.

The founder of the KKK, a Confederate cavalry general, later ordered the klan to disband and called for racial harmony between whites and blacks

Doves are just pigeons that have the gene for white feathers. Outside of this there are no biological distinctions between the two.

The model for Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Marge Champion, is still alive and turned 100 this year.

Jonathan Daniels, a white Episcopal priest who was killed in 1965 after he threw himself in front of a shotgun blast targeting a seventeen-year-old black girl. Both he and the girl had been peacefully protesting for civil rights when they were attacked by a deputy.

In 1985, Ryan White was refused re-entry to his school due to him having AIDS. 117 Parents and 50 teachers petitioned for his ban. People even cancelled their subscriptions as White was the paperboy and they believed they would be infected via newsprint.

About Claudette Colvin, a 15 year old African American girl from Montgomery, AL who was arrested in 1955 after she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white woman, telling the bus driver, "It's my constitutional right to sit here." She did this 9 months prior to Rosa Parks' famous protest.

President Herbert Hoover and First Lady Lou Henry Hoover were both fluent in Chinese and would speak it to each other in the White House to prevent eavesdropping.

In 1918, a black man named Laurence C. Jones survived a lynching attempt from a White mob by convincing them of his passion to educate Black kids. The mob ended up collecting money for his cause.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Whites Whites. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Whites Whites so important!

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