Legalizing Gay facts
While investigating facts about Legalizing Gay Marriage and Legalizing Gay Marriage In The Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1970, a gay man discovered a loophole in Minnesota law that said gay marriage wasn't explicitly illegal, as long as officials allowed it. He then changed his name legally from 'Jack' to 'Pat Lyn' and fooled officials into thinking he was a woman — successfully getting a gay marriage license.
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A woman in Nebraska tried to sue all gay people. Her appeal had no legal references, but quoted Webster's Dictionary and the Bible.
What countries legalized prostitution?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what would happen if prostitution was legalized. Here are 45 of the best facts about Legalizing Gay Marriage In Canada and Legalizing Gay Marriage Thesis Statement I managed to collect.
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Gay marriage is not legal in Germany, and gay couples are not allowed to adopt a child together.
Homosexuality was legalized in South Australia after police drowned a gay man. A second victim was rescued by a passing serial killer, but refused to name the Police in court out of fear. The change of law led to mass panic and people fled the coast fearing God's wrath would bring a tsunami.
Gay panic", in which a defendant denies legal culpability due to temporary insanity over unwanted gay sexual advances, has been used as a successful defense against assault & murder charges in several countries
A group from the Greek island of Lesbos requested a legal injunction to ban gay groups from using the word ‘lesbian’ in their names in 2008, claiming it was ‘insulting’ them around the world. It failed.
There are 29 states in the USA where it is legal to fire someone for being gay
A gay bar in Melbourne once won the legal right to ban women from the bars, because they made the men uncomfortable.
An unwed mother in Ireland spent years searching for her son, who was sold by the church. The son was taken by an American couple, became chief legal counsel to the Republican National Committee, was gay but did not publicly acknowledge it, and died of AIDS aged 43 in 1995.
Sweden legalized same-sex civil unions in 1995, nine years later, a study showed gay male couples were 50% more likely to divorce than were heterosexual couples and Lesbian couples were nearly three times more likely to divorce than were heterosexual couples.
In the Muslim nation of Jordan they have a gay-themed magazine and gay sexual activity has been legal since 1951.
It’s legal in Missouri to fire someone, refuse them service at a restaurant or deny them housing just because they’re gay or transgender.
Legalizing Gay data charts
For your convenience take a look at Legalizing Gay figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why prostitution should not be legalized essay by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Queensland, Australia when charged with Murder, you can use the legal defence of Gay Panic. Gay Panic is when a homosexual person makes an advance on someone and they panic, apparently Queenslanders believe this is reason enough to kill a person
Canada's legal age of consent is 14 for straight and lesbian couples, but 18 for gay males. Though it remains in the law, this discrepancy has not actually been enforceable since 1995. - source
About the Gay Panic defense, which is a legal defense; typically used against charges of assault and murder in which the defendant claims they acted in a "state of violent temporary insanity" because of unwanted same-sex advances. - source
Chick Fil A’s charitable arm donated $240,000 to the National Christian Organization, the same organization that sends priests to Uganda to help draft a bill to make it legal to murder gay people.
The first legal gay marriage in modern times took place on January 14, 2001, but it wasn't legally recognized for 2 more years - source
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The same day an anti-gay "Religious Freedom" Act was passed in Indiana, the First Church of Cannabis was formed. The founder realized a loophole in the bill which legally allows its members to smoke marijuana.
How many states have legalized prostitution?
Being Freaked Out by Gay and Trans People Is Still a Legal Murder Defense in 48 States
In response to the Australian government not legalizing gay marriage at the time, LGBT activists sailed out to islands off the coast on a boat named the 'Gayflower', established the 'Gay and Lesbian Kingdom' and then decared war on Australia
In 2005, the TV Series "The West Wing" predicted that gay marriage would be legalized in 10 years.