Incredible and fun facts to explore

80 Percent facts

While investigating facts about 80 Percent, I found out little known, but curios details like:

“Shots to roughly 80 percent of targets on the body would not be fatal blows” and that “if a gunshot victim’s heart is still beating upon arrival at a hospital, there is a 95 percent chance of survival”

Approximately 80 percent of current US astronauts wears eye correction (i.e. glasses or contact lenses). As long as the astronauts' vision is correctable to 20/20, they're allowed to fly

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about 80 Percent I managed to collect.

  1. 80 percent of the peanut butter sold in the U.S. is creamy; only 17 percent is crunchy.

  2. The average NFL career lasts about three years; nearly 80 percent of players are bankrupt within three years of retirement.

  3. Over 80 percent of India's sewage water goes untreated, and is simply put back into the water supply

  4. Oslo, Norway has the best subway coverage in Europe, with 80 percent of all commuting done by public transportation

  5. Despite making up less than 5% of the world’s population, Americans consume 80 percent of the the world's opioid painkillers and 99 percent of the global supply of hydrocodone, the active ingredient in Vicodin.

  6. The Importance Of Being Well Dressed: 80 percent of managers feel clothing choices affect a person's chances of being promoted

  7. In one mathematical model using Bram Stoker and Stephen King's vampires, within 165 days of the first vampire appearing on earth, 80% percent of humans would be exterminated.

  8. In 2011, 80 percent of all antibiotics sold by weight in the United States were used for meat and poultry production.

  9. Over 80 percent of Americans support mandatory labels on foods containing DNA, about the same number as support mandatory labeling of GMO foods.

  10. 80 percent of the land in Nevada is owned by the federal government

80 percent facts
What are the best facts about 80 Percent?

What is true about 80 percent?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Experimental drugs, which are proven safe and effective when tested in animals, fail 80 percent of the time when tested in people.

The U.S. supplies 94 percent of the paid blood plasma used around the world and nearly 80 percent of the plasma centers in the U.S. are located in America’s poorer neighborhoods. - source

Farm Animals Get 80 Percent of Antibiotics Sold in the U.S. - source

More than 80 percent of clinical data is "fabricated" in China according to China's own food and drug regulator.

Studies have show that "9 of 10 American women wear shoes that don't fit", and that "more than 80 percent of women said they were willing to give up the health of their feet for trendy footwear" - source

Over the last four decades, as much as 80 percent of all coral in the Caribbean has disappeared.

Most data scientists spend only 20 percent of their time on actual data analysis and 80 percent of their time finding, cleaning, and reorganizing huge amounts of data

Moments before taking office, Brazillian president Itamar Franco handed senators a piece of paper on which he had listed his personal net worth and properties. A popular president, his approval rating reached 60 percent and it soared to nearly 80–90 percent at end of term

Food allergies can be treated and cured through oral immunotherapy (OIT). Nearly 80 percent of peanut-allergic preschool children successfully incorporated peanut-containing foods into their diets after receiving peanut OIT.

The central nervous systems of the smallest spiders fill up almost 80 percent of their total body cavity, including about 25 percent of their legs.

80 Percent of Divorces Are Filed By Women

Interesting facts about 80 percent

A family-owned company makes about 80 percent of the communion bread used by churches in the United States

In the 1960s economist Thomas Schelling devised a simple model in which a mixed group of people spontaneously segregates by race even though none desires that outcome. Despite being happy with a 50–50 mix, they wind up forming enclaves where 80 percent of their neighbors are the same race.

According to the World Resources Institute, more than 80 percent of the Earth's natural forests already have been destroyed at the rate of 20,000 hectares per day.

Osprey uses its feet to grab fish. 50 to 80 percent of the fishing attempts end up successfully.

In some parts of the Texas, dung beetles bury 80 percent of cattle dung. Australia imported 45 different types of dung beetles to remove the cattle dung.

Oslo, Norway, has the best subway coverage in Europe, with 80 percent of commuting done on public transportation

80 percent of people in the US who consume Kosher products are not Jewish.

Actress Tippi Hedren is directly responsible for over half of the manicurists in the country (and 80 percent in Southern California) being Vietnamese.

Throughout history, about 80 percent of women reproduced, whereas only 40 percent of men did

It is estimated that marine plants produce between 70 and 80 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Nearly all marine plants are single celled, photosynthetic algae

With more than 80 percent of the hybrid vehicle market, Toyota is undoubtedly a leader in hybrid technology. Rather than lock that expertise away, Toyota announced it will share nearly 24,000 patents with fellow automakers. This is Toyota's attempt to promote electrified vehicles worldwide

Obesity can increase the risk of dementia by up to 80 percent, a Johns Hopkins University study reveals.

American women started shaving their armpits in 1915 because of advertisements in Harper's Bazaar fashion magazine encouraging them to; and now between 80 and 90 percent of women shave their "objectionable hair."

A decent typist can do 80 words per minute. Mark Kislingbury can hit more than four times that speed or 360 words in one minute, with 97 percent accuracy.

While nitrates and nitrites in cured meats are thought to be harmful that "80 percent of nitrite comes from vegetables such as spinach, radishes and lettuce, and another 13 percent comes from swallowed saliva"!

Incivility made people less motivated: 66 percent cut back work efforts, 80 percent lost time worrying about what happened, and 12 percent left their job. One company, Cisco, estimated that incivility was costing them 12 million dollars a year.

Smoking and schizophrenia are strongly associated. In the US, 80 percent of those diagnosed are also smokers, while only 20% of the total population smokes.

A town called Frenchville in Maine, is 80 percent French speaking, aided by its proximity to French-speaking Quebec and New Brunswick in Canada

The Louvre estimates that 80 percent of its visitors come principally to see the Mona Lisa

Grapes contain 80% of water and high percent of dietary fibers. It is rich source of vitamins C and K and vitamins of the B group. Grapes are also excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 80 Percent. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 80 Percent so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor