White House facts
While investigating facts about White House Black Market and White House Farm, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1926, Poland sent the US a birthday card with over 5 million signatures. Polish citizen Leopold Kotnowski visited the White House to present the card for America’s 150th birthday. It has 30,000 pages full of art, photos, poems and pressed flowers.
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White House Police officer Leslie Coffelt was fatally shot while protecting President Truman in an assassination attempt, but managed to kill his attacker with a headshot from 30 feet away before dying.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened at white house today. Here are 50 of the best facts about White House Down and White House Briefing I managed to collect.
what happened at white house farm?
When they tried to book a phone call from the President to inform Sgt Dakota Meyer that he had been approved for the Medal of Honor, White House staff were told he was working a construction job and to call back during his lunch hour.
When the British burned the White House in 1812, they did not burn the Marine Barricks or the Commandant's House out of respect for the honorable conduct of the Marines at the Battle of Bladensburg
The Dalai Lama is almost a vegetarian. He alternates. While he advocates vegetarianism, if he is in the company of meat-eaters, he is happy to eat meat. The White House once offered him a vegetarian menu and he declined.
President Herbert Hoover and First Lady Lou Henry Hoover were both fluent in Chinese and would speak it to each other in the White House to prevent eavesdropping.
Tom Hanks has been gifting the White House press corps with new coffee machines since 2004 after visiting and finding an old decrepit Mr. Coffee machine serving really bad coffee. Latest was a $1700 espresso machine in 2017.
The creators of Rocky and Bullwinkle started a campaign to get Moosylvania recognition as a state. They arrived at the White House and demanded to see President Kennedy, but were turned away at gunpoint. They would later learn that they arrived during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
President Woodrow Wilson allowed a flock of sheep to graze on the White House lawn. They saved manpower by not having to mow the lawn, and also raised $52,823 for the Red Cross by auctioning wool.
In 1979, President Jimmy Carter had 32 solar panels installed on the White House roof and made a public commitment to 20% renewable energy by 2000.
Martin Luther King Jr. said he experienced far more hatred in Chicago than he ever did in Alabama or Mississippi. King took part of the Chicago Housing Movement in August 1966 with thousands of local whites jeering, throwing bricks, and displaying Confederate and Nazi signs all over the city.
White House data charts
For your convenience take a look at White House figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why white house is called white house?
You can easily fact check why white house is white by examining the linked well-known sources.
When a dignitary complained to President Theodore Roosevelt about Alice Roosevelt (his daughter) smoking on top of the White House, Roosevelt replied, "I can be President of the United States, or I can control Alice. I cannot possibly do both."
Theodore and Eleanor Roosevelt, when staying in the White House, reported sightings or a presence of Abraham Lincoln's Ghost. Sightings have also been reported by Margaret Truman, Winston Churchill, and Henry Truman. - source
FDR's White House housekeeper, Henrietta Nesbitt, was a legendarily awful cook. “Of course Henrietta did not personally do the cooking,” wrote a former WH maid, “but she stood over the cooks, making sure that each dish was overcooked or undercooked or ruined one way or another.” - source
The daughters of Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan all claim to have seen Lincoln’s ghost in the White House.
Allison Janney was so convincing as White House press secretary in The West Wing that she has been offered work as a political pundit many times and turned them down, reminding them that she is an actor and not strong on politics. - source
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JFK took numerous medications during his time in office prescribed by a doctor nicknamed "Dr. Feelgood". He was forced to stop administering Kennedy drugs by White House officials, and JFK's leadership notably improved, leading to successes such as the Cuban Missile Crisis.
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President Ulysses Grant was arrested by the DC police for speeding, taken into custody, and released with a fine. His horse and carriage were also seized and he had to walk back to the White House.
When China ordered a Boeing 767 from the U.S. in 2002 to serve as its presidential jet, its intelligence service discovered nearly 30 bugging devices onboard the plane, "including one in the headboard of the presidential bed." The C.I.A. and the White House refused to comment.
Thomas Jefferson kept a shetland sheep at the White House. It attacked several people, killed a small boy, and was eventually called "this abominable animal".
The first orbiter of the Space Shuttle System was originally planned to be named Constitution, but a massive write-in campaign from fans of Star Trek convinced the White House to change the name to Enterprise
Kal Penn, the comedian that played "Kumar" in the movie "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" became the Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement in 2009.
White house infographics
Beautiful visual representation of White House numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

White House Correspondent's Dinner: Michelle Wolf Monologue Word Cloud