Press Secretary facts
While investigating facts about Press Secretary Trump and Press Secretary Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Allison Janney was so convincing as White House press secretary in The West Wing that she has been offered work as a political pundit many times and turned them down, reminding them that she is an actor and not strong on politics.
how much does the press secretary make?
Australian prime minister Harold Holt loved swimming and diving so much that when his press secretary expressed concern about this he said, "Look, what are the odds that a PM would drown or be eaten by a shark?". In 1967, Holt went for a swim in the ocean and was never seen again.
Who is the press secretary at the white house?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to trump's press secretary. Here are 29 of the best facts about Press Secretary Briefing and Press Secretary Us I managed to collect.
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About White House Journalist Lester Kinsolving, Who Repeatedly Raised the Issue of The AIDs Epidemic During Reagan Administration Press Conferences, Only to be Ridiculed with Homosexual Slurs by Press Secretary Larry Speakes.
Kal Penn (Kumar from Harold & Kumar) who currently plays the White House Press Secretary on Designated Survivor was the actual Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement.
The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia employs 74 cats to take care of rodents. These cats are so important that they even have their own press secretary, and there are special kitchens in the Hermitage that prepare food for them.
Over 70 cats live in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, helping to catch mice who might want to chew on the artworks. They even have their own press secretary!
The death of Reagan's press secretary, James Brady, was ruled a homicide when he died 33 years after being shot in the head.
Russia's Hermitage Museum has so many cats on its grounds that they have their own Press Secretary
The Executive Office includes the White House Staff, the National Security Council, close advisors to the President, the Press Secretary, and others.
Portugal granted 85,000 Macau residents full Portuguese citizenship before returning Macau to China, British then Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd pressed Portugal to drop the idea, Portugal gave them the finger.
White House Press Secretaries have a tradition of passing down a bulletproof vest.
Press Secretary data charts
For your convenience take a look at Press Secretary figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did press secretary resign?
You can easily fact check why is there a new press secretary by examining the linked well-known sources.
Jerald terHorst resigned in protest as White House Press Secretary after President Ford pardoned Nixon in "a rare act of conscience by a high-ranking public official".
Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright was able leg press 400 pounds - source
Stephen Early had the longest tenure of a White House Press Secretary under FDR (12 years), and the shortest under Truman (13 days). - source
Upon former Reagan press secretary Jim Brady's death the Medical Examiner ruled his death a homicide stemming from the gunshot wound he sustained 33 years prior
Jerald terHorst, White House Press Secretary under Gerald Ford who resigned in protest of Ford's pardoning of Richard Nixon. - source
When was the last press secretary briefing?
The 2014 death of James Brady, former assistant to the U.S. President and White House Press Secretary, was ruled a homicide caused by the gunshot wound he received in 1981, during the attempted assassination of United States President Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley, Jr.
How old is the press secretary?
33 years after the shooting of President Reagan, the most injured victim, the Press Secretary, died, and was considered to be the only death from the assassination attempt.
When James Brady, the Press Secretary shot during the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, died in 2014, it was ruled a homicide...33 years after the shooting (which occurred in 1981).
British physicist Lord Rayleigh was discouraged from adding a religious quote to his scientific papers because, quote "The Secretary to the Press suggested with many apologies that the reader might suppose that I was the Lord." He did it anyway.
At the time of his death, a model of the USS Constitution was on display in JFK's Oval Office. Later, it was again on display in the office of James Brady, Reagan's Press Secretary. After he was similarly shot and critically wounded, the White House deemed it "jinxed" and ordered it be removed.
Bill Moyers was Lyndon B. Johnson's press secretary