Voynich Manuscript facts
While investigating facts about Voynich Manuscript, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Voynich manuscript, a 246 page book that is filled with botanical illustrations along with written word that modern linguists have so far been incapable of deciphering. Attempts to identify the plants have likewise largely failed. Carbon dating places the book at around 1400 AD.
how many pages is the voynich manuscript?
The Voynich Manuscript. A 240 page book written in an unknown language in the 15th century that is comprised of illustrations of plants that don't exist, and astronomical charts that seem alien in nature.
What are the voynich manuscripts?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 18 of the best facts about Voynich Manuscript I managed to collect.
what origin do scientists attribute to the voynich manuscript and why?
The Voynich Manuscript obeys the law of Zipf, making it very plausible that it's either derived from a real language or is an incredibly advanced hoax.
Yale University holds the mysterious 'Voynich Manuscript', originating from medieval Europe. It is dotted with illustrations (ranging from astrology to naked women) and written in an unknown language. As yet, nobody has been able to decode it, though it is too systematic to be "random gibberish"
About the Voynich manuscript, a 15th-century codex written in a code/language that has never been deciphered, and illustrations of the zodiac, herbs, astrology and naked women that likewise can't be explained.
An Applied Linguistics professor from England has possibly decoded parts (10 words, 14 characters) of the Voynich manuscript
Someone thinks they have decoded parts of the Voynich Manuscript, the book that has stumped cryptographers for a century, with old Italian anagrams.
The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript ancient text has no known title, no known author, and is written in no known language.
There's been significant headway made on deciphering the mysterious Voynich Manuscript, using Arabic and Greek names for herbs/vegetables
There is a 600 year old 240 paged book called the Voynich Manuscript, that’s written language is still completely unknown today.
Voynich Manuscript data charts
For your convenience take a look at Voynich Manuscript figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is the voynich manuscript a mystery?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Voynich Manuscript is a 600 year old medieval book no one can read
About the unsolvable mystery of the Voynich manuscript. This 240 pages undeciphered text contains strange images and has baffled the world for centuries. Experts carbon dated the piece circa 1420, but little else is known. - source
The mysterious Voynich manuscript is being translated by amateurs and is written in some old form of Turkish
The Voynich Manuscript, a 14th century codex written in an indecipherable script which has puzzled cryptographers since 1912 when Polish book dealer Wilfrid Voynich (after whom the book is named) acquired it. - source
When to see northern lights in voyageurs national park?
There is a manuscript that exists that no one had been able to decode in hundreds of years called Voynich script (after the name of the man who purchased the book in 1912)