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Vivid Color facts

While investigating facts about Vivid Colors and Vivid Color Socks, I found out little known, but curios details like:

LSD was discovered when a chemist was synthesizing some plant components and accidentally consumed some. Afterward, he reported feeling restless, dizzy, and slightly drunk and when he closed his eyes he could see vivid images, pictures, and colors in his mind.

how to remove vivid color from hair?

Ancient Greek and Roman statues weren't originally just white marble. They were painted with bright, vivid colors which simply faded away over the centuries.

What is a vivid purple red color?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to vivid color safe bleach. Here are 21 of the best facts about Vivid Color Shampoo and Vivid Color Hair I managed to collect.

what is a very vivid purple-red color?

  1. Charles Bonnet Syndrome, a medical disorder in which people with total blindness or impaired vision can suddenly hallucinate entire scenes in vivid color as if they were seeing normally, these episodes can last for a few minutes and can even reoccur for years

  2. Greek statues were actually painted in vivid color. Over time the pigment faded, leaving the white statues that we are used to.

  3. Lumpfish can be bluish grey, olive, brownish, yellowish-green or reddish-brown colored. Color of the body matches with the colors of the environment and provides camouflage. Males are more vividly colored than females. Their belly turns red during the breeding season.

  4. Some predators avoid brightly-colored leafhoppers because bright colors usually indicate that animal produces and releases toxins when it is threatened. Despite their vivid colors, leafhoppers are not poisonous.

  5. Jellyfish can be transparent or vividly colored.

  6. Monte Iberia eleuth emits bitter odor and produces muscle-paralyzing toxins (called pumiliotoxins) in the skin. Main goal of its vividly colored skin is to alert potential predators (birds, fish and frogs) that it is not safe for the consumption.

  7. Finch has brownish or greenish body covered with black, yellow and red feathers. Males are more vividly colored than females.

  8. Name "amaranth" is derived from a Greek word "amarantos" which means "everlasting" or "one that does not wither". Name refers to the flower buds of amaranth that retain vivid coloration even after drying.

  9. Mating season of green anoles lasts from March to October. Males expose their vividly colored dewlaps to attract females.

  10. Camellia blooms during the autumn, winter and spring, depending on the geographic location and type of camellia. Flowers are not fragrant, but they easily attract bees thanks to vividly colored petals.

vivid color facts
What is vivid red color?

What is true about vivid color?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Most species of leafhoppers are brown, green or yellow colored. They are often covered with spots, bars and other vividly colored markings.

Male birds are more vividly colored compared to females. They have yellow heads and black faces with blue moustache-like line. Their throat is black and rest of the body covered with green feathers. Body and head of female birds are covered with green feathers. Their throat is blue. Young birds look like females except they lack blue feathers on a throat.

About Charles Bonnet Syndrome, a condition among blind people in which they suddenly hallucinate full scenes vivid in color - source

The vivid colors in a sunset (or sunrise) are due to the longer distance light must travel to you, versus during the day.

Neptune is more vivid in color than Uranus because of an unknown element. - source

Seeing vivid colors when eyes are closed?

Ancient sculptures used to be vividly colored, referred to as ancient polychromy.

How to use nyx vivid brights creme color?

Every movie about Ancient Greece is wrong - they painted their statues and architecture with vivid saturated colors.

There are clouds that Glow brightly with vivid iridescent colors

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vivid Color. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vivid Color so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor