Frame Frame facts
While investigating facts about Frame Frame Of Mind and Frame Frame Photo Editor, I found out little known, but curios details like:
While rendering Toy Story, Pixar named each and every rendering server after an animal. When a server completed rendering a frame, it would play the sound of the animal, so their server farm will sound like an actual farm.
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The unconfirmed record for fastest moving manmade object is a manhole cover propelled by a nuclear detonation. A high-speed camera trained on the lid caught only one frame of it moving upward before it vanished—which means it was moving about 125,000 miles per hour
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is frame by frame definition. Here are 50 of the best facts about Frame Frame Animation and Frame Frame Youtube I managed to collect.
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The Church of Scientology carried out or planned several covert coordinated attacks against an investigative reporter, which included framing her for a bombing, having her committed to a mental institution, and shooting her.
In Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, certain scenes such as the forest swinging scene, Miles was animated a 12 frames a second while Peter was animated at 24 frames a second, making Miles look less smooth. This was done to show Miles' inexperience at being Spiderman compared to Peter.
The girl who played Robin Williams' teenage daughter in Mrs. Doubtfire was kicked out of school for missing too many classes during filming. Robin Williams then wrote a letter to the principal 'respectfully requesting' he reconsider. She didn't get back in, but the school did frame the letter
Warner Bros. allowed Bugs Bunny to appear in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' under the stipulation that he only appear opposite Mickey Mouse, and that the two receive the same amount of screen time. The resulting scene is the only time in film history that the two have shared the screen together
After filming Who framed Rodger Rabbit, Bob Hoskins’ son didn’t speak to him for 2 weeks. When he finally found out why it was because his son couldn’t believe his dad had worked with Bugs Bunny and not introduced him.
Judge Doom's scheme to dismantle the street cars in favor of freeways in Who Framed Roger Rabbit was based on a real life conspiracy from General Motors
The likely record for fastest manmade object is a manhole cover launched by a nuclear bomb. A high-speed camera recording the lid only caught one frame of it moving meaning it was traveling over 125,000 miles per hour
The Church of Scientology tried to frame Journalist Paulette Copper for a bomb threat she had nothing to do with because she spoke out against the church
Shorter people build higher ceilings inside their buildings in Minecraft while taller people will build lower ceilings. Egocentric Reference Frames cause us to build upon our environments in a way that we are accustomed to seeing them.
A son posthumously inducted his father into the Baseball Hall of Fame by leaving a photo of him underneath a display at the museum. 6 years later it was found by a staff member. After identifying the man in the photo the museum framed the photo and is now on display near where it was found.
Frame Frame data charts
For your convenience take a look at Frame Frame figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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Yogi Bear was one of several Hanna-Barbera characters to have a collar. This allowed animators to keep his body static, redrawing only his head in each frame when he spoke—a method that reduced the number of drawings needed for a seven-minute cartoon from around 14,000 to around 2,000.
In 2004, an assistant high school principal in Michigan tried to frame a student by planting pot in his locker, then calling police to do a locker search. When no drugs were found, he laughingly told police what he had done. He later resigned and became the subject of a criminal probe - source
A Canadian lawyer Garry Hoy died in Toronto trying to prove that the glass in the windows of a 24th floor office was unbreakable by throwing himself against it. It was an act he had done twice before. The windows didn’t break but they popped out of the frame and he plunged to his death. - source
Before Budd Dwyer committed suicide on national television, he claimed innocence for his bribery conviction and that he was being framed. Decades later the prosecutor's primary witness admitted he lied under oath in his testimony to convict Dwyer.
The movie Apocalypse Now has the most movie mistakes of all time, as documented by viewers (558 mistakes). Followed by The Birds (546 mistakes) and Wizard of Oz (423 mistakes). The single "Best Mistake" was from Star Wars (1977) where a storm trooper hits his head on a door frame. - source
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Disney recalled 3.4 million copies of the children's movie "The Rescuers" because one of the animators inserted a picture of a nude woman into two frames of the movie.
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The practice of playing music for callers on hold began with a faulty phone line connection. A loose wire touching the steel frame of an office building caused it to act as a giant radio receiver, allowing callers to hear music from local radio stations while they waited on hold.
Art thieves posing as police officers stole 13 works valued at $500 million from the the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston in 1990. The stolen artwork include paintings by Rembrandt, Manet and Vermeer. The artwork hasn't been recovered, and empty frames hang in their place.
A framed photo of a 4chan post sold for $90,900 on Ebay. The post read: "Art used to be something to cherish / Now literally anything could be art/This post is art"
In 1989 the Oakland A's Accounting Department was freaking out over a $1M surplus. Turns out, Ricky Henderson framed his $1M signing bonus cheque and hung it on his wall without cashing it.
There was an anti-gang unit in the LAPD that had ties to the Bloods. Over 70 officers were implicated in misconduct like shooting civilians, robbing banks, beating suspects (or worse), stealing cocaine, and framing civilians. Some believe the unit was involved in the murder of Biggie Smalls.
Frame frame infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Frame Frame numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Average colors of every pixel of every frame of all Harry Potter movies