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Vitamin Deficiencies facts

While investigating facts about Vitamin Deficiencies That Cause Hair Loss and Vitamin Deficiencies That Cause Anxiety, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The 'super-banana,' a genetically modified fruit from Australia that contains increased levels of vitamin A, could help prevent thousands of Ugandan children from going blind and dying from Vitamin A deficiencies

how would dementia associated with vitamin deficiencies be classified?

The white spots on finger nails are called Leukonychia, and are harmless and most commonly caused by minor injuries that occur while the nail is growing. Contrary to popular belief, leukonychia is not a sign of excess or deficiency of calcium and zinc or other vitamins in the diet

What vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what vitamin deficiencies can cause neuropathy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Vitamin Deficiencies That Cause Fatigue and Vitamin Deficiencies That Cause Depression I managed to collect.

what vitamin deficiencies cause tingling in the hands and feet?

  1. Although they live in a climate inhospitable to crop development, the Inuit do not suffer from vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) due to their diet of frozen and raw fish and mammal organs. By not cooking the food, the vitamin C is not broken down and can be absorbed by the human body.

  2. Approximately one half of vegans are vitamin B12 deficient

  3. Vitamin D deficiency is linked with many health disorders, including depression. In a survey of almost 8,000 US residents, it was found that those with lower vitamin D levels "are at a significantly higher risk of showing depression".

  4. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common, considered by some to be a "hidden epidemic". There are many possible negative effects on your health, and you should take corrective action if necessary to avoid this condition.

  5. In 2012, then 17 year old, Stacey Irvine, was rushed to the hospital with difficulty breathing, anemia, and severe vitamin deficiencies. This was caused by her diet of only chicken nuggets and French fries.

  6. Newborns with a vitamin D deficiency have a 44 percent increased risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults compared to those with normal vitamin D levels. The developing foetus is totally reliant on the mother's vitamin D stores

  7. 50% of the calories Americans consume come from nutrient-depleted, ultra-processed foods, including refined flours and industrial seed oils. A recent study indicates that US children and adults have high rates of deficiency of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and folate, as well as the mineral iron

  8. Scientists invented a genetically modified form of rice called "Golden Rice" to produce beta-carotene, to feed people in areas suffering from Vitamin-A deficiency

  9. Dark-skinned people living in cold countries are 6 times more at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.

  10. Doctors based in Spain were surprised to find an infant had developed scurvy after consuming a diet almost entirely of plant-based formula. Medical tests revealed widespread bone degeneration, multiple fractures, low calcium and other problems. Scurvy is caused by a deficiency in vitamin C.

vitamin deficiencies facts
What vitamin deficiencies cause anxiety?

Why are vitamin e deficiencies rarely observed?

You can easily fact check why b vitamin deficiencies lead to lack of energy by examining the linked well-known sources.

When Europeans attempted to eat corn as a staple, they began to suffer from a deficiency known as pellagra, something indigenous people did not suffer from. It turns out that to get free vitamins in the crop, you need to soak it in alkali water first, a practice European hadn't learned yet.

Oxalis is rich source of vitamin C. All parts of the plant are edible. Leaves have pleasantly sour taste and they are often consumed in the form of salads. Oxalis was very popular among sailors in the past, who consumed leaves of this plant on a regular basis to prevent development of scurvy (disorder induced by deficiency of vitamin C). Starchy tubers are used for the preparation of various soups and sauces. Oxalis can be also consumed in the form of tea.

He was diagnosed with tuberculosis and a severe vitamin deficiency but later medical studies point to a case of undiagnosed hepatic amoebiasis.

Scientists created genetically altered type of rice that contains beta-carotene. This type of rice is golden in color. Goal of this project is to prevent vitamin deficiency in areas with low level of vitamin A in diet.

Syrup made of fresh bilberries and honey was used in treatment of diarrhea during the 16th century in Europe. Berries were also used in treatment of scurvy (disorder induced by vitamin C deficiency), infections and kidney stones. Tea made of leaves was used in treatment of diabetes.

What vitamin deficiencies cause tingling in the hands and feet?

Captain Cook used fresh shoots of spruce for the manufacture of alcoholic drink rich in vitamin C. Consumption of this beverage was obligatory among the crew during the long voyages to prevent scurvy, disorder induced by vitamin C deficiency.

How to get tested for vitamin deficiencies?

Risk factors for acquiring HPIV infection include those who are malnourished, have a vitamin A deficiency, environmental pollution, overcrowding, and not being breastfed.

Hidden hunger", deficiencies in micronutrients, has been a problem for decades in many developing countries because staple food crops were bred for high yield and pest resistance rather than nutritional quality. Experimental golden tubers have far more vitamin A and vitamin E than white potatoes

A vegetarian diet can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency, a strong risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Your liver can store years worth of Vitamin B12, so if you change your lifestyle (becoming vegetarian) it may take years before symptoms are noticed when deficient.

Scurvy (disease that results from vitamin C deficiency) was widely spread among the sailors in the 19th century. Since lemon was expensive, lime was selected as second best natural cure for this disease. British sailors were obliged to consume one lime per day to prevent development of scurvy. Unusual diet is the reason they (British sailors) are known as "limeys" today.

What vitamin deficiencies cause hair loss?

Some issues can increase a person's risk for food allergies, such as a family history of allergic reactions to food, obesity, being deficient in vitamin D, or being too clean (constantly cleaning one's hands and environment with chemical cleaners).

The word "vitamins" is a contraction of "vital amines," a term coined by the scientist Casimir Funk when he observed deficiencies in many amine-based factors caused diseases like scurvy.

Tarragon was used in treatment of scurvy (disorder induced by vitamin C deficiency) in the past. Compounds isolated from tarragon have mildly anesthetic and sedative properties. Tea made of tarragon is used in treatment of insomnia and hyperactivity (it has calming effects). Tarragon is also used to increase appetite, to facilitate digestion and relieve the pain associated with rheumatism and arthritis.

Increasing the Vitamin D in your diet is believed to cut the risk of infection by flu and other respiratory illness by 10% to as much as 50% (depending on how deficient in D you were beforehand).

Vitamin D-3 is a hormone with deep effects on sleep and metabolism. Ideal level is 60-80 ng/ml, but being indoors, most of us are deficient. We can supplement it, but it takes more than single pill dose. Fixing D-3 fixes sleep, which fixes a host of conditions associated with lifestyle.

How to test for vitamin deficiencies?

Cranberry was used as a source of vitamin C for the prevention of scurvy (disorder induced by vitamin C deficiency) on the American ships in the past.

Most African Americans are deficient in vitamin D, due to their dark pigmentation. This explains a higher prevalence of cancer that cannot be attributed to socioeconomic factors alone.

Leaves of hemp agrimony are rich source of vitamin C. Tea made of leaves can be used to prevent scurvy (disorder induced by deficiency of vitamin C).

Lingonberries are used in the manufacture of Lillehammer berry liqueur. Lingonberry water (mixture of lingonberries and water) is popular drink in Russia. It can be also used as mild laxative and as folk remedy against scurvy (disorder induced by vitamin C deficiency).

A theologican used archaeological and anthropological evidence to determine the diet of the ancient Israelites in the Bible. He argues that their diet was very high in bread and grains and often contained little meat or vegetables, leading many to become deficient in vitamins and minerals

Vitamin b12 deficiency causes nerve problems like numbness & muscle weakness, reduces the tongues ability to taste & triggers anxiety & depression.

Susceptibility to subclinical and clinical vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) is partly genetically determined. The genetic advantage of the Hp1 allele as a vitamin C stabilizing factor helps to elucidate the direction and successes of long-distance sea crossing human migrations in history.

Starving rodents in north-eastern France are suffering from vitamin deficiencies that prompt them to eat their own young

Latent Scurvy is where you have deficiencies in vitamin c, but it doesn’t show up yet on bloodwork because you just don’t end up one day with scurvy. It just slowly starts to happen and a lot of people are deficient in vit C. In fact, 1 out of 5 men are deficient in vit C and 1 out of 9 women

When the small intestines are not functioning properly the nutrients that the body requires for health are not absorbed properly. This can lead to other health issues such as malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and organ problems.

While vitamin C deficiency is relatively rare in developed countries due to the availability of fresh produce, it still affects roughly 7% of adults in the US. The most common risk factors for vitamin C deficiency are poor diet, alcoholism, anorexia, severe mental illness, smoking, and dialysis.

The mortality rate is nearly double for people who apply sunscreen religiously and stay out of the sun, because they are more likely to be vitamin D3 deficient -- an essential vitamin that helps protect the body against cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and rickets

"Pellagra" a vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of niacin. The disease is caused by only consuming non nixtamalized corn. Epidemics in the US South killed 100,000 people in the early 1900's. For a time people believed that corn either carried a toxic substance or was a carrier of disease.

Vitamin B2 is Riboflavin, and how important the vitamin is to our body . It helps break down our carbs and Fats which is important to our metabolism. This vitamin plays an essential role in our bodies and we need to make sure we are not deficient of it, otherwise health problems will arise.

Vitamin D is significantly more important than most people and doctors realize and almost everyone is deficient.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vitamin Deficiencies. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vitamin Deficiencies so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor