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Vhs Copy facts

While investigating facts about Vhs Copy Protection and Vhs Copy To Dvd, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About "Hemp for Victory" - A film made by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to promote farmers growing Cannabis Sativa for WWII. It's existence was denied by the US Govt until VHS copied were eventually sourced.

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North Korea has a VHS copy of Space Jam enshrined in a musuem

What do i need to copy vhs tapes to dvd?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do i need to copy vhs to dvd. Here are 32 of the best facts about Vhs Copy Protection Removal Device and Vhs Copy Protection Removal I managed to collect.

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  1. Rented out VHS copies of Fast Times of Ridgemont High broke at a higher frequency than any other movie due to people mass pausing and rewinding Pheobe Cates' famous topless scene.

  2. The International Friendship Exhibition in North Korea, which contains a VHS copy of Space Jam.

  3. A museum in North Korea features a VHS copy of "Space Jam"

  4. An original VHS copy of “The Little Mermaid” is worth hundreds because a castle spire on the cover resembles a penis.

  5. Reed Hastings has said that he was inspired to start Neflix after a $40 late fee on a VHS copy of Apollo 13.

  6. That, adjusted for inflation a VHS copy of Back To The Future from before 1986 was more expensive than a Blu-ray set of the entire trilogy in 2018.

  7. Comedian Jerry Lewis directed and starred in a movie called "The Day the Clown Cried", about a German clown who leads children to gas chambers in Auschwitz during the Holocaust. He owns the only VHS copy, and vowed to prevent anyone from ever seeing it.

  8. The 1993 VHS release of Aladdin sold 10.6 million copies in its first week.

  9. An Idaho man named Ryan Beitz attempted to collect every VHS copy of the film "Speed" in existence. As of 2014, he had obtained over 500 such videotapes.

vhs copy facts
What do you need to copy vhs to dvd?

Why vhs beat betamax?

You can easily fact check why did vhs win over betamax by examining the linked well-known sources.

about the "McPherson Tape", a VHS tapes passed around in the 1990s purportedly showing "found footage" of a family's encounter with and abduction by aliens. It was later found to be a bootleg copy of UFO Abduction (1989), an obscure low-budget film, without the titles or credits.

The 1992 VHS-only film "Detour" is so rare that a Seattle video store that owns one of the only known copies supposedly requires a $150 rental deposit fee - source

Titanic was the 1st film to ever gross $1 billion at the box office, the film also sold 58 million copies on VHS for a total of $995 million in addition to being the 1st film to sell 1 million copies on DVD - source

Reed Hastings was inspired to start Netflix after racking up a $40 late fee on a VHS copy of Apollo 13. - source

When did vhs beat betamax?

An American Man is collecting every copy of Keanu Reeve's Movie Speed on VHS calling it The World Speed Project. Currently he has 2500 copies of the VHS.

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North Korea's International Friendship Museum, which houses gifts given to Kim il-Sung and Kim Jong-il from foreign dignitaries, houses a copy of Bootsy Collins' 1994 album Back in the Day: The Best of Bootsy and a VHS copy of Space Jam.

The North Korean International Friendship Exhibition, a building in NK that houses diplomatic gifts given to the North Korean government. One such gift is a copy of Space Jam on VHS.

About "Hemp for Victory" - A film made by the US Government and released in 1942. It was not found until 1989 when two VHS copies were recovered and donated to the Library of Congress.

E.T. : The Extraterrestrial" was the first movie to be pirated in any significant numbers. When released in 1988 on VHS, it was marked with a green tape protector, a hologram, and was the first to use macrovision to prevent copying.

The idea behind Netflix came in 1997 after the CEO, Reed Hastings, was charged $40 for a late VHS copy of Apollo 13.

Interesting facts about vhs copy

The digital comedy group "Everything Is Terrible" has been collecting Jerry Maguire VHS tapes for over 10 years, amassing the largest collection in the world. They currently have 22,600 VHS copies and are planning to build a permanent Jerry Maguire pyramid in the desert.

The website 'Everything is Terrible' has spent 8 years collecting over 14,000 VHS copies of 'Jerry Macguire' and have stocked them in a mock video store in LA. Their ultimate goal is to build a pyramid in the desert to store the tapes and to serve as a pilgrimage site for film enthusiasts.

Suzanne Ciani composed the music for the 1981 film The Incredible Shrinking Woman which starred Lily Tomlin, and also TIL, Lily Tomlin played four different characters in that film, and the flilm was released in a pan-and-scan format on it's VHS copy.

There is a store in Los Angeles that sells nothing but VHS copies of Jerry Maguire.

How to copy vhs to computer?

Reed Hastings was inspired to start Netflix after acquiring a $40 late fee on a VHS copy of Apollo 13.

Reed Hastings was inspired to start Netflix after a $40 late fee on a VHS copy of Apollo 13.

Old VHS copies of awful movies can rack up to $700 or more

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vhs Copy. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vhs Copy so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor