Vegetables Fruits facts
While investigating facts about Vegetables Fruits Name and Vegetables Fruits Images, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The state of California produces half of the fruit and vegetables consumed in the US, as well as 99% of artichokes and walnuts and 95% of garlic.
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Children will, on average, eat 54% more fruits and vegetables if recess comes before lunch (versus the other way around)
What is the difference between fruits and vegetables?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what fruits and vegetables can dogs eat. Here are 50 of the best facts about Vegetables Fruits Online and Vegetables Fruits List I managed to collect.
what vegetables fruits are in season?
Avocados contain more fat than any other fruit or vegetable. Also, the trees contain enzymes that prevent the fruit from ever ripening on the tree, allowing farmers to use the trees as storage devices for up to 7 months after they reach full maturity, allowing avocados to always be in season.
Holding recess before lunchtime can increase fruit and vegetable consumption by 54%
Chad has the world's healthiest diet even though it is an extremely poor nation. It has access to vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and fish, but almost no availability of processed meat and sugary beverages, or foods containing trans fats or sodium
A company in Tokyo decided to make their HQ into a vertical farm. They gave up 43,000 square feet of space to grow food. 200 species of fruits and vegetables are harvested and served to employees. There is a 1000-square-ft rice paddy in the entryway.
Snooty, the world's oldest captive manatee, has lived at the South Florida Aquarium almost all his life. On his birthday, a cake of fruit and vegetables is made for him while the visitors sing him Happy Birthday.
The state vegetable of Oklahoma is watermelon... which is a fruit.
State vegetable of Oklahoma is the Watermelon...which is a fruit.
A 2004 study of 43 fruits and vegetables found that their nutritional value has decreased significantly over the past 50 years.
Raising your fruits & vegetables consumption leads not just to a healthier, but a happier life, equivalent to what people experience as they move from an unemployed status to employment
Fruit' is a botanical term and 'vegetable' is a culinary term, so certain vegetation such as tomatoes, green beans, eggplants, and cucumbers could be called either fruits or vegetables.
Vegetables Fruits data charts
For your convenience take a look at Vegetables Fruits figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are fruits and vegetables important?
You can easily fact check why should we eat fruits and vegetables by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mexico's imports of fresh produce account for 69% of U.S. fresh vegetable import value and 37% of U.S. fresh fruit.
There are still street merchants in Baltimore, called arabbers, who carry on a 150 year old tradition by travelling around selling fruits and vegetables from a horse drawn cart. - source
The fruit versus vegetable debate depends on the botanical or culinary definition. Botanically, eggplants, bell peppers and tomatoes are fruits while in culinary terms, they are considered vegetables. - source
In 2007, the House of Representatives of Oklahoma declared the watermelon, a fruit, their state vegetable.
One hectare of land (2.471 acres) producing vegetables, fruit , and cereals, can feed up to 30 people. The same area, if used to produce meat, could feed between only 5-10. - source
When to plant fruits and vegetables?
Unlike fruit, the term vegetable is not botanical, but is largely defined by culinary and cultural tradition.
How to clean fruits and vegetables?
Benjamin Lay, a radical abolitionist Quaker from 19th c. PA. He lived in a cave, ate only vegetables & fruit, & threatened slave-owning Quaker's with God's wrath. Also he was a hunchback dwarf.
In 1949 in Ghent, Belgium, students took over a medieval castle and fended off police with fruits and vegetables because they were unhappy with a price increase on beer.
In medieval times, all fruit and vegetables were cooked as it was believed that raw fruit and vegetables caused disease. One book from 1500 even warns: “Beware of green salads and raw fruits, for they will make your master sick”.
Tomatoes, although botanically a fruit, are legally a vegetable as a result of the 1893 Supreme Court case Nix v. Hedden, as "they are seen as vegetables because they are usually eaten as a main course instead of being eaten as a dessert."
Corn is a fruit, a vegetable, AND a grain