Valentine Day facts
While investigating facts about Valentine's Day List and Valentine Day Images, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A group of embittered singles in Shanghai purchased all odd-numbered cinema seats forcing couples to sit apart on Valentine's Day
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In Japan, Valentine's Day is a day when girls buy chocolates and other gifts for boys they like. A month later, on March 14th, is called White Day. On that day, the boys will buy gifts to give back to the girls who bought them gifts on Valentine's Day.
What valentine's day celebrates?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what valentine day is tomorrow. Here are 50 of the best facts about Valentine Day Week and Valentine Day 2019 I managed to collect.
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In 2014, an Arizona man escaped prison to meet with his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. The man crawled past razor wire, scaled two fences and made his way to a bar about 10 miles away.
Frank Gusenberg, he died of 14 gunshot wounds a few hours after he was shot during the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. When asked who shot him, he replied " No one...nobody shot me." His last words were "I ain't no copper."
India celebrates Children's Day on November 14th, exactly 9 months after Valentines Day.
Frank Gusenberg, who was shot fourteen times during the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, when asked by the police who shot him replied "Nobody shot me."
In South Korea, there is a day called Black Day (April 14), where single people eat noodles to lament their loneliness. This is in opposition to Valentine's Day and White Day, the days for couples.
Valentine's Day is the day that St. Valentine was beaten with clubs and tortured to death for performing secret marriages against the Emperor's wishes. The Emperor banned all marriages because soldiers didn't want to leave their families to fight in wars.
In 2011 the head of the American College of Surgeons was forced to resign after he wrote a Valentine’s Day editorial touting the mood-enhancing effects of semen on women during unprotected sex, which was completely supported by the research he cited in said editorial.
On Valentine's day in Japan, women give their male co-workers chocolate. Unpopular co-workers receive cheap giri-choko("ultra-obligatory" chocolate) while others receive honmei-choko ("true feeling chocolate").
There was only one victim to survive the St. Valentine's Day Massacre when he arrived at the hospital. When asked by police who shot him 22 times, he said "Nobody shot me."
Valentine Day data charts
For your convenience take a look at Valentine Day figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why's valentine's day a thing?
You can easily fact check why chocolate on valentine's day by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Japan women give chocolates to men on Valentine's Day and the men reciprocate it a month later for White Day.
14% of women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day - source
On Valentines day Roman priests use to kill goats and take their skin, soak them in blood and go around streets slapping women and crops with them in order to make them fertile for the year - source
Because of Valentine's Day, March is the biggest month for pregnancy test sales.
In 2018 Ash Wednesday will be on Valentine's Day and Easter will be on April Fool's Day - source
When's valentine's day?
Valentine's day remembers Saint Valentine, who was arrested, beaten by clubs, and beheaded for refusing to stop performing marriages
How to write a valentine's day card?
People used to send Vinegar Valentines to those that they despised. These were essentially insult cards with a picture and an insulting poem that were given on Valentine's Day.
Valentines Day started life as a fertility festival where two men wearing animal skin would run around slapping passers by with lengths of goat skin.
In 2002, Green Day recorded an album called "Cigarettes and Valentine's" a follow up to "Warning". Upon nearing completion, the album was mysteriously stolen from the studio and rather than re-recording the 20 songs the band created a new album, "American Idiot"
The founder of Domino's Pizza met his wife while delivering pizza. On Valentine's Day after their second date, he gave her a heart-shaped pizza.
Gangster Frank Gusenberg was hit 14 times during the Valentine's Day Massacre and, as he lay dying, police asked who had shot him. He said "Nobody shot me."
Valentine day infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Valentine Day numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

People searching for flowers and chocolate near Valentines day