Online Shopping facts
While investigating facts about Online Shopping Sites and Online Shopping Tesco, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Phyllis from "The Office" would pay bills and do Christmas shopping online from the office computers in the background.
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A man working at Kmart in the 80s and 90s saved a collection of cassette tapes that were sent from Kmart's corporate office to be played over the in-store speaker system while people shopped. He later digitized the tapes and uploaded them online where they can be heard today.
What online shopping is all about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what online shopping mall. Here are 34 of the best facts about Online Shopping Amazon and Online Shopping Asda I managed to collect.
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In 1978 France rolled out a pre-World Wide Web online service that gave its users access to online shopping, search engines, cybersex and message boards. It reached 25 million users in the 90s, connecting to more than 23,000 services.
In 1978 France rolled out a pre-World Wide Web online service (MiniTel) that gave it's users access to online shopping, search engines, cybersex, message boards etc ... France Telecom only retired the service in 2012 after 30 years and 800 000 units still in use.
The 'technologically advanced' South Koreans are forced (by law) to use Internet Explorer to shop and bank online.
In 1994, Guns N Roses bassist Duff McKagan decided to invest $100k of his new GNR money in local Seattle companies, including an expanding chain of coffee shops, a software company and an online book seller - Starbucks, Microsoft and Amazon.
Some online retailers manipulate prices based on the visitor. Having a cookie history of luxury shopping could significantly raise the price.
Online shopping prices vary based on your browser/device and Apple product owners often pay more.
Psilocybin mushrooms were widely available in Japan and were sold in mail-order shops, online vendors and in head shops throughout Japan; according to Hideo Eno of Japan's Health Ministry narcotics division, prior to 2002, "You can find them [psilocybin mushrooms] anywhere."
The original Buck Rogers novel (written in 1927) predicted such future technologies as telecommuting, online shopping, night vision goggles, and cell phones...
The Japanese version of the Nintendo Entertainment System launched a Communications Network System modem add-on that allowed multiplayer, stock-brokerage services, home shopping, online banking, and electronic mail for the first time.
Singles Day" is a holiday in China for single people to celebrate and shop, making it the world's largest online shopping day. In US dollars, sales from this past year alone were $5.8 billion, which was more than the combined sales from both Cyber Monday and Black Friday.
Online Shopping data charts
For your convenience take a look at Online Shopping figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why online shopping is the best?
You can easily fact check why online shopping websites by examining the linked well-known sources.
72% of Millennials research and shop their options online before going to a store or the mall.
11/11, a Chinese holiday also known as "Single's Day" and invented in the early 90s as a sort of opposition to Valentine's Day, has become the "largest online shopping day in the world" due, in part, to marketing efforts by online retailer Ali Baba - source
Radio Shack still exists in the US, not only as an online store, but also having hundreds of physical retail locations, including Radio Shack Express shops inside HobbyTown stores. - source
The LA Coroners office has a gift shop and an online store
16% of online holiday shopping is conducted from a toilet - source
When is vogue online shopping night?
'Forensic Economics,' a subfield of economics that uses economic cues to infer hidden behaviors. In one case a forensic economic analysis of online shopping data was used to determine that the Argentinean government was understanding its actual inflation rate by a factor of 2-3.
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Even though sales taxes aren't usually posted, shoppers adjust when sales taxes change by stocking up before sales taxes go up and then switching to online shopping or cross-border shopping after the tax increase.
China has a Social Credit System, real life karma, that can be raised and lowered by your online postings, shopping habits, and/or the courts
Singles' Day, the largest online shopping day in the world saw sales in Alibaba's sites reaching US$17.8 billion in 2016
I finally learned how to avoid common online shopping bloopers
Facts behind online shopping sites making big money
Online shopping infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Online Shopping numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

SSD Prices for various (German) online Shops (now with legible axis and all Data)