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Uss Enterprise facts

While investigating facts about Uss Enterprise Ww2 and Uss Enterprise Star Trek, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise was the longest warship ever built, and weighed over 90,000 tons. Despite this, it was one of the fastest, due to having 8 seperate nuclear reactors putting out a total of 280,000hp. No other carrier has more than two.

how big is the uss enterprise?

Las Vegas Almost Built a Full Scale USS Enterprise From STAR TREK. The project had funding, but was blocked by the CEO of Paramount.

What happened to the uss enterprise?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does uss enterprise stand for. Here are 29 of the best facts about Uss Enterprise Cvn 65 and Uss Enterprise Ncc 1701 I managed to collect.

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  1. There were serious plans in 1992 to build a full-scale replica of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek as a resort attraction in Las Vegas

  2. The Space Shuttle Enterprise was named after the Federation Starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) which, being a Federation flagship, was named after the United Earth Starship ISS Enterprise (NX-01) which was named after the Space Shuttle Enterprise.

  3. One of the most commonly used passwords is ncc1701 - the serial number of the USS Enterprise, main ship on Star Trek.

  4. The most decorated warship in the history of the US Navy (USS Enterprise CV-6) was sold for scrap while the ship whose only noteworthy contribution to WWII was serving as her escort (USS North Carolina BB-55) was preserved as a museum.

  5. The Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas was originally intended to be a full-scale replica of Star Trek's USS Enterprise, but Paramount Pictures refused to approve the proposal

  6. There is an actual person trying to build the USS Enterprise

  7. The Sternplate of the WWII US Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise, the most decorated ship in American History, is on display in relative obscurity in Rivervale New Jersey.

  8. The United States Navy once considered adopting the bridge design of Star Trek's USS Enterprise because of the efficiency of it's layout.

  9. The accidental detonation of a single rocket on the USS Enterprise in 1969 led to a chain reaction of 17 more explosions that nearly destroyed her.

  10. The founder of Enterprise Rent-A-Car was a fighter pilot on USS Enterprise during WWII, hence the company's name.

uss enterprise facts
What happened to the uss enterprise ww2?

Why was the uss enterprise scrapped?

You can easily fact check why is the uss enterprise named that by examining the linked well-known sources.

NASA's Space Shuttle Enterprise was named after Star Trek's USS Enterprise and not the US Navy USS Enterprise. It was renamed from Space Shuttle Constitution after a campaign by Star Trek fans

There's a building in China designed to look like the USS Enterprise - source

During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the USA sent the carrier battle group Task Force 74, led by the nuclear-powered USS Enterprise into the Bay of Bengal in an attempt to intimidate India. In response, the Soviet Union sent a submarine armed with nuclear missiles to trail the US task force. - source

"Webtrek", an episode of 80s sitcom "Webster" where Webster visits the USS Enterprise and meets Lt. Worf - source

When was the uss enterprise decommissioned?

The new USS Enterprise (CVN-80) goes into service in 2025 it will be the first American Aircraft carrier not named after a person since the USS America (CV-66) set sail in 1965.

How big is the uss enterprise star trek?

After the sinking of the USS Hornet on the pacific front of WWII, the last remaining US Aircraft Carrier in the Pacific, the USS Enterprise, raised a sign in defiance that said, "Enterprise vs. Japan"

Las Vegas developers planned to build a 1:1 replica of the USS Enterprise as a tourist promotion

In the Star Trek series, "Jefferies tubes" were named after Matt Jefferies, Art Director of the Original Series and designer of the first USS Enterprise.

The USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation had only one bathroom for the entire crew.

The nickname of the first nuclear-powered Supercarrier, the USS Enterprise (CVN-65), was "Fleet Starship"

When was the uss enterprise commissioned?

The first USS Enterprise was a Quebec built British sloop-of-war captured in 1775 by a force led by Benedict Arnold. It was burned in 1777 to prevent the British from recapturing it.

The Chromecast gen.1 has the model number H2G2-42 which can be read as The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, while the Chromecast gen.2 has NC2-6A5 where NC2 could be read as NCC, and 6A5 in hex is 1701. NCC-1701 is the registry number of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek.

The USS Enterprise from Star Trek was originally going to be named the "Yorktown". Both of the names came from the World War 2 ships, Yorktown (CV-5) and Enterprise (CV-6)

A Chinese businessman built a replica USS Enterprise to use as the main office for his company

While filming a guest appearance on Star Trek TNG, Stephen Hawking was taken on a tour of the USS Enterprise set. When he saw the Warp Core, he paused, and said 'I'm working on that.'

How many uss enterprises are there?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Uss Enterprise. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Uss Enterprise so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor