Star Trek facts
While investigating facts about Star Trek Discovery and Star Trek Picard, I found out little known, but curios details like:
James Doohan (Scotty on 'Star Trek') received an honorary doctorate from the Milwaukee School of Engineering. The university gave him the degree after half of its students said in a survey that his character had inspired them to choose engineering as a career.
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Nichelle Nichols planned to quit her role as Lieutenant Uhura on “Star Trek” after the first season to pursue her dream of a Broadway career. She was convinced by a huge fan of the show to stay on for the sake of representation of black females in media. That fan was Martin Luther King Jr.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what star trek series is the best. Here are 50 of the best facts about Star Trek Discovery Season 3 and Star Trek Movies I managed to collect.
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Leonard Nimoy met many fans who became scientists because of Spock's example, and talked to the 'Star Trek' actor as if he were a fellow researcher. Nimoy always nodded and told them, "Well, it certainly looks like you’re headed in the right direction."
Shortly before she died, Majel Barrett recorded an entire library of phonetic sounds, allowing her voice to be used in future products outside of Star Trek and, quite possibly, as the computer voice in Star Trek: Discovery. Thus, she could live on as the voice of Starfleet possibly for all time.
While developing Star Trek Spock was originally going to be from Mars, however due to a concern that a Martian landing might take place before the end of the series his home planet was changed.
"the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" is not a quote from some ancient philosopher or legal code. It is a quote from the 1982 Star Trek film The Wrath of Khan.
The canonical reason for most of the alien races to be humanoid in Star Trek is an ancient humanoid species seeding the oceans of many worlds with DNA codes 4.5 billion years before the start of the series, directing the evolution of life towards a physical pattern similar to their own.
A professinal linguist in Native American languages was asked to invent Klingon for Star Trek. He speaks Klingon, but notes that others have attained greater fluency
The first black-white interracial kiss on American television was on an episode of Star Trek. However, the producers were worried about the show being banned in the South because of it, and tried to shoot alternate versions of the shot. The actors intentionally flubbed those shots.
In 2011 George Takei unilaterally declared peace between Star Wars and Star Trek fans, and asked them both to declare war on Twilight
James Doohan, Star Trek’s Scotty, was shot 6 times during D-Day and had his middle finger amputated. He went on to conceal it on screen throughout his acting career.
William Shatner developed tinnitis after an explosion on the set of 'Star Trek.' He coped with the condition by wearing a white noise device, which diminishes the physiological response to repeated stimuli. He became the official spokesman for tinnitis and talked someone down from suicide.
Star Trek data charts
For your convenience take a look at Star Trek figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why star trek logo on cbs by examining the linked well-known sources.
William Shatner directed 'Star Trek V: The Final Frontier' because of a clause in his contract dating back to the original series ensuring that whatever Leonard Nimoy got—he did too. So after Nimoy directed 'Star Trek IV', Shatner insisted that he get a turn at directing a movie.
Martin Luther King Jr. personally convinced Nichelle Nichols not to quit Star Trek, because he felt a black woman playing Lt. Uhuru in an equal role to the rest of the crew would be an important portrayal of the world he wanted to see - source
An anonymous biologist managed to get a fake scientific research paper accepted into four supposedly peer-reviewed science journals, to expose the problem of predatory journals. He based the paper on a notoriously bad Star Trek episode where characters turned into weird amphibian-people. - source
Chekov did not appear on 'Star Trek' until the first episode of the second season. The character was created to attract young viewers by resembling Davy Jones of The Monkees.
Patrick Stewart expected Star Trek: TNG to fail and would not have joined if he'd known it would air for seven seasons. - source
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During a scrapped Conan O'Brien skit, Conan was supposed to cut off someone talking about star wars vs star trek, but didn't, and they spoke for 6 minutes straight in quite an impressive explanation the Conan staff wasn't expecting.
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The "We ain't found shit!" guy from Spaceballs was played by Tim Russ. Who played Tuvok on Star Trek, Voyager.
The "we ain't found shit!" trooper from Spaceballs is Tim Russ, who also played Tuvok in Star Trek Voyager
Because the character of Montgomery Scott in Star Trek inspired so many students to pursue careers in engineering, the Milwaukee School of Engineering presented James Doohan with an honorary degree in engineering
Mae Jemison, the first female African-American astronaut, was inspired to apply to NASA by the Star Trek character, Lieutenant Uhura. Jemison later went on to make a cameo appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy on 'Star Trek') had wanted to become a doctor, but could not afford medical school. He received many letters from fans who went into medicine because of his character: "To influence the youth of the country ... is an award that is not handed out by the industry".
Star trek infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Star Trek numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Star Trek - IMDB Season Average by Series