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Unlock Phone facts

While investigating facts about Unlock Phone Free With Imei Number and Unlock Phone Att, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Your fingerprint is not protected under the 5th amendment. Therefore police can force you to unlock a phone with fingerprint locks, but not password locks

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In 2017 a Qatar Airways plane had to make an emergency landing after a woman used her sleeping husband's thumb to unlock his phone and discovered he was cheating on her.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's unlock phone. Here are 21 of the best facts about Unlock Phone Vodafone and Unlock Phone Ee I managed to collect.

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  1. Google had to change the unlock pattern to require four connecting dots instead of three because Steve Jobs insisted that if users could connect the bottom three dots of the grid to unlock their phone, it would mimic the iPhone’s patented slide-to-unlock feature

  2. Sprint does not unlock phones as easily as their competitors, and this is why their used cellphones have a lower resale value.

  3. In 1988 Charles M. Schulz's (creator of the Peanuts comics) wife was almost kidnapped, after two gunmen entered their home through an unlocked door. Their daughter Jill driving up to the house would scare them off and she called the police from a neighbors phone.

  4. A team of Michigan State University investigators digitally recreated a deceased man's fingerprints to unlock his cell phone.

  5. If the police shoot and kill you and they want to get into your cell phone, they can legally go to the funeral home without your family's permission and use your corpse's finger to try to unlock it.

  6. A man implanted an NFC chip in his hand for 99$ and can now unlock his phone with it; says he plans on having more uses for it.

  7. That, to unlock your phone through Touch ID, besides your fingers, you can use the palm of your hand, your toes, your heel, sometimes your nose and even your nipple.

  8. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency can legally force you to unlock your phone and check your texts and Facebook messages before letting you into the country.

  9. Your fingerprint is not protected under the 5th amendment. Therefore, police can force you to unlock your phone if you use fingerprint locks.

  10. A Virginia state court made a ruling in Oct. 2014 made the ruling that police have the right to use your finger print to unlock your phone but not a pass code.

unlock phone facts
What does it mean to unlock a phone?

Why should i unlock my phone?

You can easily fact check why can't i unlock my phone by examining the linked well-known sources.

Some blackberry models locked functionality at low battery, but emergency 999s were allowed and unlocked the phone which led to massive amounts of 999 hoaxes.

The urban legend that calling 999 will recharge your cell phone may have come from the fact that Blackberry phones would shut off their radio on low battery and one could unlock the radio and make other calls by calling 999 and hanging up immediately. - source

Rooting an Android phone will unlock Extra features of Phone. So, you should learn how to Root an android phone. - source

Some US visa applicants will now have to provide social media handles & can also be told to unlock their phones and handover.

Cops cant make you open your phone with a pass code, but they are allowed to use your Fingerprint to unlock your phone - source

How to unlock a nokia phone when i forgot the password?

Police can make you unlock your phone with your fingerprint, but they cannot force you to input a numerical code to unlock your phone.

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Chris Rock has solved the cell phone in school classrooms problem that is holding back the learning of students today by having patrons put their cell phones into a green pouch that locks, and then won't unlock until that person has left the security area of the venue

While setting up your fingerprint scan on Apple devices, you are able to have multiple/different fingers under ONE finger by alternating turns on pressing the button (as it requires you to repeatedly place your finger on and off), where all fingers will successfully work in unlocking the phone.

Majority of Chinese-made phones use 'Face Unlock' software provided by SenseTime, a Chinese AI startup that specializes in systems that analyze faces and images on an enormous scale

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Unlock Phone. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Unlock Phone so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor