Incredible and fun facts to explore

Finger Print facts

While investigating facts about Fingerprinting Near Me and Fingerprint Lock, I found out little known, but curios details like:

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how fingerprint sensor works?

A Scottish scientist discovered that finger prints were unique, & asked Charles Darwin to help him promote the idea. Charles Darwin shared this with his nephew, who then claimed the finding as his own.

What fingerprint pattern is most common?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what fingerprints are rare. Here are 18 of the best facts about Fingerprint and Fingerprint Lock App I managed to collect.

what fingerprints are used for?

  1. Lady Dai, death in 163 BC, considered the best preserved mummy in the world. Upon discovery she still had moist, soft skin, movable limbs, intact organs and veins with still small amounts of type A blood in them, distinct finger prints and more!

  2. There is a chemotherapy drug that erases your finger prints as a side effect

  3. Cops will often touch the tail light of a car that they just pulled over in order to leave their finger print in case it is later needed for evidence.

  4. Mel Brooks rigged up an extra finger for himself when he made his hand print in front of the Chinese Theater.

  5. A Dogs nose print is as unique as a humans finger print. In fact, the Canadian Kennel Club has been accepting nose prints as proof of identity since 1938.

  6. The odds of having the same finger print as someone else is 1 in 64 billion. Because there have been over 108 billion people to have ever lived on earth, many people, either dead or alive, will have to have the same fingerprint

  7. Fruit of castor bean is spiny capsule composed of three sections, each filled with one large seed. Seed can be red, brown, white, black, grey or yellow and covered with various spots and blotches that are unique for each seed (like the finger prints).

  8. Cops touch the back of the car so if they're killed their finger prints are on the car so they know its that car that they stopped.

  9. About Adermatoglyphia, a rare genetic disease which causes a lack of finger prints

  10. A Virginia state court made a ruling in Oct. 2014 made the ruling that police have the right to use your finger print to unlock your phone but not a pass code.

finger print facts

Why fingerprints are different?

You can easily fact check why fingerprint is not working by examining the linked well-known sources.

Mel Brooks, ever the comedian, left his 11 finger hand prints in the cement of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The US government in the late 90s told Colour Laser Printer manufacturers to put yellow dot 'finger prints' in their printers that show serial number, date/time, etc. - source

Apple Touch ID uses a small electrical current through your skin to read your finger print. Full details in the link - source

We not only have finger prints but also toe prints that have been used in criminal cases.

There is a genetic disorder that leads to having no finger prints, it is called "Immigration delay disease." What a brilliant name for it. - source

When fingerprints were first used?

During traffic stops cops touch the back of the car so if they're killed their finger prints are on the car and they know it's that car that they stopped.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Finger Print. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Finger Print so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor