Top Gear facts
While investigating facts about Top Gear Presenters and Top Gear Specials, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Top Gear staged breakdowns of the Nissan Leaf and Tesla Roadster, making electric cars seem unviable. Show defenders said that it was all in fun.
how top gear is filmed?
Rob Willis who bought a used BMW M3 from a dealer and immediately began having issues with the car, while watching an old episode of Top Gear he noticed he had been sold the car Jeremy Clarkson had been honing on the show.
What top gear episodes are specials?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what top gear episode is the caravan. Here are 50 of the best facts about Top Gear 2019 and Top Gear Review I managed to collect.
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Top Gear's "tame racing driver", The Stig, would often eat his lunch in the back of an ambulance to avoid being identified. He would also remain in his racing overalls and helmet throughout the day and would put on a French-like accent when talking.
Tesla sued Top Gear for libel after Top Gear claimed their car would have run out of juice after 55 miles on the race track - without actually having driven the distance. Ironically, the 55 mile range was calculated and relayed to Top Gear by Tesla's own engineers, and Tesla lost the lawsuit.
Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) published his bank and acct # in his newspaper column, claiming “worst-case scenario, someone would be able to pay money into my account.” Within a few days, someone set up a direct debit for £500 in favor of a charity, which didn’t require any identification.
The steamship Eastland, which, in 1915, capsized while still tied to the dock in Chicago. New safety laws which rushed through Congress after the Titanic sinking mandated so much safety gear installed that the ship was top heavy and rolled over, killing 844 people.
Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson once published his bank details in a national newspaper to prove it was safe. Later a large donation was made to animal charity in his name.
According to Elon Musk, Top Gear completely faked their segment on Tesla and had in fact scripted the "breakdown" after which they pretended the car had to be pushed back to the garage before even receiving the car (additional links in comments)
As of 2008, TV show Top Gear had a waiting list of over 300,000 names, or 21 years worth of episodes
The first persons to drive a motor vehicle to the North Pole were James May and Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear
Top gear UK was chased out of an Argentinian village by Falklands war veterans throwing rocks
The largest non-commercial rocket launch in European history was done for an episode of Top Gear where they tried to send a Reliant Robin into space.
Top Gear data charts
For your convenience take a look at Top Gear figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why top gear cancelled?
You can easily fact check why top gear was attacked in argentina by examining the linked well-known sources.
Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson Installed a English Electric Lightning F1A Jet Fighter in His Front Garden. However, It was Removed on the Orders of the Local Council, to which Clarkson said "[They] wouldn't believe my claim that it was a leaf blower."
Top Gear's test driver, The Stig, is silent and anonymous because the show's creators were originally unable to find a racing driver with experience at speaking on-camera. - source
James May, the former Top Gear presenter, was sacked from his job in Autocar in 1992 after writing a secret message in the magazine's yearly car review. The message read 'So you think it's really good, yeah? You should try making the bloody thing up; it's a real pain in the arse.' - source
BBC's Top Gear crew were the first to reach the North Pole in a motor vehicle
Top Gear (UK) has a weekly viewer base of 350 million people in 170 different countries. - source
When top gear back on?
There was a war dubbed the Toyota War between Libya and Chad. It was called this because a large amount of Toyota trucks were used. This includes the infamous model from Top Gear, the Toyota Hilux.
How top gear ended?
The television show Top Gear, sponsored by Shell, staged breakdowns of the Nissan Leaf and Tesla Roadster, to make electric cars seem unviable and inferior to petrol powered vehicles, and causing doubt to Tesla investors
Ben Collins "The Stig" from BBC's Top Gear had to file a lawsuit to allow him to release his identity in a auto-biography entitled 'The Man in The White Suit'
Tesla Motors sued Top Gear for giving a bad review for one of their cars, and lost
James May, formerly of Top Gear, once beat Gordon Ramsay in a cooking contest, while drunk.