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Thumbs Gesture facts

While investigating facts about Thumbs Up Gesture and Thumbs Up Gesture Offensive, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The famous thumbs up from Vault Boy from Fallout is not just a gesture, but a method of measuring radiation from a nuclear blast.

how to get thumbs down gesture modern warfare?

In 1992 Microsoft had to refute accusations of antisemitism when it was found in the most recent version of the wingdings font that the character sequence "NYC" was rendered as a skull and crossbones symbol, Star of David, and thumbs up gesture

What does the thumbs up gesture mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the thumbs up gesture mean in other countries. Here are 12 of the best facts about In Which Country Is The 'thumbs-up' Gesture Deemed An Insult and Thumbs Up Gesture Meaning I managed to collect.

in what country is the thumbs-up gesture an insult?

  1. The modern popularization of thumbs up signal came from a Chinese gesture for "you're number one"

  2. In Iran & Iraq, the thumbs up gesture is the same as the middle finger in other parts of the world.

  3. Experts believe the thumbs up/down gesture is misused in depictions of ancient Roman gladiatorial combat. The thumbs up gesture would indicate that a fighter is to be killed, while a closed fist with the thumb pressed down on top meant he was to be spared.

  4. In former Persia, a gesture involving exposing only the thumb—a thumbs up—is used instead of the middle finger to express roughly the same sentiment.

  5. The number 6 in the chinese number gestures uses, like the hang loose, an extended thumb and little finger

  6. Roman gladiators were sentenced to death using an uncertain thumb gesture. The idea that it was a "thumbs down" comes from a 19th century painting called Pollice Verso.

  7. Our idea of the thumbs up/down gestures from Roman gladiatorial games come from a 19th century painting.

  8. The "perfect" hand gesture originates from divers, it incorporates the "O" and the "K" and is used instead of thumbs up/down which mean go up/down

  9. The origin of the thumbs up gesture is obscure, but there are some pretty good theories

  10. The thumbs-up gesture is a sign of approval in most countries. However, in several countries in West Africa and the Middle East, including Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, the gesture has the connotation of "up yours!" It's used the same way the middle finger is in the US.

thumbs gesture facts
What does the thumbs up gesture mean in japan?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Thumbs Gesture. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Thumbs Gesture so important!

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