Tear Gas facts
While investigating facts about Tear Gas Effects and Tear Gas Formula, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2000 Rage Against the Machine performed a free concert outside the Democratic Convention in protest of the two party system. It was controversially dispersed with rubber bullets and tear gas.
how tear gas works?
Tear Gas (and pepper spray) are illegal to use in warfare. Used on our own citizens in riot control, it cannot be used on enemy combatants.
What's tear gassed?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tear gas feels like. Here are 43 of the best facts about Tear Gassed and Tear Gas Mask I managed to collect.
what's tear gas?
Tear gas is a chemical weapon banned at war, but police are still allowed to use it on protesters.
The US president's Cadillac One (aka The Beast) is equipped with 8 inch thick bulletproof doors, an oxygen system, a night-vision camera, tear-gas bombs, a shotgun, and pints of the president’s blood type.
There are people in Kenema,Sierra Leone, africa. that think EBOLA is a hoax created by Doctors to steal blood from patients and rioters are trying to break down the hospital gates and rescue the patients inside. police are using tear gas and live bullets to disperse the rioters
In 1921 private police in the US dropped bombs and tear gas on a coal miners camp when they went on strike for better working conditions
While governments are OK with using tear gas on their own civilian populations, they prohibit it in war
Some weapons and chemicals forbidden by armies to use during war are actively used on civilians, including Tear Gas.
Pres. Hoover once ordered the US army to attack US veterans. In 1932, 17,000 unemployed WWI vets camped at the Washington Mall to demand payment owed to them. Hoover ordered the army to clear the camp, so the veterans were attacked with bayonets, tear gas, and tanks.
The United States Presidential state car, nicknamed "The Beast," is a custom built Cadillac with 5-inch thick bulletproof glass. It carries oxygen tanks, night vision optics, pump action shotguns, a tear gas cannon, rocket-propelled grenades, and two pints of the President's blood type.
Like other types of onions, shallot releases allyl sulfide (gas) during the slicing. This substance reacts with the moisture from the air and creates sulfuric acid which irritates eyes and leads to the formation of tears.
It is possible to build up a tolerance to tear gas.
Tear Gas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tear Gas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is tear gas banned in war?
You can easily fact check why is tear gas legal by examining the linked well-known sources.
It is a war crime to use tear gas on the battle field. As a chemical weapon, its use is prohibited under the same treaties that outlaw the use of anthrax and mustard gas. - source
When Peru and Argentina were playing for the final spot in the 1964 Olympics soccer tournament, a disallowed goal led to Peruvian fans rioting, the police locking up fans in the stands and firing tear gas at them, leading to over 300 deaths, mostly due to asphyxia. - source
Walking sticks are also able to release bad-tasting liquid, foul-smelling substance or to emit chemical spray that functions like tear gas which can induce transient blindness in predators. Some walking sticks pretend to be dead until danger is gone.
What to do when tear gas?
Loukanikos, a Greek "riot dog" present and active at almost every major protest during the height of the financial riots. He was named a Time Person of the Year in 2011 and succumbed to tear gas-related injuries in 2014
How to treat tear gas?
Most major Tear Gas production is done within the United States
Tear gas fumes assault the same chemical receptors as the ones activated while eating wasabi
It is against international law to use tear gas in a military conflict
The Indian Armed Forces developed a "Chili grenade", made from one of the spiciest chili peppers in the world. The non-lethal weapon emits a powerful skin and eye irritant and is similar to tear gas
The use of tear gas in warfare is against the Geneva Conventions, but is legal to use by police against protesters