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4chan Users facts

While investigating facts about 4chan Users, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2012 when Taylor Swift held a public vote for where she would visit and preform a free concert 4chan users voted for a childrens school for the deaf and won the vote.

In 2008, a 4chan user made a prank about how Steve Jobs "died of a heart attack", after the prank went around social media, Apple's stock dropped around $5,000,000,000 because of the joke.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 19 of the best facts about 4chan Users I managed to collect.

  1. In 2012 when Taylor Swift held a public vote for where she would visit and preform a free concert 4chan users voted for a childrens school for the deaf and won the vote.

  2. The stock price of Apple Inc. fell significantly in October 2008 after a hoax story was submitted to CNN's user-generated news site claiming that company CEO Steve Jobs had suffered a major heart attack. The source of the story was traced back to 4chan.

  3. A 4chan user took a screen shot of an ironic post that said "This post is art.", and sold it on Ebay for over $90,000.

  4. Kim Jong Un was voted Time Magazine's person of the year in 2012 after 4chan users hijacked the magazine's online polls

  5. A user on the /pol/ board of 4chan commented on how art used to be cherished and how now it's anything. "This post is art" the anonymous user mentioned. In the same hour, the user printed out that post, framed it, and sold it on eBay for an eventual $90,900.

  6. Users on 4chan's /b/ board created an elaborate web of posts allegedly proving Taylor Swift was a user on the board.

  7. In 2008 it is believed that 4Chan users threw Time's Most Influential Person internet poll in favor of Christopher Poole. Their involvement was suspected because the first letters of the top 21 candidates chosen spelled out the message "mARBLECAKE. ALSO, THE GAME."

  8. 4chan with over 8 million users is only worth $45,000

  9. 4chan users found the location of an ISIS training camp on Google Earth based on the electric poles in the background of an ISIS propaganda video. The Russian military bombed it soon after

  10. An anonymous 4chan user posted a mathematical proof on super permutaitons that was better than any previous proof.

4chan users facts
What are the best facts about 4chan Users?

What is true about 4chan users?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Users from Tumblr took on 4chan in 2014 in what became known as the Independence Day Wars

In 2009 100 Poll was hacked by some 4chan users - source

On the 90th birthday of a WW2 veteran, 4chan users send over a hundred of birthday cards so that he won't feel lonely.

After a video on YouTube showing a cat being abused by a 14 y/o, 4chan tracked down the user and reported the teenager to the local police - source

Greenpeace once held an online poll to name a humpback whale they were tracking. Users of sites like Reddit, 4chan, Digg and Facebook flocked to vote in large numbers, and as a result the whale was named "Mister Splashy Pants."

When Reddit and 4Chan users voted for Taylor Swift to perform at a school for deaf students as a prank, the school was removed from the contest, but Swift donated $10K to the school, 4 companies matched her donation for a total $50K, and VH1’s Save the Music program added $10k in instruments.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 4chan Users. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 4chan Users so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor