Tax Cuts facts
While investigating facts about Tax Cuts July 2019 and Tax Cuts 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2013 Washington state gave Boeing an $8.7b tax break to "maintain and grow its workforce within the state" - the largest tax break in history. Boeing then cut its workforce in the state by 15%
how tax cuts stimulate the economy?
The Jimmy Carter Administration installed Solar Panels on the White House to heat water, then the Ronald Reagan Administration took them down and cut tax credits to renewable energy research.
What tax cuts will i get?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tax cuts expire in 2025. Here are 25 of the best facts about Tax Cuts And Jobs Act and Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Of 2017 I managed to collect.
what tax cuts mean for me?
Tea Taxes were so exorbitant in the 18 Century that a thriving illegal Tea trade flourished, with 'dealers' cutting their product with leaves, dirt and other substances, much like modern Drug Dealers cutting their product to make it go further.
The annual subsidies given to the firms in the Fortune 500 is slightly over $100 billion USD each year coming largely through tax breaks that cut their annual tax rates from 35% to 13% average annually.
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act removed the right to deduct moving expenses from your tax return, even if you're moving for work.
In 19th century India, the state of Travancore (modern day Kerala) had a 'breast tax' - Women of lower castes had to pay a tax in order to cover their breasts; Nangeli cut off her breasts and offered them to the tax-collector on a banana leaf when he came to collect the tax
First U.S. sugar tax cuts soft drink sales by 10% - while sales in surrounding areas, where no tax was imposed, rose by 6.9%.
The Tea Act of 1773 was Designed to Prop Up the East India Co, Imposed No New Taxes on the Colonies, & Would Cut the Price of Tea from England by a Third. However, Local Merchants (and Smugglers) were Undercut, also Parliament Manipulating Commodities was not Looked On with Kindness.
It would cost less to forgive the ENTIRE U.S. student debt than to fund the Republican tax cuts. Why are we not funding this?
About the "Kansas Experiment"; a series of tax cuts to the upper/rich class that crippled and almost decimated the Kansas economy.
Kansas attempted one of the largest tax cuts in US history. They had to roll back the cuts when it didn't meet expectations.
That, as a tax Canadian tax payer, I am paying for Trannies to shave and cut their balls off. Hurray! :)
Tax Cuts data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tax Cuts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why tax cuts don't work?
You can easily fact check why tax cuts for the rich are good by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2008 British Columbia passed a Carbon Tax with conservative support by coupling it with reduced climate-related regulations and offsetting tax cuts
Senator Bernie Sanders took the floor for 8.5 hours to filibuster the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts, which unfairly benefited the high incomes and disastrously affected working and middle class in America. - source
If you ignore the teachings of Jesus in the Bible there are many passages that justify material wealth and tax cuts for the rich for some posing as "christians" - source
2 years since cutting taxes on the rich, Kansas is headed for a $900 million hole by 2019.
Kansa experimented with sweeping tax cuts in 2012 to grow the economy. The cuts ended up being so unpopular, that the Republican led state legislature repealed them, overturning the governors veto, in 2017. - source
When tax cuts expire?
Since 1961, The total percentage of U.S. Federal Income Tax collected from corporations has been cut in half.
How tax cuts work?
"Red States" — the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are overwhelmingly a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes.
A 65-Year study found, tax cuts do not lead to economic growth.
Alabama Sherifs are allowed to personally pocket tax dollars if they can cut costs on feeding inmates.
JFK legendary campaign slogan was to “get this country moving again.” which he accomplished by cutting personal and business taxes with great success
Tax Cuts Don't Lead to Economic Growth, a New 65-Year Study Finds