Incredible and fun facts to explore

Tattoo Inks facts

While investigating facts about Tattoo Inks To Avoid and Tattoo Inkspiration, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Redemption Ink, a non-profit organization offering free coverups to people baring the marks of gangs, prejudice, and hate in the form of a tattoo.

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The numerical tattoo inked on the arms of Auschwitz prisoners was originally an IBM identification number used to track that prisoner in the punch card system.

What tattoo inks are not vegan?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tattoo ink made black. Here are 32 of the best facts about Tattoo Inksane and Tattoo Inks Recalled I managed to collect.

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  1. Laser tattoo removal is the process of using different wave lengths of light to break down the metallic ink particles to sizes small enough that they can be passed to the liver by your body's white blood cells.

  2. The tatoo artist who inked WWE star Randy Orton filed a civil lawsuit claiming she owns the tattoo designs and WWE is infringing on her rights by using them in their Video Games.

  3. Just inside the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City is a tiny shop that is the world’s only surviving tattoo shop for medieval pilgrims. This is Razzouk Ink, a shop run by a family who have been involved in the cultural practice of inking marks of faith on pilgrims as far back as 1300.

  4. Science behind tattoos revolves around immune cells known as macrophages. These cells consume foreign debris and come rushing when one is wounded. Once the needle is pierced, they suck up the ink and keep it intact. The process keeps repeating once the old cells die and new rush to rescue

  5. Tattoos are permanent because your body is constantly fighting to get rid of the ink, which actually traps it under your skin.

  6. Tattoo ink may stain your lymph nodes. A group of researchers examined the lymph nodes and skin of six cadavers, four with tattoos and two without. They found the lymph nodes of two subjects stained with ink and elevated levels of metal.

  7. Lasers remove tattoos by breaking down the metals in the ink, enabling white blood cells to carry ink particles away through the lymphatic system which essentially helps you to "poop them out"

  8. A traditional Japanese tattoo for a Yakuza is a long, painful process of manually sticking a stick in the skin, which has several sharp inked needles at its point. This has to happen at a precise angle and speed (120/minute). It's a skill only traditional Japanese tattoo masters possess.

tattoo inks facts
What tattoo inks contain nickel?

What is true about tattoo inks?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Inuits had a tattooing technique other than the "skin prick" technique. On many occasions, they soaked thread in ink and stitched the tattoos into the skin.

Not all tattoos are vegan. This is due to some inks being comprised of animals fats, gelatine, bone char or insect parts. - source

It's possible to infuse your loved ones cremation ashes into tattoo ink. - source

Scleral tattooing; you can inject ink between the two layers of the sclera to color the eye

Eye tattooing is not like skin tattoos since the injected pigments are trapped between a mostly white under layer and a top translucent layer which allows the ink to move around looking different from day to day - source

Why is the ink not staying in the skin when i tattoo?

Tattoo removal lasers use specific wavelengths of light to target specific ink colors

How safe are tattoo inks?

Some tattoo inks can have heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and zinc.

Friday the 13th is a Tattoo Tradition most have never heard of. Today people lined up for $13 ink at Parlors across America.

There is a group working on tattoos for diabetics using biosensor ink which could potentially eliminate the need for CGM's or finger prick blood tests

When you get laser tattoo removal, you are essentially slicing the ink droplets into smaller pieces so that they can be transported to your liver by white blood cells and eventually you poop your own tattoo out of your system.

Despite common belief that a tattoo machine only uses one needle throughout, it is actually a set of needles injecting ink in your skin at the same time.

When does tattoo ink expire?

Scientists Finally Know Why Tattoo Ink Lasts Even Though Skin Regenerates - After killing dermal macrophages that hold tattoo ink. They found that these immune cells passed on the ink to new cells. (

The majority of tattoo inks are not vegan.

Researchers from the UK’s University of Bradford have raised concerns about the dangers of some tattoo inks and their potential to cause illnesses, including cancers

Prison tattoo artists build motorized tattoo guns from commissary items and create ink by burning wicks in baby oil and harvesting the soot. To light the wicks, they must create a spark using an outlet, a piece of wire and a piece of wood, a technique called "popping a socket."

Researchers at MIT and Harvard are exploring colour-changing, biosensing ink to create tattoos that monitor your health.

How to make tattoo inks?

Having Tattoos can interfere with MRI scans, causing burns and image distortions due to the metallic compounds in the inks.

There's a tattoo ink called "Ephemeral" that lasts just one year

It's unsafe to do an MRI if you have any permanent tattoos due to traces of metal in the ink.

About memorial tattoos, this method combines cremation ashes in the tattoo ink to have it permanently tattooed into the skin.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tattoo Inks. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tattoo Inks so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor