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Tape Measure facts

While investigating facts about Tape Measure App and Tape Measure Reading, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of such Nintendo games as Mario, Donkey Kong, and Zelda, has a hobby of guessing the measurements of objects, then checking to see if he was correct. He enjoys the hobby so much he carries a tape measure with him everywhere.

how tape measure works?

Navy Seals who carried out the Bin Laden kill mission, forgot to bring a tape measure and had to measure Laden's height by making a six feet tall Seal lie down next to Laden's corpse

What tape measure does?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tape measure in french. Here are 21 of the best facts about Tape Measure Marks and Tape Measure Test I managed to collect.

what tape measure to buy?

  1. Navy Seals who carried out the Bin Laden kill mission, forgot to bring a tape measure and had to measure Laden's height by making a six feet tall Seal lie down next to Laden's corpse.

  2. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto as a hobby guesses the measurements of an object and seeing if he is right with a tape measure he always carries with him

  3. The claw on the end of a tape measure is supposed to be loose. The distance it moves is equal to the thickness of the claw, to take into account the difference between placing the end over an edge and pressing it against an object.

  4. The hook at the end of a tape measure is loose on purpose. It slides back and forth the width of the hook, making your measurement correct if you push the hook against something or hook it over something

  5. The black diamonds on a tape measure, indicate the standard distance between wall studs.

  6. The hook at the end of a tape measure is designed to be loose so that it slides to compensate for its own thickness

  7. In 1997, a man died bungee jumping off a railroad trestle. He taped together several bungee cords measuring longer than the distance he was jumping.

  8. When shopping for bedding, don't only go by the size descriptor (Twin, Full, Queen, etc). Carry a tape measure and shop by inches or centimeters. Ikea bedding uses European sizing: an Ikea Full mattress is 53" wide; North American mattress standard full is 54" wide.

  9. When Osama Bin Laden was killed, one of the ways that the Navy SEALS ID'd him was by measuring his height. However, they had forgotten to bring a tape measure, so one of the SEALS laid down next to the body to approximate the height.

  10. Subway sandwiches are not always 12 inches, and are now being regularly tape measured.

tape measure facts
What tape measure is used for?

Why tape measures?

You can easily fact check why is there a diamond on a tape measure by examining the linked well-known sources.

The hook tabs at the end of measuring tapes are loose for a reason..

Measuring tapes have many hidden features, such as a scribe. - source

Diameter tape measures exist. You wrap it around a cylindrical object and the markings show the diameter. - source

In 2014 a construction worker in New Jersey was killed by a falling tape-measure

At the base of every tape measure is a number, which is the length of the tool's base itself. This makes it easier to take an inside measurement. - source

When was the tape measure invented?

Tape Measures have the length of their body listed so you don't have to measure by bending around a corner.

How tape measures are made?

The $2.5billion dollar Hubble telescope was fitted with a flawed mirror, resulting in blurry images. This was primarily down to an engineer using black tape and an X-Acto knife on a measuring device, instead of spray paint

Measuring-tape manufacturers aren't as stupid as I thought. (Watch video)

Famed Nintendo game creator Shigeru Miyamoto has a hobby of guessing the measurements of objects, then checking to see if he was correct, and apparently carries a tape measure with him everywhere

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Tape Measure. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Tape Measure so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor