Incredible and fun facts to explore

Suction Cup facts

While investigating facts about Suction Cups and Suction Cup Hooks, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1978, a US Navy ship was attacked by an unknown species of giant squid. Nearly all of the cuts found on the sonar dome contained remnants of sharp, curved claws found on suction cups of squid tentacles. The claws were much larger than those of any squid that had been discovered at that time.

how suction cups work?

The Garfield suction-cup car window craze in the 80s was the result of a manufacturing error

What do suction cups on your back do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is suction cup therapy. Here are 24 of the best facts about Suction Cup Therapy and Suction Cup Dent Puller I managed to collect.

what's suction cup?

  1. Teflon is the only material to which gecko cannot stick (using its 'suction cups") and walk without gliding.

  2. Red-eyed tree frog is an agile climber thanks to large pads equipped with numerous suction cups. It spends its life in the treetops (arboreal animal). Red-eyed tree frog uses long, slender legs for jumping.

  3. Tentacles are equipped with four rows of suction cups with hooks which facilitate catching of the prey. Once they catch the prey, tentacles transport it to the arms which deliver the food to the mouth. Although numerous, 10 feet long arms are not used for the catching of the prey.

  4. Octopi have chemoreceptors in their suction cups, which prevents octopus arms from getting tangled together, as sensors recognize octopus skin + prevent self-attachment

  5. Another equally impressive feature of chameleons is their long and sticky tongue used for catching of insects. Their tongue can be 1.5 to 2 times longer than their body (excluding tail). Tongue expands on its end and turns into a suction cup after catching of the insect.

  6. Unique feature of some gecko species is ability to walk across smooth or even horizontal surfaces (such as ceilings) without falling. This is possible because their toes have tiny hooks which act like suction cups during walking.

  7. Using strong suction cups (240 on each tentacle), they hunt crabs, mollusks and crayfish.

  8. Some cultures would use live fish like turtle-fishing suction cups. They would tie string to a remora's tail, then let the fish go near a turtle. The fish would sucker onto the turtle's shell almost immediately, and then be used as a suction cup to pull the turtle to shore or into a boat.

  9. of the alternative to a car parking boot, the car barnacle. It uses 2 suction cups to obstruct the windshield of the car.

  10. The force of a suction cup is calculated by F=AP, where F is force, A is area covered by the cup, and P is the outside pressure.

suction cup facts
What does suction cups do?

Why wont my suction cup stick?

You can easily fact check why do suction cups stop working by examining the linked well-known sources.

A man succesfully climbed the Gateway Arch with suction cups and parachuted off to the grass below.

The Spix bat has suction cups on its wings, and is one of the only bats that roost head up. - source

Lampreys, a terrifying invasive species in the Great Lakes, use their suction cup mouths and razor-sharp teeth to feed on local fish populations. In just 12 months, one lamprey can kill more than 20 kg of fish. From the 1940s-60s lake trout yields dropped from 15 million lbs to 300,000 lbs. - source

A silverback Gorilla thumping its chest sounds like a bunch of suction cups popping, rather than sounding like flesh hitting flesh.

That, despite popular belief, octopuses have no tentacles, and (most) squid only have 2. Octopuses only have 'arms', the differences being where suction-cups are located and the appendage length. - source

When suction cups won't stick?

In 1958, Natural History magazine published photos showing how flies land on a ceiling. On approaching the ceiling, while flying right side up, they grab a landing spot with the suction cups in their feet. Their momentum then enables them to swing their hind legs up, like a gymnast on a trapeze.

How to make suction cups stick?

The original cup holder for cars was made in Nov 1950 and was called the "snack tray". It used suction cups to attach to the dashboard.

You can remove wet spots under ogs screens using a suction cup

The NYC tower climber posted a video the day before he climbed 21 stories up with suctions cups

The Sicyopterus stimpsoni, a native Hawaiian fish, is able to scale waterfalls using its mouth as a suction cup in order to return to its spawning stream.

The Korean dish Sannakji involves the eating of live octopus. It causes a choking hazard because the suction cups are still active.

What to do when suction cups stop working?

The Queen of England carries a plastic suction cup hook in her handbag. She uses it to discretely hang her purse under the table at dinner parties and other functions.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Suction Cup. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Suction Cup so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor