Study Linking facts
While investigating facts about Study Linking Tylenol And Autism and Study Linking Benadryl To Dementia, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Internet trolls are likely to be sadists, narcissists, or psychopaths, studies show. One of the studies found that the link between sadism and Internet trolling is so strong that trolls could be described as “prototypical everyday sadists.”
study finds how koalas drink?
A 2-year study that linked Ecstasy to Parkinsons was retracted from the journal Science after the authors realized they had accidentally used meth instead.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Study Linking Hair Dye To Cancer and Study Linking Drugs To Dementia I managed to collect.
what is study finds?
Parents who constantly argue can stunt their children's growth. There's link between a reduced growth rate and a stressful upbringing. A study showed traumatic childhood experiences have a serious effect on later health, causing disease and, in some cases, permanent stunting.
Nazis presented the first epidemiological study linking tobacco use and cancer and launched the first and most broadly reaching anti-smoking campaign of modern times.
A study found that drinking coffee may "undo" liver damage. Researchers analyzed data from nine previously published studies with a total of more than 430,000 participants and found that drinking two additional cups of coffee a day was linked to a 44% lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis
"Mayhem" from the Allstate commercials is one of the most recognized advertising characters, but a study found that only 41% of respondents could actually link him to Allstate
A recent study indicated 87% of former football players exhibit signs of significant brain injury. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy -CVT- has been linked to suicidal behavior, dementia, and erratic mood swings. Players as young as high-school aged were found to be affected.
A recent study of toxoplasmosis shows no link with behavioral abnormalities
Nazi Germany ran the first national anti-smoking campaign and in 1939, German scientist Franz Müller presented the first epidemiological study linking tobacco use and cancer.
The saying "happy wife, happy life," has a lot of truth to it according to a study done in 2014. Researchers report that a man's happiness is linked to his wife's happiness. On the same token, if she's unhappy, he is likely to be unhappy.
The FDA issued a final rule banning powdered medical gloves; Although studies linked them to severe airway inflammation, asthma, granulomas, and peritoneal adhesions they are still heavily used around the world because surgeons consider them more comfortable to put on and wear.
According to a new study by computer scientists at Columbia University and the French National Institute, 59% of links shared on social media have never actually been clicked: In other words, most people appear to retweet news without ever reading it.
Study Linking data charts
For your convenience take a look at Study Linking figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why pilot study is conducted in research?
You can easily fact check why was the tuskegee study conducted by examining the linked well-known sources.
A study that demonstrated that poor health, depression, stress, lifestyle factors are linked to memory complaints.
A study of 122 007 people on the link between all-cause mortality and cardiorespiratory fitness found that not doing any physical exercise reduces your life expectancy more than smoking, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. - source
A study that links increased abortion rates with decreased crime rates - source
In 2017 the APA published a study concluding their task force found insufficient studies to examine any potential link between violent video games and delinquency or criminal behavior.
Acetaminophen (paracetamol) was discovered in the 19th century and discarded for its probable link with blood disorder; then rediscovered and marketed again since 1955 despite several studies linking it to dull emotions and restrained masculinity - source
Power analysis should be conducted after a study when the?
Some studies tried to show a link between dietary fat and increased obesity risk, but they were not successful in proving their theory. It has been concluded that the total amount of dietary fat in one's diet is not associated with either weight issues or disease risk.
Its name is attributed to the French word for "monk killer," since toxic antimony is linked to alchemy, which was often studied by monks.
There is a study that concludes 45% of jobs will be replaced with automation within the next 20 years. [reposted with direct link to article]
Two German scientists Schairer and Schoniger discovered a link between lung cancer and smoking a decade before anyone else. Their research was ignored due to their involvement in other more horrifying studies in the Nazi government.
Lawyers helped a man who slaughtered his wife's friend and attempted to murder his wife avoid the death penalty by claiming he had the "warrior gene" which is a gene that a study showed to be linked to aggression.
Red M&M's were removed from the group in the 1970s because of a study that linked the red food color to cancer. Red was reintroduced in the mid-1980s.