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Smoking Lung facts

While investigating facts about Smoking Lungs and Smoking Lung Cancer, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There are more skin cancer cases attributed to tanning beds than lung cancer cases attributed to smoking.

how smoking lungs?

Adolf Hitler absolutely despised smoking and German doctors were the first to link smoking with lung cancer, which led to the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history. This consisted of restrictions on tobacco advertising and smoking in public spaces.

What smoking does to your lungs?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to your lungs when you quit smoking. Here are 50 of the best facts about Smoking Lung Disease and Smoking Lungs Vs Healthy Lungs I managed to collect.

what does smoking do to your lungs?

  1. The Japanese Smoking paradox. The rate of lung cancer is lower in Japan than in the US despite a higher rate of smokers in Japan

  2. The air in Beijing is so polluted that breathing it does as much damage to the lungs as smoking 40 cigarettes a day.

  3. Burning incense sticks causes lung irritation and can lead to mutations in bacterial cultures. Despite not being on par with cigarette smoke, incense smoke is much worse than other scented alternatives.

  4. In 1898 doctors began to suspect that smoking caused lung cancer, despite the fact that there were only 140 published cases of the then rare disease in 1900

  5. After Germany discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer, the Nazis initiated a strong anti-tobacco movement. Hitler himself called tobacco "the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man, vengeance for having been given hard liquor."

  6. Nazi Germany was the first nation to have an anti-smoking campaign, because the link between lung cancer and smoking was discovered by German doctors.

  7. 20 minutes spent on the London Underground's Northern Line is as bad for your lungs as smoking a cigarette.

  8. William Talman was the first Hollywood actor to to film an anti-smoking public service announcement. He had lung cancer when he filmed the commercial. The short film began with the words: "Before I die, I want to do what I can to leave a world free of cancer for my six children"

  9. As a person quits smoking, residue comes off their lungs and up their nose which now has a heightened sense of smell causing vivid, realistic dreams of smoking

  10. One of the most radioactive things on earth is a smokers lungs. Smoking a pack-and-a-half every day exposes a smoker to a dose of Polonium radiation equivalent to 300 chest X-rays a year.

smoking lung facts
What happens to your lungs when you stop smoking?

Why does smoking cause lung cancer?

You can easily fact check why is smoking bad for your lungs by examining the linked well-known sources.

Holding smoke for a few seconds is enough for your lungs to intake cannabinoids. Any longer doesn't make you more high.

In 1910, before the rise of cigarettes, Alton Ochsner was told to watch an autopsy of a lung cancer patient because he might never see the disease again. Later, Ochsner's clinic would help prove the link between smoking and cancer. - source

Despite decrying government benefits, Ayn Rand collected at least $11,002 in social security benefits. She also received medicare to treat her lung cancer, which she denied being caused by her smoking. - source

Tobacco companies knew the smoking - lung cancer link in 1930s and engaged in a coordinated coverup until at least 2000. The were finally convicted of Racketeering in 2006 in United States v. Philip Morris (and appealed to the Supreme Court)

In 1994, the actor and musician Roy Castle died from lung cancer. Having never smoked a cigarette in his life, his illness was blamed on the constant inhalation of second hand smoke during his years of playing the trumpet in front of smoking audiences in clubs and bars. - source

What happens to your lungs when you quit smoking?

Keeping your lungs healthy is very smart, and many things can damage your lungs, including heavy pollution in cities, or tobacco smoke.

After quitting smoking how to clean lungs?

A study found that mindfulness training can be more beneficial in helping people quit smoking than the offical American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking treatment.

Jim Varney, most famous for his character Ernest P. Worrell never smoked cigarettes on screen "for the sake of all kids who loved Ernest." However later died of lung cancer himself at the age of 50

Lung cancer is the only cancer that claims more women's lives than breast cancer. Smoking increases the risk for both lung and breast cancer.

On 2002, after having smoked PCP, Big Lurch was found naked and covered with blood; it was soon discovered he had in his stomach bits of flesh and lungs from Tynisha Ysais, his friend's girlfriend who was found dead. He was sentenced to life without parole for murdering her.

The first anti-smoking pamphlet was written by King James I of England in 1604, where he described it as "A custome lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the Lungs"

What happens to your lungs when you stop smoking?

American men are over 10x more likely to get lung cancer than their Japanese counterparts, despite Japanese men being more likely to smoke cigarettes. This is known as the Japanese Smoking Paradox.

Two German scientists Schairer and Schoniger discovered a link between lung cancer and smoking a decade before anyone else. Their research was ignored due to their involvement in other more horrifying studies in the Nazi government.

American national treasure John Wayne managed to smoke an astonishing 7 packs of cigarettes a day. He proceeded to require the removal of his left lung, due to a baseball sized tumor.

Smoking cessation advocates in Thailand made ink from the black deposits in smoker's lungs.

More people develop skin cancer because of indoor tanning than develop lung cancer because of smoking.

How to clean lungs after smoking?

Black men are more likely to be diagnosed with and die from lung cancer than any other group, even if they are exposed to less cigarette smoke, on average, than white men.

There are more skin cancer cases attributed to tanning beds than lung cancer cases attributed to smoking.

Smoking a pack a day causes 150 mutations in each lung cell every year

Actor Paul Newman died from lung cancer despite having quit smoking three decades earlier

Ayn Rand smoked heavily and in 1974 underwent surgery for lung cancer.

A study in 1970 taught dogs to smoke to help prove it caused lung cancer and to see if filters worked

Bees don't have lungs. The actual story was about the Notre Dame Bees surviving the blaze because smoke inhalation doesn't hurt them it just makes them sleepy!

The U.K.'s Medical Research Council, in 1957, issued a report stating that smoking causes lung cancer. This was 7 years before the U.S. Surgeon General announced similar conclusions in 1964.

In 1970, the American Cancer Society experimented on dogs, exposing healthy beagles to 6,000 cigarettes through holes made in their throats. The experiment showed one of the first links between smoking and lung cancer.

Smoking cannabis does not have a correlation to lung cancer, in fact, THC in marijuana has anti-tumoral effects

The second most common cause of lung cancer (after smoking) is radioactive radon gas, a gas that is formed by radioactive decay and can accumulate in basements and other low, enclosed spaces.

The number of skin cancer cases due to tanning is higher than the number of lung cancer cases due to smoking and how it is possible.

Smoking cigarettes leads to the deposition of polonium 210 in lungs, a highly radioactive metal, lethal doses of which can be as small as a millionth of a gram

If you smoke, each year you expose your lungs to 16 times the amount of radiation a person living near Fukushima gets exposed to in a lifetime

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smoking Lung. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smoking Lung so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor