Strong Correlation facts
While investigating facts about Strong Correlation Coefficient and Strong Correlation But Not Significant, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There's a strong correlation between people who buy bird seed and people who usually pay their debts. Inversely, people who buy chrome accessories for their car tend to not pay their debts in full.
how to tell if a correlation is strong?
An MIT professor found such a strong correlation between essay length and SAT score that "if you just graded them based on length without ever reading them, you'd be right over 90 percent of the time."
What is a strong correlation coefficient?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is considered a strong correlation. Here are 22 of the best facts about Strong Correlation Definition and Strong Correlation Example I managed to collect.
what is a strong correlation?
There's a strong correlation between people who buy bird seed and people who usually pay their debts. Inversely, people who buy chrome accessories for their car tend to not pay their debts in full.
Obesity is strongly correlated with low IQ in children
There is a correlation to long life spans and intelligence, and it is just as strong as the correlation between smoking and early death
Traumatic experiences in childhood have long-term health effects on people and have a strong correlation with health issues in adulthood.
A 2007 study discovered a negative correlation between IQ and chess skill in strong players
Geomagnetic storms are strongly correlated with heart attacks and arrythmia
The romantic–sexual kiss is present in a minority of cultures (46%). Also, there is a strong correlation between the frequency of the romantic–sexual kiss and a society's relative social complexity: the more socially complex the culture, the higher frequency of romantic–sexual kissing.
There is a strong correlation between a music genre preferences and openness to experience. Those who rate high in openness like music which is complex, novel, intense, and rebellious of all genres.
Being emotionally abused/repeatedly humiliated as a child is more strongly correlated with substance abuse than incest, being neglected, or physical abuse. Humiliation treatment is still used to combat addiction today in spite of many studies that show its harmfulness and inefficacy.
Cat herpes can cause your teeth to fall out. Feline Herpes Virus Type I is a possible etiologic agent for invasive cervical resorption (ICR), which results in erosion of tooth roots. Cases of ICR in which a definite cause was unknown showed a strong correlation with exposure to cats.
Strong Correlation data charts
For your convenience take a look at Strong Correlation figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is the correlation between dissatisfaction and defection so strong?
You can easily fact check why there is a strong correlation between geography and history by examining the linked well-known sources.
A deeper voice in males correlates strongly to greater professional and social success.
Country music popularity has a strong correlation with suicide rates - source
There is a strong correlation between suicide rates and rates of gun prevalence by state - source
There's a strong correlation between social mobility and equality, an unequal society will have stagnant social classes, in fact out of 8 countries studied the USA, the country with the highest inequality, also had the worst social mobility while Denmark, the most equal, had the best
A report based on 115,000 subjects found a strong correlation with eating saturated fats and heart disease, & calculated that replacing 1% intake of SFAs with an equivalent number of calories from plant-based foods would lead to a 6-8% reduction in the risk of heart disease. - source
When is a correlation strong?
People who stay friends with an "ex" after a relationship ends correlate strongly with dark personality traits. Men rate practical and sexual reasons for staying friends as more important than women did.
How to know if the correlation is weak or strong?
Nestle partnered with Japan Post to sell Kit Kats in 20,000 post offices across Japan, allowing people to write messages and mail the chocolate bars. Kit Kats have a strong correlation with good luck charms and are commonly mailed to students before exams.
A study found very strong significant correlation between corruption and an overabundance of regulation or unnecessary restriction of business activity
Our political affiliation correlates very strongly with our propensity to feel physical disgust; it goes so far that the reaction to just a single image can predict a person's political leanings with 95% accuracy. High levels of sensitivity tend to go hand in hand with a conservative ethos.
There is a strong correlation between language and saving money
Strong correlation infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Strong Correlation numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Traffic collisions reported in Los Angeles from the last decade visualized. Number of reports have increased greatly since 2014, high incident regions still high, and population se