Incredible and fun facts to explore

Spark Plugs facts

While investigating facts about Spark Plugs Cost and Spark Plugs Halfords, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A broken piece of a spark plug (a.k.a. "ninja rocks") can be used to shatter a car window if thrown with minimum force

how spark plugs work?

Fragments of porcelain from spark plugs are so effective at breaking windows easily and quietly, that they're known as 'Ninja Rocks' and listed by the State of California as burglary tools.

What spark plugs for my car?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what spark plugs do. Here are 19 of the best facts about Spark Plugs Autozone and Spark Plugs Black I managed to collect.

what spark plugs do i need?

  1. There was a 1940's U.S. plane which had 10 engines, 336 spark plugs, carried a camera that could spot a golf ball at 12 miles, and could stay in the air for 50 hours.

  2. DMG produced the first modern car with spark plug ignition in 1902, after a DMG distributor and racing enthusiast named Jellinek pressed them to build a futuristic, ultra high performance model. DMG named the new car after Jellinek's 10 year old daughter Mercedes.

  3. Bosch was born in Cologne into a family with close ties to the industrial, chemical, engineering, and plumbing industries; his uncle is the inventor of the spark plug.

  4. One of his engineers, Gottlob Honold, invented the first high-voltage spark plug for use in the magneto-based ignition system.

  5. East Germans joined a waiting list to buy a Trabant automobile, receiving it 11 to 18 years after signing up. The Trabant was so primitive that it was nicknamed "spark plug with a roof".

  6. Carrying ceramic spark plug shards is illegal in some states and are referred to as "Ninja Rocks" due to their ability to break automotive glass.

  7. You used to be able to buy mufflers with spark plugs in them, so that you could shoot flames out of your exhaust

  8. The Green Bank Radio Telescope in West Viginia. The telescope is so sensitive that gasoline vehicles are not allowed within 1 mile of the telescope due to spark plugs causing too much interference, and microwave ovens (as well as WiFi and any wireless device) are not allowed within 10 miles.

  9. Drag cars put out so much power that in 2.5 seconds their clutch welds together and their spark plugs disintegrate, every run.

spark plugs facts
What spark plugs should look like?

Why spark plugs have oil on them?

You can easily fact check why spark plugs smell like gas by examining the linked well-known sources.

Andalusite is used to produce the high-temperature porcelain incorporated in spark plugs.

Diesel cars are used near radio observatories, as the ignition of the spark plugs in gasoline-powered cars can interfere with radio observations. - source

Diesel engines don't have spark plugs, instead they use highly compressed hot air to ignite the fuel. - source

About ninja rocks: broken shards of spark plugs that quickly and quietly shatter the glass side windows of cars

Ceramic from spark plugs can be used to smash car windows with ease. - source

When spark plugs are bad?

There are hot and cold spark plugs and how they work.

How spark plugs are made?

A tiny piece of a spark plug can completely shatter a glass window

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Spark Plugs. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Spark Plugs so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor