Southern California facts
While investigating facts about Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2008 and at the age of 45, Flea, bass player of the multiplatinum rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, enrolled as a freshman at University of Southern California's music program to learn the academic side of music.
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George Takei refused to appear in the Simpsons episode 'Marge vs. the Monorail' because he did not want to make fun of public transportation as he was a member of the board of directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District. The role was instead offered to Leonard Nimoy who accepted.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's southern california. Here are 50 of the best facts about Southern California Earthquakes and Southern California Fires I managed to collect.
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When a power outage struck southern California in the 1990s, Los Angeles residents reportedly called 911 to express alarm about strange clouds hovering overhead; they were seeing the Milky Way for the first time
Ralph's (a grocery store in Southern California) turns all non-donateable food waste into biogas which they use to help power their warehouse. The byproduct of that is then composted and sold as fertilizer to local farms.
Southern California Edison plans to bury 3.6 million pounds of lethal radioactive waste at the closed San Onofre nuclear power plant, about 100 feet from the ocean and just a few feet above the water table.
Jacksonville, Fla., was the winter filming capital of the early US movie industry but conservative residents objected, a mayor was elected on anti-movie platform, and so the industry moved on to Southern California
"Randy's Donuts," featured in Iron Man 2, is a southern California landmark that has appeared in numerous other films television shows, and at least one song.
The rise in popularity of the traditional Mexican music "Banda" caused a rash in tuba thefts in Southern California. High Schools would get broken into just for their tubas.
There is a town in southern California that recently elected a Golden Retriever as their mayor.
Mark Davis, owner of the Oakland Raiders NFL team, is worth $500 million but drives a 1997 minivan and carries a 2003 dumbphone. Until recently he ate at Hooters every Tuesday night for $12.99 all-you-can-eat wings. Davis travels to southern California to get his unusual bowl haircut.
Canada's most southern point is below the most northern points of 27 U.S. states including California
Southern California data charts
For your convenience take a look at Southern California figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why doesn't it rain in southern california by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1861 a 43-day storm flooded northern and southern California for 6 months.
In 2006, The FBI planted an informant in a Southern California mosque who pretended to be a radical Muslim and the Muslims at the mosque reported him to the FBI. - source
Almost 100% of bees in southern California are Africanized - source
Disneyland located in Southern California and Disney World located in Florida are both located in Orange County
Dexter Holland (The Offspring's lead singer) has a PhD in molecular biology from the University of Southern California. - source
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Cortes Bank, an underwater mountain 100 miles off the southern California coast that rises to within 3 feet of the ocean surface. Currents pushed up by the reef produce breaking waves of 80+ feet.
How much is gas in southern california?
One of the most famous American soldiers in Bataan Death March was Mario Tonelli (1916-2003). Tonelli was a former running back for Notre Dame who played professional football briefly for the Chicago Cardinals. He had his Notre Dame class ring stolen by a Japanese soldier, but in an incredible twist it was returned by a Japanese guard who had attended the University of Southern California.
John Corcoran, a southern California teacher who was unable to read and write until the age of 48. He graduated college, taught high school, and became a successful real estate developer all while reading at a second grade level.
A rare hurricane which hit Southern California 40 years ago (September 6, 1976) dumping 14.75 inches of rain causing flooding so severe that six people drowned in the desert. Hurricane Kathleen caused $160 million (1976 USD) in damage stretching to Arizona and even affected Montana and Idaho.
Although California didn"t have the Jim Crow laws of the southern states during the era, laws and attitudes kept most blacks in southern California in the Watts neighborhood and some surrounding towns, such as Compton.
Operation Cherry Blossom was a planned biological attack that was to be carried out in California by the Japanese during WWII. Five submarine aircraft carriers were to launch planes who would then drop plague infected fleas over southern California in hopes of crippling the civilian population.
Southern california infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Southern California numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Wildfire Risk for Southern California - 2014 to 2016