San Diego facts
While investigating facts about San Diego Zoo and San Diego Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:
An orangutang in San Diego Zoo kept escaping his enclosure so that he could walk around the zoo and look at the other animals as well as throw faeces at his ex-enclosure mate that he didn’t like.
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In 1915, scam artist Charles Hatfield convinced the town of San Diego that he could create rainfall using a secret mix of chemicals. The city offered to pay him $10,000 if he could end their drought, and the 'result,' a few days later, was the town's worst flood of the 20th century.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where is car rental at san diego airport. Here are 50 of the best facts about San Diego News and San Diego Craigslist I managed to collect.
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In 2014 original "Top Model" winner Adrianne Curry fended off an attacker with a bull whip while dressed as Catwoman at San Diego Comic Con
In 2012, a computer error caused all the fireworks in the San Diego's Fourth of July Celebration to go off at once, instead of over 18 minutes
Ken Allen, an orangutan who became famous for escaping from his enclosure at the San Diego Zoo 3 times in the 1980's. He would peacefully stroll around the zoo looking at other animals and never acted aggressively. Other animals even followed his lead and began escaping, too.
During the final months of World War II, Japan planned to use plague as a biological weapon against U.S. civilians in San Diego, California, hoping that the plague would spread as much terror to the American population. Japans surrender came only 5 weeks before the plan was to be executed.
San Diego County Inspectors, through the use of 'Secret Shoppers', found that Target overcharges customers on 10.3% of the items they ring up; Brookstone: 10.6%; Sears: 15.7%
In 2011 a billionaire CEO's girlfriend was found hanged from a balcony while naked, gagged with a tee shirt wrapped around her head and neck, both ankles and wrists bound, and tape residue on her legs. San Diego police ruled the death a suicide.
Costco’s hot dogs started out as a single hot dog cart vendor in front of their San Diego warehouse, using Hebrew National dogs.
After flights were grounded on 9/11, one plane was allowed to fly. It carried anti-venom from San Diego to Florida to save the life of a snake keeper suffering from a deadly taipan bite. The only other taipan anti-venom was in New York.
San Diego data charts
For your convenience take a look at San Diego figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why san diego chargers by examining the linked well-known sources.
A "rainmaker" was hired in 1916 to end a drought in San Diego. He was so successful he flooded the city, killing 50. Turns out he had likely developed an early form of cloud seeding.
On April 1st, 1993 a San Diego Radio station reported that the space shuttle Discovery had to make an emergency landing at the local airport at 8:30 am. Over 1000 people headed for the landing site to catch a glimpse, crowding the airport and causing traffic jams. It was an April Fools hoax. - source
A San Diego park's monorail was named the Wgasa Rail Line after managers requested an African-sounding name. WGASA is an acronym for "Who gives a s*** anyways?" - source
Starting in 1938, GM bought out the public transportation in many Californian cities, including Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego) and ran it to the ground so people would switch to private transportation.
Scientists in San Diego, CA have successfully genetically modified certain cancer cells to destroy other ones, using antibody therapy. The modified cells are transformed into super-charged immune cells. - source
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There’s an orangutan at the San Diego Zoo that likes to sneak out of his cage at night and wander the park, then sneak back in the morning
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In 1915, San Diego hired a "rain maker" who used a secret mix of chemicals to "attract rain" for $10,000, payable if he filled their reservoir. It rained for most of January, destroying bridges, dams, and causing 20 deaths.
Joan Kroc, wife of McDonald's founder Ray Kroc, donated over $1 billion to the Salvation Army. At one point, she tried to donate the Padres baseball team to San Diego, but the MLB rules forbid public ownership.
A man walked onto an unlocked National Guard armory, started a tank with push-button ignition (no key required), and drove it through a San Diego neighborhood for 25 minutes.
Dmitri Krioukov, a physicist from San Diego, avoided a traffic fine by publishing a paper called The Proof of Innocence, for which he was also awarded a special prize of $400.
San Diego Zoo maintains a so-called "frozen zoo", a facility in which they preserve DNA from rare and near-extinct species