Energy Efficient facts
While investigating facts about Energy Efficient Heater and Energy Efficient Windows, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Termites are being researched as a possible renewable energy source as they can produce up to 2 litres of hydrogen from ingesting a single sheet of paper, making them one of the planet's most efficient bioreactors.
how energy efficient are electric fireplaces?
Photosynthesis is most likely so efficient because plants evolved to use quantum mechanics, like superposition, to aid in efficient energy transfer. The same concepts we are struggling to utilise to make better computers today.
What energy efficient appliances are tax deductible?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what energy efficient appliances. Here are 50 of the best facts about Energy Efficient Space Heater and Energy Efficient Light Bulbs I managed to collect.
what energy efficient improvements are tax deductible?
The rotating door was created by a man in the later part of the 1800s so he wouldn't have to hold the door open for the women or get stuck holding it for everyone. An added bonus was that it reduced heating and cooling costs by 30%, making it much more energy efficient.
A molten-salt reactor, a piece of technology conceived during the Cold War that forgoes solid nuclear fuel for a liquid one, can generate energy with far greater efficiency than any power technology in existence.
That, for half the cost of a new nuclear power plant, we could retrofit 1,600,000 homes for energy efficiency and save the same amount of energy as the new power plant would make.
A Thermos flask creates a highly efficient thermal insulation by creating a partial vacuum between 2 barriers. Since there's virtually no air/gas/matter, there's nothing to carry energy away (bar the canister itself). This is how rocket fuel is stored - in a giant Thermos.
Switching to a national electricity grid instead of 130 regional grids would save $47 billion yearly and make utilization of solar energy more efficient
A multi-national research team has created a model of a "Living and Breathing Supercomputer" that runs on the same substance that living things use as an energy source. The "biological computer" is fast, accurate, compact, and energy efficient.
Sweden has become so efficient at recycling that they have run out of garbage to recycle and now import garbage from Norway to fuel it's energy programs.
Over 5,135 patent applications have been restricted from publication under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. Photovoltaic Generators w/ over 20% efficiency and Energy Conversion Systems “in excess of 70-80%” efficiency are subject to restriction in the name of National Security.
The most fuel-efficient vehicle in the history of the world is currently a car that gets the equivalent of 14,573 miles per gallon and could drive to any point on the globe using the energy in one gallon of gas.
A 2012 study by Tampere University of Technology found that, with energy efficiency improvements, a single household could decrease its energy consumption by more than 40%
Energy Efficient data charts
For your convenience take a look at Energy Efficient figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why energy efficient buildings?
You can easily fact check why energy efficient homes by examining the linked well-known sources.
We swing our arms when we walk because it is the most efficient way to walk. By swinging our right arm with our left leg and our left arm with our right leg we conserve 26% more energy than by other methods such as hands at our side or left arm with left leg/right arm with right leg.
Kangaroos are the only large animals which move by jumping. It is efficient way of motion because it preserves energy. Kangaroo cannot move hind legs separately during jumps.
About trophic levels and the "ten percent" law, which holds that for each step up the food chain you go, you lose 90% of the efficiency of the previous level, meaning herbivores consume 10% of the energy produced by plants and apex predators only consume .01% - source
The bicycle is considered to be the most energy-efficient vehicle that has ever been invented.
$550 million is being spent in restoration efforts. $120 million will be used for making the building more eco-friendly and energy efficient.
What becomes of energy when efficiency is lowered in a machine?
Car engines are only about 25% efficient with most of the energy produced being lost to heat.
How energy efficient are log homes?
Sweden has become so efficient at turning trash into energy that they have to import garbage from neighboring countries for fuel.
There is a massive underground storage facility in the Ozarks. In an old limestone mine, the facility includes more than 2.2 million square feet, and is commonly used for refrigerated storage due to the energy efficiency.
A cookstove which uses coal or gas directly to heat food is much more energy efficient than a cookstove that runs on electricity produced by a coal or gas power plant, which means that it is better for the environment to have a bbq than to cook on a conventional electric stove.
Many bird species lost the ability to fly as an adaptation to maximize energy efficiency
Refrigerators with top-mount freezers are actually more energy efficient than those with bottom-mount freezers.