Snow White facts
While investigating facts about Snow White And The Huntsman and Snow White And The Huntsman Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Lil Wayne was saved at 12 years old by a white police officer named Uncle Bob. "He was white as life was saved by a white man. I don't know what racism is. I know a good mother fucker named Uncle Bob though"
how snow white was made?
The model for Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Marge Champion, is still alive and turned 100 this year.
What's snow white's name?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's snow white's real name. Here are 50 of the best facts about Snow White With The Red Hair and Snow White Costume I managed to collect.
where is snow white at disney?
Walt Disney was presented with one normal sized honorary Oscar and seven little Oscars for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1938.
Adolph Hitler was Walt Disney' biggest fan , he thought Snow White was the best movie ever made and would draw characters near perfectly. The director of a war museum in northern Norway, said he found the drawings hidden in a painting signed "A. Hitler" that he bought at an auction in Germany.
"Operation Snow White", an operation carried out by the Church of Scientology, was one of the largest infiltration of the US government in history.
For Disney's Snow White, animators had difficulties adding the color red to Snow White's cheeks: "she looked like a clown with painted cheeks". That is until one of the ink-and-paint girls suggested they use real blush on the animation cells. Thus, every scene with Snow White has real makeup.
The Chinese equivalent of "when pigs fly" is "when the sun rises in the West." Other variants include "when the crayfish whistles" (Russian), "when the crow turns white" (Tagalog), "when the fish climbs the poplar" (Turkish), and "when it snows red snowflakes" (Hungarian).
Disney artist and animator Ruthie Thompson, who worked on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), is still alive today at age 107.
Adriana Caselotti was only paid $970 ($15,913 today) to voice Snow White in the 1937 film. She was also contractually prevented from appearing in anything else, including radio shows, virtually ending her career. Her only other roles are uncredited.
Walt Disney didn’t credit any of the voice actors in his first four films (Snow White, Pinocchio, Dumbo, and Bambi) because he wished to maintain the illusion with the audience that these characters were real.
In the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White, Snow White and the Prince forced her wicked stepmother to wear red-hot iron shoes and dance until she died at their wedding
Walt Disney had to fight to get Snow White made . His brother and business partner Roy Disney and his wife Lillian attempted to talk him out of it, and the movie industry referred to it as "Disney's Folly" while it was in production. He had to mortgage his house to help finance the film
Snow White data charts
For your convenience take a look at Snow White figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why snow white name?
You can easily fact check mystery doug why is snow white by examining the linked well-known sources.
Disney used to film real actors and draw over the video footage to animate movies like Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty
Operation Snow White was a criminal conspiracy to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard, including a series of infiltrations and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology - source
Ernest Hemmingway was gifted a 6-toed cat named Snow White. Snow White's 40-50 descendants still live at his Florida home. Over half of them also have 6 toes.
Walt Disney's staff once presented him with a cartoon on his birthday depicting Snow White having sex with the seven dwarfs. Disney applauded at the film's ingenuity and casually wondered who was responsible. When the blushing illustrators identified themselves, Disney fired them. - source
When snow white was made?
After watching Snow White together with C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien grew a massive hatred towards Walt Disney, calling him a "cheat" and his works as "vulgar" and "disgusting".
How old is snow white?
The voice actress that played Snow White, Adriana Caselotti, was forbidden by her Disney contract from appearing in films or on radio or television because it would "spoil the illusion of Snow White."
Hitler had extreme fascination with the Disney film "Snow White" and kept a copy of it in his private library.
In the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White the Evil Queen wanted to eat Snow White's organs and was forced by the newly crowned Snow White to dance to death in red-hot iron shoes in the ending.
Because of a court ruling, any movie made prior to 1953 is public domain in Japan, including many Disney movies such as Song of the South, Fantasia, Snow White, Bambi, and Cinderella. You can tape them, sell it, and legally pocket any money you make.