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Processed Meats facts

While investigating facts about Processed Meats Cancer and Processed Meats List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Chad has the world's healthiest diet even though it is an extremely poor nation. It has access to vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and fish, but almost no availability of processed meat and sugary beverages, or foods containing trans fats or sodium

how processed meats cause cancer?

Upscale steakhouses use dry-aged beef where the beef is hung on a rack to dry for several weeks. This process evaporates moisture in the muscles and promotes enzymatic breakdown of connective tissue which together yields very flavorful meat.

What's processed meats?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what processed meats cause cancer. Here are 50 of the best facts about Processed Meats Carcinogen and Processed Meats To Avoid I managed to collect.

what processed meats to avoid?

  1. Kosher salt is not called “Kosher” because the salt itself is specifically certified as kosher. Rather, Kosher salt got its name because this larger grained version of salt was used in the process of koshering meat, specifically to remove surface blood from meat.

  2. The red juice that often collects in a package of red meat is not blood, nearly all blood is removed during processing. The red liquid, instead, is a mixture of water and a protein called myoglobin

  3. Processed meat has been classified as a ‘definite’ cause of cancer (or Group 1 carcinogen) – the same group that includes smoking and alcohol because the "IARC isn’t in the business of telling us how potent something is in causing cancer – only whether it does so or not”.

  4. The reason meat & seafood in Chinese food restaurants looks, feels, and tastes different is due to a cooking process called "Velveting" in which the meat & seafood is marinated in corn starch, egg whites, & rice wine, then blanched in oil.

  5. In 2014 Hot Pockets issued a major recall after the meat in their product was found to have been processed using diseased or unfit animals. The USDA wrote the products were "unfit for human food".

  6. Due to the process of blending together beef from multiple delivery batches, a McDonald's burger patty "can be made up of the meat from more than 100 cattle"

  7. The term mothership is from the whaling trade when small, fast ships were used to chase and kill whales. The dead meat from several boats was then brought back to the larger, slower ship for processing and storage until the return to land.

  8. A serial killer in Canada was disposing of his victims’ bodies in a meat processing factory he owned and sold the remains to the community as food.

  9. In US, Carbon monoxide(toxic to humans above 35 ppm) is used in fresh meat packaging to keep them looking fresh and this process is banned in many other countries, including Japan, Singapore, and the European Union.

  10. Florence High School in Texas has a complete meat processing laboratory and full-service meat market

processed meats facts
What processed meats are bad for you?

Why processed meats are bad for you?

You can easily fact check why processed meats is unhealthy by examining the linked well-known sources.

He invented the process of dehydrating meat broth known today as bouillon.

There is an entire museum in Minnesota dedicated to the processed meat product known as SPAM - source

Major industry in Oklahoma includes natural gas, oil, meat packing, manufacturing of construction and oil equipment, mining and food processing.

A staple of meat processing is a pasty mixture called "non-specific loaf." Squeeze it into sausage casings, it's hot dogs. Put it in a larger casing, it's bologna. Add some fat cubes, it's mortadella. Add olives, and it's loaf.

Bio-engineered meat will soon become a viable food, available in stores. The process involves acquiring satellite (stem) cells from muscle tissue, forming them into myoblasts (colonies), and subjecting them to tension to induce protein synthesis. Burger is easier to grow than steak. - source

Processed meats when pregnant?

Major industry in Nebraska includes grain processing, cattle, hogs, meat packing, electronic components, pharmaceuticals, mobile homes and auto accessories.

How processed meats are made?

Marinating meat in beer can reduce the final concentration of carcinogens that are formed during the cooking process.

Pink Slime was actually in 70% of ground meat and processed meat in grocery stores in the US in 2012. Today it is banned in Europe and Canada, but is still legal in the US

‘processed meat’ is a group-1 carcinogen (highest level of cancer-causing potential in humans), along with gamma-radiation, mustard gas, formaldehyde, and arsenic. ‘Red meat’ is a group-2 carcinogen – a group that includes anabolic steroids, lead, and malaria

The Adi Tribe consider the meat of rat to be more prestigious than meat of larger vertebrates. They use dead rats as gifts and some prefer rats in the process of decay with maggots in them.

In 1927, Birdseye began to extend the process beyond fish into quick-freezing of meat, poultry, fruit, and vegetables.

Can you eat processed meat when pregnant?

The World Health Organization classified processed meat as a category one carcinogenic. That's the same group as cigarettes and plutonium...

Salami is actually a subgroup of salumi, which refers to Italian cured meats, and that salami actually applies to any type of processed meat in a casing.

The WHO Classifies Processed Meats as Group 1 Carcinogens, The Same Classification Given to Tobacco and Asbestos.

If you want to live longer, avoiding processed meat is associated with up to 35% lower mortality risk (according to a 2014 scientific study with 925k participants)

Corned beef earned its name from the salting process, where "corns" of salt were used to dry-cure the meat.

How bad are processed meats?

One in six (or 2600) new bowel cancer cases in Australia were associated with consuming too much red meat and processed meat.

54% of UK bowel cancer cases are considered preventable: 28% caused by too little fibre, 13% from processed meat (risk is 9-50% higher per 25-50g/day of processed meat intake), 11% from obesity (risk is 48% higher in men who have BMI 30+).

The meat substitute Quorn was launched as a joint venture between a bakery (Rank Hovis) and a heavy chemicals manufacturer (ICI). The process used to produce Quorn is a spin-off from ICI research into the commercial production of high protein animal feed.

The World Health Organization classified processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen - the same group as cigarettes. Processed meats include bacon, sausage, deli meats...

Food fillers are additives that help bulk up the weight of a food with less expensive ingredients, which helps keep the price down. Fillers are mainly found in the meat processing industry. Using meat fillers and extenders can lower the cost of meats by 10% to 30%

The same process is used to make both imitation crab meat and turkey burgers

"Tempura" was brought to Japan by Catholic Portuguese missionaries. Catholics traditionally avoid red meat during their holy days, which they called times or "tempora". The Japanese may have taken this to mean the food they were eating, and adopted the process.

The process the meat industry uses is creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria

The same list that classifies processed meat and red meat as carcinogens also includes alcoholic beverages, sunlight, estrogen, being a painter and being a shoe maker among a lot of other things.

Chick culling is the process of killing newly hatched baby chicks for which the meat industry has no use. It occurs in all industrialised egg production whether free range, organic, or battery cage.

Cannibalism is not illegal in the USA or UK. You may however have committed a crime in the process of acquiring the meat. Auto-cannibalism (eating yourself) is not illegal.

In 1964 a meat processing plant in Uruguay caused an outbreak of Typhoid in Scotland.

The more refined and processed a food is, the longer you can keep it past the expiration date. The exception are foods like meats

Seitan a high protein meat analogue for vegetarians main ingredients include whole wheat flour, which is kneaded and washed by hand. After processing with water which removes the starch granules, gluten is left.

19 US states have introduced bills imposing jail time for people who take video of conditions in factory farms. One of the earliest videos was a 2007 slaughterhouse in Chino, California processing sick and diseased cows; the meat was sold to the National School Lunch Program.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Processed Meats. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Processed Meats so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor