Incredible and fun facts to explore

Smartphone App facts

While investigating facts about Smartphone Apple and Smartphone Apps List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

IBM sold a smartphone with a touchscreen display input that could send emails and run third party apps in 1994

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65% of smartphone users download zero apps per month.

Favorite smartphone application is what kind of variable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a smartphone app. Here are 22 of the best facts about Smartphone App Pack and Smartphone Applications I managed to collect.

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  1. The Virgin Hotel in Chicago has no check-in desk; it uses a smartphone system in which you scan a QR code and retrieve your room key from a vending machine. The personal comfort assistant app named Lucy can order more pillows, control room temperature, and coordinate messages with hotel staff.

  2. Someone wrote a smartphone app called "Nickelblock" that plays Nickelback every time you try to look at your Ex's profile on Facebook.

  3. There is an unmanned convenience store in Sweden that works with smartphone app

  4. Before the smartphone app, Shazam was a call service that let users dial 2580 to send 30 seconds of a song over the phone, and receive the name of the song via text message. The number still works today.

  5. Someone wrote a smartphone app called “Nickelblock” that plays Nickelback every time you try to look at your Ex’s profile on Facebook.

  6. A Mum created an App called Ignore No More, that the parents can activate remotely to lock their child's smartphone so all they can do is ring emergency services... or their Mum.

  7. More than 90% of apps collect your data with your permission(terms of service). 96% of apps requested email information, 92% request access to your address book, 84% needed location permission, 52% wanted access to the smartphone’s camera, and 32% request calendar permission.

  8. In an attempt to improve Boston's third consecutive worst driver ranking, the city has introduced a "Boston's Safest Driver" competition which uses a smartphone app to measure speed, acceleration, braking, cornering, and phone distraction and awards weekly prize money.

  9. There is a smartphone app created by the government to help blind people identify the value of their bills.

smartphone app facts
What age is appropriate for a smartphone?

Smartphone App data charts

For your convenience take a look at Smartphone App figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

smartphone app fact data chart about Graph of my iPhone usage. First day with iOS 12 Beta. Graph
Graph of my iPhone usage. First day with iOS 12 Beta. Graph is multicolor to represent app usage by category/screen time. Smartphones play such a significant role in our lives, it'

smartphone app fact data chart about Apps in my smartphone plotted in PlayStore Rating-Downloads
Apps in my smartphone plotted in PlayStore Rating-Downloads format

Why apple is the best smartphone?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Constantly closing/killing apps is more detrimental to your smartphones battery life than to just let them run in the background.

The top ten flashlight apps for smartphones are all malware designed to send your information to criminals - source

In Iceland, a country with a population of 320,000 where most everyone is distantly related, to avoid accidental incest, a smartphone app lets users "bump" phones, and emits a warning alarm if they are closely related. - source

On average, the typical mobile phone user accesses content on their phone as many as 150 times a day. This number is based on a study that used a smartphone app to track smartphone usage throughout the day for two weeks.

After the removal of Flappy Bird from app stores, several merchants on eBay were offering phones which had the app pre-installed for US$1,499 or more. The listings were only removed for violating eBay's rule stating that smartphones must be restored to factory settings before being sold - source

When asked how it felt to be the smartest man alive?

There's a popular smartphone app in Iceland that warns people if they're dating a relative—preventing accidental incest.

How to create a smartphone app?

Australian customers of McDonald's can now track the progress of a meal from the actual cow that become meat in their burgers to the restaurant where they are served, all through a smartphone app called 'Track My Macca's'

I can automatically wish my friends on their birthdays on Facebook, using apps in my smartphone, so I don't have to manually do this boring job

There are metal detector smartphone apps… and they actually work

The first smartphone, an IBM prototype codenamed Angler, was debuted 1992--three years before the word itself was invented. It sent emails, ran apps, and had a working touch screen.

Smartphone app infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Smartphone App numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

smartphone app fact infographic about Apps in my smartphone plotted in Google Play Ratings-Downloa

Apps in my smartphone plotted in Google Play Ratings-Downloads format

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smartphone App. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smartphone App so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor