Android App facts
While investigating facts about Android App Store and Android App Development, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Scientists who dropped off closed boxes in a remote Ethiopian village containing tablets, taped shut, with no instructions. Within 5 months, the children had not only learned to use 47 apps, but also managed to hack the Android OS.
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In 2012 a charity dropped off boxes in a remote African village containing Xoom tablets with no instructions. Within 4 minutes a child turned one on. Within 5 days, kids were using 47 apps per child, per day. Within 2 weeks they were singing ABC songs. Within 5 months they had hacked Android.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what android app to download free music. Here are 34 of the best facts about Android App Bundle and Android Apple Music I managed to collect.
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Siri was released as a standalone app on iOS by an independent developer. They planned to release it to Android and Blackberry too, but when Apple bought it they cancelled these plans.
Android has an app store called Google Play that has recorded more than 48 billion installations of apps.
5% of Android users in the United States downloaded the Pokémon Go app within two days of it being released.
There are 389,112 possible combinations on the Android "9 dots" unlock screen, but by photographing finger oil smudges, researchers were able to get the full password 68% of the time and a partial password 92% of the time. The smudges persist even with app usage and clothing contact.
Double tapping on the app switcher button on newer Android phones lets you switch between your last used app and your current one.
Closing unused apps on your iPhone or Android doesn’t save battery life, infact, it uses it.
According to German researchers, Android apps using Silverpush software, downloaded by millions, are always on the look out for clandestine ultrasonic broadcasts which order them to begin snooping on phone users. Some retailers in Europe were found to be broadcasting such signals.
Apple did not invent Siri. It was developed as a standalone app by a separate company that intended to also release it for Android and Blackberry. Apple bought Siri two months after the app was launched, and included it on the iPhone 4S.
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How to Use All Android Apps in Your PC/LAPTOP Such As Facebook,Whatsapp and so much more.
Android App data charts
For your convenience take a look at Android App figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why android application development by examining the linked well-known sources.
'Sea Hero Quest', a free game app for Android and iPhone, that helps scientists fight the illness dementia, which so far is incurable and affects over 45 million people worldwide
How to make android app without any coding using an simple app which make app and games for you in minutes !! - source
We can install and emulate android on a windows PC very easily using virtual-box with working internet to try apps. - source
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Just got the list of best android apps you must have on your phone specially for who just buy their phones - source
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The Android app for Facebook can record audio & video at any time without any indication.
The facebook android app can record sound & video from your phone, at any time, without your consent
There is an Android app called Adult Player offers pornographic content to its users, but takes pictures of the user with the front camera while the app is open. Then locks your phone, and demands you pay a ransom of $500 (£330) or it will send the pictures to your contacts in your phone.
The most expensive Android app once cost a staggering $426.711,76.
Android app infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Android App numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.